以下是引用qiuping2006fr在2006-6-26 17:05:00的发言:154. 有beef, turkey, ham三种面包;有三种果酱(具体忘了是什么了);有草莓cheese, 苹果cheese, 或没有cheese;有两种调料可分别加入,同时加入或不加入。问加入cheese的ham和没有cheese的beef, turkey共有多少种选择? (题目应该较为准确) 我选48种(应该没错, 3*2*4+2*3*4=48)(题目很长,很绕,大家可以记住答案) Anyone can tell me how to do this question? Please help me! my test day is tomorrow. Thanks! Ditto ONLY IF it's clearly stated that exatly 1 kind of jam must be added. Otherwise the 3's in the formula has to be relaced by either 4 (if you can choose not to have jam, but can't have more than 1 kind of jam) or 8 (if you can choose to have no jam, or any combination of jams). |