以下是引用orange2005在2006-2-22 8:42:00的发言:翻译得好! 看看OG对D项的解释: The study indicates that common lands are in better shape than private lands. The best answer, D, indicates that, contrary to Hardin’s claim, it is in each rancher’s self-interest not to overuse common land, which would explain why common lands are in relatively good shape. D项这句话,到了OG的解释里,怎么就变成了“是每个rancher自己的兴趣来决定他不会去过度使用公共草地”呢?--这个逻辑的弯是怎么拐过来的? 
orange,我的理解是这样的。interest 有“利益”的意思。这里 in each rancher’s self-interest ,即in one's interest可以理解为“在某人的利益范围内”. it是形式主语,代overuse common land。我把他还原一下,可能你就更清楚了。
it is in each rancher’s self-interest not to overuse common land。
还原:overuse common land is in each rancher’s self-interest 。
因为费用是平摊的,所以他们不会使劲地用common land 。