请教各位dukies,在学校网站上看到 Fuqua has announced a new Energy and Environment concentration track,能不能介绍一下关于这个新开设的方向的一些情况呢?比如为什么会开这个新方向?DUKE在这个方向有什么优势?这个方向的同学就业前景如何? 有哪些比较大的能源企业会到校园招聘或提供internship?
2. Fuqua有7个研究中心,其中一个是Corporate Sustainability Initiative:The Corporate Sustainability Initiative is a joint venture between Duke's Nicholas School of Environment, Fuqua School of Business, and the Nicholas Institute of Environmental Policy Solutions with a two-fold mission: advance the theory and practice of corporate sustainability, and enable the next generation of sustainable business leaders.可以为该方向的学生提供很多的学习机会和资源,具体参见 http://www.nicholas.duke.edu/csi/