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[校友答疑] Den of Blue Devils - DUKE申请答疑帖

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发表于 2009-9-30 18:42:00 | 只看该作者

请问琥珀川 如果Duke不是你的第一选择,那最好别申请Early Action。如果你被EA录取了却不撤回其他学校的申请,学校会知道的,那你就麻烦了,诚信有了问题后果就严重了,商学院的圈子很小的,录取委员会的都互相认识。学校既然要求你撤回其他申请,那么自然有办法知道你有没有这样做,所以最好别抱有侥幸心理为妙。”


发表于 2009-9-30 21:50:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用azh826在2009/9/30 18:42:00的发言:

请问琥珀川 如果Duke不是你的第一选择,那最好别申请Early Action。如果你被EA录取了却不撤回其他学校的申请,学校会知道的,那你就麻烦了,诚信有了问题后果就严重了,商学院的圈子很小的,录取委员会的都互相认识。学校既然要求你撤回其他申请,那么自然有办法知道你有没有这样做,所以最好别抱有侥幸心理为妙。”


1.Fuqua 为国际学生提供全额(学费加生活费)无担保贷款,所以不存在“有没有”loan的问题

2. Scholarship是merit-based的,不会因为你拿了offer就必须来就不给你scholarship. 当然,你有权不相信学校会那样做,那么你就别申请EA,申请Round 1 or Round 2 好了

3.如果一旦接到offer,那么你只有两个选择:接受offer, 或者今年就不读MBA了

有人说听起来像霸王条款,此言差矣!没有人强迫你必须申请EA,如果Duke不是你的第一选择,尽管申请Round 1 or Round 2好了,就这么简单。

发表于 2009-9-30 23:57:00 | 只看该作者
请问 Adcom那个白人大妈的名字叫啥来着,年龄好像挺大
发表于 2009-10-2 11:02:00 | 只看该作者
请问这里有哪位学长是毕业后在国内工作的? 我想了解一下dukeMBA在国内和香港的受欢迎度,特别是在管理咨询领域。alumni网络在数量和质量上是个什么情况。 其实一直想跟中国同学会的主席联系,但找不到联系方式:(

另外还想问一问,在durham没有车会不会很不方便? 是住校内或附近不养车合算还是住远一点但养辆车方便呢? 

琥珀兄知道fuqua的免担保贷款收多少的利息吗?那个merit based的奖学金大概有多少钱?每年能有多少人拿到呢? GMAT750应该很有机会拿到吧?
发表于 2009-10-3 15:03:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Zoolantz在2009/10/2 11:02:00的发言:
请问这里有哪位学长是毕业后在国内工作的? 我想了解一下dukeMBA在国内和香港的受欢迎度,特别是在管理咨询领域。alumni网络在数量和质量上是个什么情况。 其实一直想跟中国同学会的主席联系,但找不到联系方式:(

另外还想问一问,在durham没有车会不会很不方便? 是住校内或附近不养车合算还是住远一点但养辆车方便呢? 

琥珀兄知道fuqua的免担保贷款收多少的利息吗?那个merit based的奖学金大概有多少钱?每年能有多少人拿到呢? GMAT750应该很有机会拿到吧?

Currently we have 200+ duke MBA alumni working in mainland China, in various industries and functions.  In terms of consulting, almost every year duke guy would get offer from top 3 consulting firms.  As to the job opportunity in consulting, it purely depends on your personal competency.  Duke brand equity can enhance your chance, however the critical factor is your own capability.

You must have a car to live in Durham, your life there is not just study+sleep, you'll have a lot social activities.  Living there without car would be a tough game, btw, it's not scaring to drive, right? You'll enjoy it!

Interest rate for no-cosign needed loan varies across the year also, and it's a floting rate as well.  Typical rate across top b-school in U.S would be prime rate + premium, the premium ranges from 2-5%. 

Merit based scholarship also depends on the fund availability, someone may get 1/2, 1/4, even 1/8... Not many Chinese can get it.  High GMAT can't guarantee you anything, not offer, let alone the scholarship.

Do your homework, try your best to present yourself in the essay, you'll achieve your goal!  Best luck

发表于 2009-10-3 16:10:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Duke2009在2009/10/3 15:03:00的发言:

Currently we have 200+ duke MBA alumni working in mainland China, in various industries and functions.  In terms of consulting, almost every year duke guy would get offer from top 3 consulting firms.  As to the job opportunity in consulting, it purely depends on your personal competency.  Duke brand equity can enhance your chance, however the critical factor is your own capability.

You must have a car to live in Durham, your life there is not just study+sleep, you'll have a lot social activities.  Living there without car would be a tough game, btw, it's not scaring to drive, right? You'll enjoy it!

Interest rate for no-cosign needed loan varies across the year also, and it's a floting rate as well.  Typical rate across top b-school in U.S would be prime rate + premium, the premium ranges from 2-5%. 

Merit based scholarship also depends on the fund availability, someone may get 1/2, 1/4, even 1/8... Not many Chinese can get it.  High GMAT can't guarantee you anything, not offer, let alone the scholarship.

Do your homework, try your best to present yourself in the essay, you'll achieve your goal!  Best luck


发表于 2009-10-4 07:36:00 | 只看该作者
请问duke Marketing有哪些有名的教授和课程?有没有专门针对marketing in hi-tech & global marketing的faculty和课程? 谢谢!
发表于 2009-10-4 07:50:00 | 只看该作者

谢谢你提供的信息。 没想到duke mba在国内有那么多的校友。估计过几年会更多的。利率可不低啊,还是把希望寄托在能收到有奖学金的offer上吧。
发表于 2009-10-4 07:54:00 | 只看该作者
同问一下在entrepreneurship和risk management方面有特色或有影响力的课程和教授。 如果能把具体名字写到Essay里去应该能加分的。
发表于 2009-10-4 12:51:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Zoolantz在2009/10/4 7:54:00的发言:
同问一下在entrepreneurship和risk management方面有特色或有影响力的课程和教授。 如果能把具体名字写到Essay里去应该能加分的。


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