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费费 29 + 51

发表于 2003-10-2 06:54:00 | 只看该作者

费费 29 + 51

29. The price of a full-fare coach ticket from Toronto to Dallas on Breezeway Airlines is the same today as it was a year ago, if inflation is taken into account by calculating prices in constant dollars. However, today 90 percent of the Toronto-to-Dallas coach tickets that Breezeway sells are discount tickets and only 10 percent are full-fare tickets, whereas a year ago half were discount tickets and half were full-fare tickets. Therefore, on average, people pay less today in constant dollars for a Breezeway Toronto-to-Dallas coach ticket than they did a year ago.
Which one of the following, if assumed, would allow the conclusion above to be properly drawn?
(A) A Toronto-to-Dallas full-fare coach ticket on Breezeway Airlines provides ticket-holders with a lower level of service today than such a ticket provided a year ago.
(B) A Toronto-to-Dallas discount coach ticket on Breezeway Airlines costs about the same in constant dollars as they did a year ago.
(C) All full-fare coach tickets on Breezeway Airlines cost the same in constant dollars as they did a year ago.
(D) The average number of coach passengers per flight that Breezeway Airlines carries from Toronto to Dallas today is higher than the average number per flight a year ago.
(E) The criteria that Breezeway Airlines uses for permitting passengers to buy discount coach tickets on the Toronto-to-Dallas route are different today than they were a year ago.

Answer is: B.
C 好像也挺好呀!一年前的 the cost of full-fare coach tickets == 现在的 full-fare coach tickets,不也可以得到结论吗:on average, people pay less today in constant dollars for a Breezeway Toronto-to-Dallas coach ticket than they did a year ago.

51. People who have political power tend to see new technologies as a means of extending or protecting their power, whereas they generally see new ethical arguments and ideas as a threat to it. Therefore, technical ingenuity usually brings benefits to those who have this ingenuity, whereas ethical inventiveness brings only pain to those who have this inventiveness.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most strengthens the argument?
(A) Those who offer new ways of justifying current political power often reap the benefits of their own innovations.
(B) Politically powerful people tend to reward those who they believe are useful to them and to punish those who they believe are a threat.
(C) Ethical inventiveness and technical ingenuity are never possessed by the same individuals
(D) New technologies are often used by people who strive to defeat those who currently have political power.
(E) Many people who possess ethical inventiveness conceal their novel ethical arguments for fear of retribution by the politically powerful.

answer is B, 怎么来的? C 什么不对呢? 是不是因为 never, 而文章里是usually.

发表于 2003-10-2 10:33:00 | 只看该作者

29。 涉及两种 ticket, full-fare coach ticket 和  discount coach tickets. 原文只提了full-fare coach ticket 的 cost (第一句), 没提 discount coach tickets 的 cost, 所以需要这个假设。
发表于 2003-10-2 10:54:00 | 只看该作者
29. 题目只给出了TORONTO-DALLAS 的全价票价格不变, 并没有说该航空公司其他线路所有的全价票价格不变,所以C不对.
发表于 2003-10-2 11:02:00 | 只看该作者
51. B 是明显的桥梁型加强.
例如, 科学天才 ------    好处, 之间架一个桥梁便是Politically powerful people  reward them.

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-3 12:52:00 | 只看该作者


No.29 is very clear!
No.51 still confused. Could you explain this to me:
technical ingenuity usually brings benefits to those who have this ingenuity, whereas ethical inventiveness brings only pain to those who have this inventiveness.
(those who have this ingenuity 是 People who have political power ?)
many thanks!
发表于 2003-10-3 14:35:00 | 只看该作者
technical ingenuity usually brings benefits to those who have this ingenuity, 是指拥有科学天份的人,这种天份会带给他们(指他们自己,非有政治权力的人)好处,这里存在一个ASSUMPTION:Politically powerful people tend to reward those who they believe are useful to them ;

同理,ethical inventiveness 也会给拥有它们的人带来痛苦,ASSUMPTION:Politically powerful people tend to punish those who they believe are a threat.

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-4 23:48:00 | 只看该作者

谢谢楼上的 mm, 偶明白了!
发表于 2003-10-5 11:47:00 | 只看该作者


以下是引用merlion在2003-10-2 10:33:00的发言:

29。 涉及两种 ticket, full-fare coach ticket 和  discount coach tickets. 原文只提了full-fare coach ticket 的 cost (第一句), 没提 discount coach tickets 的 cost, 所以需要这个假设。

在哪里有FULL-FARE COACH TICKET的COST呢?我怎么没有看到。这到题我也错了,不过现在仔细一看我看出来了,C中多了一个ALL,题中只是提到一条线路,描述的范围被扩大了,所以不对。凡是出现极端词汇如ALL, SOLY,WHOLE,ONLY等的选项都应该小心。
发表于 2013-10-6 19:13:41 | 只看该作者
题中并没有直接提到discount coach tickets 的price会有不同。但是提到了前后两年都有discount,而这个discount的幅度,并没有说明,只说第二年90%的票都是discount ticket,但如果这只打了8折,而上一年虽然有50%的票是discount ticket,但是如果这打了4折呢,就反而第一年更便宜了。
我当时错选了D,因为觉得应该有个假设大概意思得是 不能第二年卖出去的票大部分都是那10%的全价票 而第一年卖出去的都是折价票。
现在看来这个假设是不必要的,因为结论里说的是average cost, 经过简单计算就知道,还是第二年更便宜。
发表于 2020-2-7 16:31:31 | 只看该作者
enjoygmat2013 发表于 2013-10-6 19:13
题中并没有直接提到discount coach tickets 的price会有不同。但是提到了前后两年都有discoun ...

可是没有必要 about the same 呀,可以后一年的打 的折大于等于吧,也就是正确项取非后结论不一定推翻呀
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