终于看完一百多页的巨贴....被Duke吸引了~觉得那个做新闻报道的club很有趣的。而且Duke的校园活动很丰富,那个游泳池实在太爽了....感谢各位dukies提供了那么多信息~~~! 不过弱问几句: 1.Duke现在有ED加三轮的申请,如果申请ED的话,录取率会不会明显比第一轮和第二轮高?如果申请ED成功交了deposit但没有最后去,除了损失$3000还会不会有其他方面的影响?例如诚信方面 2.另外想请教一下对今年essay one和essay three的理解。这两篇essay都涉及到为什么要选Duke,貌似第一篇少一些,但我觉得还是有一点点重复。 1. Describe your vision for your career, your inspiration for pursuing this career path, and the role of The Duke MBA in achieving your goals. If you are interested in a specific concentration or joint degree program, please discuss in this essay. -> The role of The Duke MBA 应该也要提一下为什么选Duke吧?不过我是想读金融的,还想报其他一些比较偏金融的学校,在online application那里也要填。adcom会不会相信我想读金融但不选其他金融方面名气更大的学校而选Duke吖? 3. Individuals choose a business school for many different reasons. Through your research, what attributes or characteristics of The Duke MBA program have most resonated with you and why? How do you plan to contribute to the strengthening and enhancement of those attributes and characteristics during your time at Duke and beyond? -> 是不是写选Duke的原因及其特色,和你将会对strengthening这些特色做出什么贡献? 3. yiled rate是不是 最后enroll的人数/学校发offer的数量 的比率吖?
谢谢各位热心人~~! |