以下是引用siebel在2003-4-1 7:40:00的发言: 多谢前辈指点!感激涕零,如有机会,当共饮二锅头。几个问题,还想请教:
1. RC a. What's the main purpose of the background reading? To accumulate words, train the language feeling, or increase the reading comprehension?
There are lots of benefits you can get from background reading, such as: familiar with the wording, structure, etc. The biggest benefit I think is: to make you read faster and more accurate. If you understand what is the author talking about, then no doubt you will read it faster.
b. Words. Should I look up the dictionary for most of the new words I meet in the article? After that, should I memorize them? If so, it will be very slow to read. Maybe one article per day. Is that good enough for GMAT?
When you read, try your best to guess. After you finish, then go back and collect those words. I'm not sure about other articles, but you need to remember those words that appreared on previous GMAT RC test. Regarding the time effort, it depends on your overall plan. Idealy, 0.5-1 hour per day is necessary, not including memorize new words' time.
c. Sentences. As you know, we can catch the meaning after several sentences of the article. When I know what the author want to say, in most cases, I will neglect the difficult sentences subconsciously because they cannot prohibit my understanding. Unfortunately, it's likely most of these difficult sentences are the testing points.
Then spend some time on it. Actually all parts of GMAT are highly related. That means, if you SC is weak, that will hinder your RC. I think once you work hard on SC, especially understand the structure, you will find improvement in this area.
Thank you! I'm scared by LZM because sometimes LZM would like to explain the items using his Probability Rules instead of common sense. For example: LZM mentioned, in GMAT, 90% of "rather than" is better than "instead of". However, in his exercise tests, he may select the item directly with "rather than" instead of "instead of" without any other explanation. The same situation is occured in the difference between "as" and "like".
That's why I decided to begin OG. I haven't found OG use such probability as necessity until now. I feel a little more convenient. I don't dare to use LZM's axiom except I couldn't find other faults in the sentence.
After I'm armed with OG and have enough immunity, I think I may get more untrition from LZM. May I know your opinion again? tks.
Honestly, I haven't tried your approach. What I worry about is: how can you verify your progress in SC without OG as a teststone?
So depressed...... It's 750. Not type error...... I understand it seems almost impossible with current situation.
I read a lot of JJ in which high hope and self-estimation and low mark occured simultaneously. I'm afraid the same scene may play on myself again. If so, I have to take the exam again in Aug. or Sep. after my TOEFL. If the same result occured ...
I have to say GMAT is still a reliable source to test your intelligence. JJ may improve your score a little, but donj't count too much on it. I'm not sure your background, but based on your current status (not the score, the way you prepare and understand GMAT), it's highly unlikely you will get 750 in May. Try to focus on break into 700 mark will be more reasonable.
Dear Ms./Mr. chipmunk, would you please show me one or two examples how to really understand the GMAT questions? I understand such thing is a kind of 只可意会. However, just try and see whether I can understand and grasp your main spirit of learning. I greatly appreciate your help.
Actually, it's just about your learning approach. GMAT is just one of many things. First of all, you need to have good enough material, then have a solid study plan, then start your plan. After say two weeks, verify your progress by review the questions that you answered wrong. Then figure out why you made those mistakes, then find a way to improve your weak area, then verify again. It's a process.