I just met this in the sample test provided by princeton review cracking the gmat 1996 edition - old book, I chose B and the answer is B,
I am quoting the explanation provided:
"This is an analogy argument. The magazine-like houseware catalog is being launched because the company expects it to appeal to the same upscale clientele that its clothing catalog appealed to. The key word in the passage that might have alerted you to the analogy was the word "same". The assumption on which this argument depends is that the two catalogues are analogous - that it actually will attract the same clientele. ACDE are all outside the scope of the argument. The correct answer is choice B."
and - since i am doing an old book from back in 1996 (paper based testing prevailed at that time - and it was believed that the questions that appear at the beginning of a session should be the easiest - this question - in the sample test section 5 - is the FIRST question.
so i prefer to think NNs are thinking too much
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