B) Physicians today typically have a wider range of options in diagnosis and
treatment to consider with the patient before prescribing.
B is correct for the following reason:
B is correct for the following reason:
Because doctors now have more options and so they have to spend more time on each patient. As a result,they have the perception that they don't have enough time when actually they are spending more time on each patient.
我支持C,不知道有没人注意到 office visit 和night and weekend work的区别啊。patient感觉到office visit 时间增加了,那是因为physicians把responsibility of night and weekend work移到office visit的时间来的缘故。同时由于physicians不再有responsibility of night and weekend work,所以他们会感觉到时间not enough.
the question is asking how to solve the doctor's perception with the actual time spent.The doctors are feeling that the insurance company is requiring too much time to document thus they will spend not enough time with patients, but actually they are spending more time with patients.