真是太夸张了,看了这题不同的讨论帖,经过多年仍然没有定论, 想了很久,我决定还是用句意来理解,选A, 理由如下: 首先针对文法的部分, Although improved efficiency in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices, thereby boosting consumption.
A. in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices, thereby boosting (it当主词倍受争议) B. in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest rates, demand will be stimulated because of increasing supply and lowering prices, which boost (because of +v-ing是ETS最讨厌的结构,以及which应该仅指代prices) 另外个人觉得A中的 , thereby boosting是很完美的结构,不存在歧义,且是ETS的偏好,所以没列为争议点 B中的because of increasing supply and lowering prices真的是看了太不开心了,怎么也没办法说它对呀! 再来,句意!句意是最高原则,来翻一下: A: 虽然将trees转换wood的效率提升可能减少harvest rates,(但)此提升的效率(it=improved efficiency)将能藉由增加供给和降低价格来stimulate demand,因此可以boosting consumption B: 虽然将trees转换wood的效率提升可能减少harvest rates,(但)因为增加供给和降低价格(此价格的降低可以boosting consumption),需求将能被刺激 B不太会翻,不过直觉来看which boost...不是一个很好的结构,which又不能指代increasing supply and lowering prices只能指代prices呀! 所以还是选A |