以下是引用buda在2008-6-3 10:14:00的发言:其实这道题D选项sunjie已经说的很清楚了。附上我的进一步分析
2. GWD-27-Q2:S
Electronic computer chips made of tiny silicon wafers now regularly contain millions of electronic switches. Unfortunately, electronic switches that are this small cannot withstand intense radiation. Micro-Mechanics plans to produce a chip that, because it uses only microscopic mechanical switches, will be invulnerable to radiation damage. The switches will, however, be slower than electronic switches and the chip will contain only 12,000 switches.
For there to be a market for Micro-Mechanics’ chip as a result of the apparent advantage described above, each of the following would have to be true EXCEPT:
A. There will be applications in which the speed attainable by an electronic switch is not essential.
B. Switches used on electronic chips that contain only 12,000 switches are more vulnerable to radiation damage than the switches on Micro-Mechanics’ chip will be.
C. There will be applications for computer chips in environments where the chips may have to survive intense radiation.
D. Some devices in which computer chips will be used will have other components that will be able to function during or after exposure to radiation.
E. Manufacturers are able to protect electronic computer chips against exposure to intense radiation, where this protection is necessary.
解析:原文推理:electronic switches不能忍受intense radiation,Micro-Mechanics’ chip可以忍受,但是slower than electronic switches,结论说Micro-Mechanics’ chip有市场,也就是说就算慢也可以
思路:要加强有市场,就要强调Micro-Mechanics’ chip能够抗击radiation damage的优点,淡化速读慢的缺点。
B:相同的速读下electronic chips比Micro-Mechanics’ chip更脆弱,加强了Micro-Mechanics’ chip抗击radiation damage的能力
C:chips may have to survive intense radiation说明抗击radiation damage很重要,因此有市场
D:错误是认为其他组成部分是否能够忍受radiation damage和Micro-Mechanics’ chip有市场无关。但是这个选项说明使用Micro-Mechanics’ chip没有副作用。之前使用electronic switches的时候因为不能忍受intense radiation,所以只能在弱radiation的情况下使用,现在换成了Micro-Mechanics’ chip,也就是说可以在强radiation下使用,但是如果装置中的其他零件不能忍受强radiation的话,就算是换上了Micro-Mechanics’ chip也不能用,所以也就没有市场了。这个选项排除了这种情况。
E:正确,很明显的错误,electronic computer chips可以被保护不受radiation damage,那么就不需要Micro-Mechanics’ chip了,削弱结论