Thank you very much for reply! :-) Where can I find the MINI VAN route information online? I would like to get its schedule and route, but I did not find it on GSB website. Would you offer me the link or relevant information... :-) I will live near the campus sport ground (56th St), so I really do not want to drive to downtown for the evening/weekend classes... :-)
Thanks a lot! =================
是啊,欢迎回来上课。:D 我是听N多行政人员(包括DEAN)说的,不会有错吧。你可以问问ALUMNI OFFICE,他们应该有细节。 有直达的公共汽车和METRA到城里,差不多10分钟一班,坐的人很多,只要你不住在HYDE PARK畸角旮旯的地方,都还比较安全。校内到HYDE PARK任何地方都有公车,晚上6点到10点商学院有专门的MINI VAN。