Describe your vision for your career, your inspiration for pursuing this career path, and the role of The Duke MBA in achieving your goals. If you are interested in a specific concentration or joint degree program, please discuss in this essay. 想请教这篇文章多大篇幅呢?字数一般范围是多少呢?
Discuss a person, event, or experience that has significantly shaped your life and explain why. 可以是关于求学、工作、生活任一方面的事情吗?篇幅?
Individuals choose a business school for many different reasons. Through your research, what attributes or characteristics of The Duke MBA program have most resonated with you and why? How do you plan to contribute to the strengthening and enhancement of those attributes and characteristics during your time at Duke and beyond? 这是要给duke唱赞歌吗?要强调duke的优点还好我能带来的贡献呢?篇幅?