LAYWER-1 大仙讲的JUSTIFY CONCLUSION题型中说也可以是充分性题型,也就是那个选项使结论合理推出。其TEST为:前提+答案=结论。和一般的假设题不一样?我怎么死活看不出有什么不一样啊,都是架桥的必要条件啊!例题有,大家说说有什么不同啊?
19. Even though most universities retain the royalties from faculty members’ inventions, the faculty members retain the royalties from books and articles they write. Therefore, faculty members should retain the royalties from the educational computer software they develop. The conclusion above would be more reasonably drawn if which of the following were inserted into the argument as an additional premise? A. Royalties from inventions are higher than royalties from educational software programs. B. Faculty members are more likely to produce educational software programs than inventions. C. Inventions bring more prestige to universities that do books and articles. D. In the experience of most universities, educational software programs are more marketable that are books and articles. E. In terms of the criteria used to award royalties, educational software programs are more nearly comparable to books and articles than to inventions.
92. According to the new office smoking regulations, only employees who have enclosed office may smoke at their desks. Virtually all employees with enclosed offices are at the professional level, and virtually all secretarial employees lack enclosed offices. Therefore, secretaries who smoke should be offered enclosed offices.
Which of the following is an assumption that enables the conclusion above to be properly drawn?
(A) Employees at the professional level who do not smoke should keep their enclosed offices.
(B) Employees with enclosed offices should not smoke at their desks, even though the new regulations permit them to do so.
(C) Employees at the secretarial level should be allowed to smoke at their desks, even if they do not have enclosed
(D) The smoking regulations should allow all employees who smoke an equal opportunity to do so, regardless of an employee’s job level.
(E) The smoking regulations should provide equal protection from any hazards associated with smoking to all employees who do not smoke.