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看过来呀看过来:芝加哥大学商学院(Chicago GSB)MBA在此摆摊喽

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发表于 2006-2-1 15:29:00 | 只看该作者

5) 该校教职员工与学生之间交流不多,都只闭门做研究,真正的诺奖获得者是不和MBA学生打交道的。

哈,这一条不知道是谁说的。看来对芝大是相当不了解。看来conventional visdom有时候真的是以讹传讹。

今天下午我还上了Gary Becker的课。这门课专门讨论经济学分析对public policy 的影响。课堂上满满的都是MBA学生。老先生虽然满头白发,但思路非常清晰。讲课的方式就和学生讨论。课间休息去找他聊天,还说起关于中国的知识产权问题。。。是诺贝尔奖,但也是个可亲的老先生。

在这里快两年了,对芝大的深度越来越有体会, 也越来越佩服这个学校的容量。诺贝尔奖,只是一种光环。当你真的接触到这个光环下面的思考,而且这些思考还有充裕的生命力,自然就会被感染。

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-1 15:30:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用shifeng1119在2006-2-1 15:10:00的发言:
Does UChicago mainly recruit applicants with a dazzling W/E background, or a diverse collection of former career experiences?

I don't have a dazzling background--not IB/MC or Fortune 500, nor founder of NASDAQ-traded firm... My classmates are from quite diverse industries: while finance is definitely a key area (because of the large applicant base), there are also government, legal, high-tech, marketing, name it.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-1 16:26:41编辑过]
发表于 2006-2-1 15:37:00 | 只看该作者

我的背景是生物技术研发, wwwzzz的背景是public relations, 我们还有一个好朋友来读商学院之前是物理学博士。。。这都是中国同学,美国同学就更多了。。。

发表于 2006-2-1 15:45:00 | 只看该作者
I am currently working in the U.S. and I am thinking about applying for evening MBA at Chicago GSB. Do you have any information about evening MBA? I head evening MBA students have the same interview opportunities as full-time MBA students. to swith jobs upon graduation. How's the job hunting progress for those evening MBA students who are from China and currently working in the US? Does the evening MBA program offer the same courses as full-time MBA? As far as I know, Chicago GSB's part-time MBA program is ranked second in the US by US News & World Report. I think evening MBA is a pretty good choice for working professionals. Any information about evening MBA will be highly appreciated. Thanks a lot!
 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-1 15:53:00 | 只看该作者



学习负担方面,我们的自由选课制度允许你给自己“地狱”般的两年,也允许你给自己放两年大假,就看你感兴趣的是什么方向了,当然绝大多数人会选择比较平衡的中间道路--finance, accounting, economics, strategy, marketing, managerial organizational behavior,每样菜都来几道。

当然学校有规定三门基础必修课(financial accounting, microeconomics和statistics)以及至少四门breadth课(4 out of 6 of: Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Macroeconomics, Managerial Accounting, Marketing Management和Operations Management),此外,随心所欲。。。

课外活动和社交机会方面,这么说吧:it all depends on you。如果本身不喜欢交际,Chicago或是其他学校也没办法变出一个social butterfly来。但对大多数同学来说,机会不是不够,而是多得忙不过来,特别是在recruiting season。新的大楼投入使用后,大家交流的机会增加了不少:有官方的,例如每周五蔚为壮观的主题LPF和每周三的coffee hour,也有学生团体自己组织的什么ski trip, Thursday Night Drinking Club, Cultural Diversity Fair, Asian food tasting party, speed-dating, poker night, Halloween party, BBQ, KaraOke competition, Follies!(即年度文艺汇报演出)等等。。。

学生私下自己搞的扒蹄也相当多,主要是因为大部分一年级和相当多的二年级同学住在一个公寓楼里面(著名的Regents Park),端着菜盆和饮料穿着T恤短裤拖鞋互相串门是常有的事。另外公寓还设有专供应商学院/医学院/法学院学生使用的“会所”,周末经常都被预订掉。中国同学之间的聚会基本是每周一次(最近升级到每周两次,大家比较珍惜毕业前这一个半学期的时光),毕竟芝加哥冬季漫长,大家更要多在室内玩玩闹闹,打发时光了:)

发表于 2006-2-1 15:53:00 | 只看该作者


这一条吗, 半对。

学习负担重,是真的。芝大的课都比较难,work load 比较重 (我没去别的学校上过课,所以其实也不能说别的学校就轻松), 只能是相对的吧。



日:新年联欢晚会 (肚皮都笑破了),喝酒唱歌至深夜两点。。


四:"going around the world"  dinner. -- 决心要把芝加哥的各国风味都吃到-- 今天晚上是黎巴嫩风味晚餐。



 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-1 15:55:00 | 只看该作者
哈哈,大家可以看出,课程负担重与否,完全取决于个人选择了吧?我就绝对属于the light side。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-1 15:56:37编辑过]
发表于 2006-2-1 15:59:00 | 只看该作者

关于课程,补充一点,我是属于“自残”型的,所以选课会偏重。 要是你不可惜每节课至少300美元的学费,那随便混混其实也很轻松

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-1 16:06:00 | 只看该作者



一方面Hyde Park确实是一个犯罪率比较高的地区。但校园内还是很安全的,警车常驻。另一方面商学院学生基本都不住在危险地区(60街附近,一般人没事不会到那些地方溜达),而是在社区的边缘靠近湖的几个大公寓里(50街,商学院本身是在58街,离60街隔着很宽的马路),要么就是downtown或Northside。上学放学白天有15-25分钟一班的校车(免费),晚上有20分钟一班的商学院专用的mini van,实在没车还可以打电话让警察escort你回家。反正我没感觉有什么可怕的,尽管本人是出名的胆小如鼠(说好听了是risk-adverse)。

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-1 16:10:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用gtbsrd2在2006-2-1 15:45:00的发言:
I am currently working in the U.S. and I am thinking about applying for evening MBA at Chicago GSB. Do you have any information about evening MBA? I head evening MBA students have the same interview opportunities as full-time MBA students. to swith jobs upon graduation. How's the job hunting progress for those evening MBA students who are from China and currently working in the US? Does the evening MBA program offer the same courses as full-time MBA? As far as I know, Chicago GSB's part-time MBA program is ranked second in the US by US News & World Report. I think evening MBA is a pretty good choice for working professionals. Any information about evening MBA will be highly appreciated. Thanks a lot!

Some evening MBAs are eligible to be invited to interview by companies on campus, when they approach the end of their studies. As it usually take them 3-5 years to complete, and since a lot of them are seeking career advancement rather than change, not many of them are actually seeking employment (around 150 interviewed last year for full-time.) It's a lot of work since you need to work full-time plus taking 2 courses (the average work load). I will ask some part-time students to come to this thread and answer your questions specifically.

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