Some information for applicants: FUQUA的curriculum * Introduction of Fuqua curriculum 拿Term 1的curriculum举例: Term 1包括1周的ILE1(Intergrative Leadership & Ethics),由FUQUA的COLE(Center of Leadership & Ethics)主持。包括1天的户外以及4天的课堂学习。课堂学习包括10个Cases。户外活动包括很多Teamworking的联系(如果同学参加过户外拓展训练,应该有所了解)。值得一提的是最后一个FUQUA的传统项目,每年400多个Fuqua学生要互相协助爬过一个4米多高的木墙,没有任何工具。你站在墙下面,根本不会相信你自己能爬上去,但是实际结果出乎意外。每个同学要托4位同学上去,然后是自己,在墙上要拉4位同学,所有其他的同学围在墙前呐喊。这就是Team Fuqua! 每个人都有自己不可逾越的困难,但是Teamwork makes it. FUQUA历年最快的纪录是400多位学生90分钟完成越墙的任务,今天Section5,6用了31分钟,但愿下两批同学能打破纪录。 Team Fuqua! 结束一周的ILE之后,就是第一个Term的core courses. a) Managerial Effectiveness类似于组织行为学,全部使用Case,加上一次劳资双方谈判的课堂模拟。 b) Computer Skills关于工具的使用,主要是Excel。全部采用理论教学。 c) Managerial Economices类似于微观经济学。采用理论教学+案例教学. d) Decision Science 311 关于概率统计以及回归分析。Case-based approach. * A letter from Dean about Curriculum innovation Last year, in the spirit of educational innovation and continuous improvement (“kaizen”), the Fuqua faculty approved the broad outlines of a far-reaching set of changes to our curriculum at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business. This academic year is to be the year of developing the finer implementation plans for this new curriculum. I want you to know that the Curriculum Implementation Committee that I named, Deputy Dean Will Mitchell and Associate Deans Bill Boulding and Jennifer Francis, have done a tremendous amount of fine work this summer in preparing their first set of recommendations for the new curriculum. They have worked very hard and quite closely with the Area Coordinators of each functional area to develop some excellent proposals that I would guess will end up being largely implemented, possibly with some modifications. Thanks a bunch, Will, Bill and Jennifer! When the faculty approved the Curriculum Task Force’s innovative proposals a few months ago, in Spring 2006, our plan was to spend this entire academic year, 2006-2007, developing the implementation plans and then implementing them in the following year, 2007-2008. It is well-known that if major curricular changes are not well thought out and well-implemented, students’ experiences and educations can actually be hurt, rather than helped. So proper planning and very careful implementation are keys to successful curriculum change. At Duke’s Fuqua School, our focus is on “quality, quality, quality,” so we want to take the time to do this implementation extraordinarily well. At this point, the Curriculum Implementation Committee has readied proposals with regard to (1) “Concentrations” and (2) a “Flex Term” that has 3 key courses taught for first-year students (students could take only 1 of the 3). Each course would be taught in one intensive week in December (after exams), followed by one in January (before classes start for Term 3). I understand that both of these possible innovations were preliminarily communicated to first year MBAs last week. Many of us believe that these innovations, if done well, will likely help our students succeed in the hectic, but important first-year job market. While innovations such as these are likely to be quite positive for Fuqua if done well, I want you all to know that we have more discussion and possible revision that must take place before these are implemented. As most of the committee’s work was done this summer, these proposals have not yet been presented either to the Curriculum Committee, to the Dean’s Executive Committee of the Faculty, or to the full faculty. In our By-Laws, the Curriculum Committee must review and approve any such major change in the curriculum. It is crucial that these committees review and critique the proposals, prior to our implementing them, as they have a great deal of knowledge about education and we all want to make sure that we do this as well as we possibly can. Additionally, our Chief Financial Officer, Associate Dean Jill Worthington, must conduct a review of the budgetary implications of the proposed new curriculum and report those to the Dean. The Dean must determine that this is financially feasible and responsible for this to proceed. Thus, during the next few weeks, the Curriculum Committee will review these proposals, as will the Dean’s Executive Committee of the Faculty, the Chief Financial Officer and the Dean, and affirmation or revision will take place. The final proposals will likely be presented to the full faculty as well. After that, we will finalize and implement our plans. We want current students to benefit from some of these innovations, if we are able to finalize them ahead of our original schedule and in time to be helpful. Thus, we will attempt to move quickly, but prudently in these final steps of revision and approval. I hope that we are able to have some results in the next 4-8 weeks. And yet, I am sure that there are some aspects of the major curricular change that will take the entire academic year to develop prior to implementation in the coming academic year. That’s where we are on the proposed changes in the curriculum. Nothing is done yet, but we are well along and have some excellent proposals that, with possible revisions, will likely be implemented in the coming year. As always, we appreciate your comments and suggestions. I hope this sounds like a prudent approach to you all and that this helps you to know where we stand. With best regards, Doug Breeden, Dean
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-22 11:36:13编辑过] |