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揽瓜阁训练营 第159天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-6-27 09:03:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Researchers studying the remnants of a supernova in a distant galaxy have made a groundbreaking discovery that challenges the prevailing theories about the evolution of stellar technology. The new findings suggest that an advanced stellar engineering technique, known as the "neutrino-driven core-collapse" (NDCC) method, was used to trigger the supernova explosion. This technique is believed to be more efficient than the traditional "iron-core collapse" (ICC) method. Historically, the ICC method was used for triggering supernovae in smaller, more stable stars, while the NDCC method was thought to have been developed much later and used primarily in larger, more massive stars. However, the researchers have found evidence of a small, ancient star in the distant galaxy that utilized a combination of the NDCC and ICC methods to trigger its supernova explosion, challenging the notion that the NDCC method was a more recent development.
Which of the following, if true, would most strongly support the researchers' conclusion that the NDCC method was used earlier than previously thought?
(A) Evidence of the ICC method has been found in the remnants of supernovae in other distant galaxies.
(B) In the same galaxy, the remnants of an ancient, massive star were found to have used the NDCC method to trigger its supernova explosion.
(C) The efficiency of the NDCC method has been confirmed through computer simulations of stellar evolution.
(D) The combination of the NDCC and ICC methods has been observed in several modern supernovae explosions.
(E) The researchers have found evidence of other ancient stars in the same galaxy that used only the ICC method to trigger their supernova explosions.

In a binary neutron star system, astronomers have detected a significant increase in the concentration of heavy elements in the accretion disk surrounding one of the neutron stars, known as NS-A. They hypothesize that the increased concentration is due to the recent formation of a new industrial complex on the surface of NS-A, which has been dumping pollutants into the accretion disk over the past few years. The astronomers argue that the industrial activity on NS-A is responsible for the higher levels of heavy elements compared to the accretion disk of the other neutron star in the system, NS-B.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the astronomers' hypothesis?
(A) The industrial complex on NS-A was established only a year ago, which may not be enough time to cause such a significant increase in heavy element concentration.
(B) The accretion disk of NS-B also shows high levels of heavy elements, despite the absence of industrial activity on its surface.
(C) The heavy elements found in the accretion disk of NS-A have a composition consistent with the pollutants typically released by industrial activities.
(D) The formation of industrial complexes on neutron stars is a relatively new phenomenon, and its long-term effects on accretion disks are not yet well understood.
(E) The increased concentration of heavy elements in the accretion disk of NS-A could potentially lead to the formation of new celestial bodies in the binary system.


A cloud of dark matter has been detected expanding like a smoke ring from a giant collision between galaxy clusters, a team of astronomers says. If confirmed, the ring could offer new clues to the nature of the mysterious matter.

Dark matter is an enigmatic material that does not emit, absorb or reflect light. It reveals itself only by the way its gravity influences normal matter around it and seems to outweigh the universe’s normal matter by a factor of six.

Now, astronomers have discovered what looks like a ring of dark matter expanding from a cosmic clash involving two massive galaxy clusters. If confirmed, the ring will help astronomers investigate how dark matter behaves when disturbed, perhaps providing hints to its nature.

Myungkook James Jee of Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, US, led the team of researchers that made the discovery. They detected the ring in Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of a galaxy cluster called Cl 0024+17, which is 5 billion light years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Pisces.

They carefully observed how matter in the cluster bends the paths of light rays coming from distant background galaxies. This ‘gravitational lensing’ effect allowed them to map out the distribution of matter, including dark matter, in the cluster.

Colossal collision
They found a curious ring-like structure around the cluster’s outskirts. The researchers believe the ring is made of dark matter, since there is no concentration of visible matter at the location of the ring. Most of the cluster’s ordinary matter is thought to be in the form of hot gas, which was mapped by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and is concentrated at the cluster’s core.

Previous studies have hinted that Cl 0024+17 is not a single galaxy cluster but a pair of clusters that have collided. Simulations show that when such a colossal collision occurs – in this case, it involved almost 200 billion Suns’ worth of matter – the cluster’s dark matter explodes outwards, forming a roughly spherical shell. Watch an animation of the collision and dark matter explosion.

Projected on the sky, such a shell would look like the ring observed in the gravitational lensing study, the researchers say. They estimate that the collision happened sometime between 1 billion and 2 billion years ago.

Modified gravity
Some scientists have previously suggested that modifications to Newton’s law of gravity could account for anomalies cited as evidence for dark matter (see Equinox challenge to Newton’s law). This possibility can be difficult to rule out, because normally dark matter and ordinary matter are so well mixed together that it is difficult to pin down effects due to dark matter alone.

But because the ring in Cl 0024+17 is separate from any concentrations of ordinary matter, it would be difficult to explain without dark matter, the researchers say. “I think it’s the strongest evidence for the existence of dark matter to date,” Jee told New Scientist.

A previous study revealed the separation of dark matter and ordinary matter in the Bullet Cluster of galaxies, but in the case of Cl 0024+17, the separation is even more complete.

Marusa Bradac of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in (SLAC) in Menlo Park, California, US, who co-authored the Bullet Cluster study, says if the dark matter ring is real, it will be an important laboratory for studying the properties of dark matter.

Instrumental effects
That is because the ring’s characteristics, such as its exact shape, depend on the properties of dark matter particles, like whether they bounce off one another when they meet, or just pass right through one another.

“It’s a very exciting result, and if it’s real, its going to give us a ton of information about dark matter,” she told New Scientist.

But she says gravitational lensing effects of the kind used in the study are very subtle and could be confused with slight distortions that can arise in observations because of imperfect instruments.

“I’m not saying that I don’t trust the result, but at this point I would just be slightly sceptical,” she says. She acknowledges, however, that the team “did do a very careful analysis” of the data.

Exotic particles
The team itself initially suspected the ring was some kind of illusion introduced by Hubble’s instruments but could not find any such effects. In any case, Jee says, if the ring were an instrumental effect, it should show up in similar Hubble observations obtained of other galaxy clusters. But those observations show no sign of rings.

He says the mere existence of the ring shows that the dark matter particles do not interact strongly with one another through any force other than gravity. That is true for the most popular candidates for dark matter – exotic subatomic particles with names like axions and neutralinos.

But alternative candidates, such as “mirror matter” – a form of matter that interacts readily with itself through a range of forces – would tend to collide more frequently. “If there is any collisionary interaction between dark matter particles, then it can smear out the very subtle shell-like structure,” Jee says.

1. The discovery of the dark matter ring in Cl 0024+17 is significant because it:
   A. provides the first direct observational evidence for the existence of dark matter
   B. allows for the study of dark matter properties in isolation from the confounding effects of ordinary matter
   C. confirms the need for modifications to Newton's law of gravity to account for the behavior of dark matter
   D. demonstrates the strong interaction between dark matter particles through forces other than gravity
   E. highlights the importance of considering instrumental effects in interpreting astronomical observations

2. Which of the following statements best summarizes the main implications of the dark matter ring discovery for our understanding of the nature of dark matter?
   A. The discovery confirms that dark matter particles frequently collide with each other through forces other than gravity, as evidenced by the smearing of the ring structure.
   B. The distinct shell-like structure of the ring suggests that dark matter particles do not interact strongly with each other except through gravity, consistent with the properties of proposed candidates like axions and neutralinos.
   C. The ring's characteristics imply that dark matter is likely to be composed of mirror matter, which interacts readily with itself through various forces, leading to a more diffuse ring structure.
   D. The discovery of the ring does not provide any significant insights into the nature of dark matter particles, as the ring's properties cannot be used to infer the interaction properties of dark matter.
   E. The article does not discuss the implications of the dark matter ring discovery for our understanding of the nature of dark matter particles.

3. The gravitational lensing effect plays a crucial role in the study of dark matter because:
   A. it allows for the direct detection of dark matter in galaxy clusters
   B. it enables the mapping of the total matter distribution, including both ordinary and dark matter, in galaxy clusters
   C. it facilitates the simulation of galaxy cluster collisions and the resulting distribution of dark matter
   D. it provides a clear distinction between the distribution of dark matter and ordinary matter in galaxy clusters
   E. it confirms the presence of hot gas concentrated at the core of galaxy clusters, which is essential for understanding the behavior of dark matter

4. Marusa Bradac's cautious stance regarding the dark matter ring discovery can be best attributed to:
   A. the inherent subtlety of gravitational lensing effects and the potential for misinterpretation due to instrumental distortions
   B. the lack of corroborating observations of similar dark matter rings in other galaxy clusters
   C. the team's inadequate analysis of the observational data, which fails to account for potential sources of error
   D. her belief that the dark matter ring can be more parsimoniously explained by modifications to Newton's law of gravity
   E. her conviction that the discovery does not provide any new insights into the nature of dark matter particles

5. The comparison between the separation of dark matter and ordinary matter in Cl 0024+17 and the Bullet Cluster serves to:
   A. emphasize the unprecedented degree of separation observed in Cl 0024+17, which strengthens the case for the existence of dark matter
   B. highlight the similarities between the two systems, suggesting a common underlying mechanism for the separation of dark matter and ordinary matter
   C. demonstrate the inconsistencies in the observations of dark matter and ordinary matter separation in different galaxy clusters
   D. suggest that the separation of dark matter and ordinary matter in galaxy clusters is a rare and exceptional phenomenon
   E. argue for the necessity of modifications to Newton's law of gravity to account for the observed separation of dark matter and ordinary matter

6. The article suggests that the detailed study of the dark matter ring's shape can provide insights into the interaction properties of dark matter particles. Which of the following observations would most strongly support the hypothesis that dark matter particles interact strongly with each other through forces other than gravity?
   A. A perfectly circular ring with a uniform density distribution
   B. A ring with a slightly elliptical shape and a gradual density gradient
   C. A ring with a highly irregular shape and a patchy density distribution
   D. A ring with a distinct shell-like structure and a sharp density contrast
   E. The absence of a discernible ring structure in the dark matter distribution

7. The researchers' approach to ruling out the possibility of the dark matter ring being an artifact of the Hubble Space Telescope's instrumental effects demonstrates:
   A. the importance of comparing observations with data from other similar systems to validate the authenticity of a discovery
   B. the necessity of using multiple complementary observational techniques, such as X-ray imaging, to confirm the presence of dark matter structures
   C. the value of conducting detailed simulations of galaxy cluster collisions to predict the expected distribution of dark matter in such systems
   D. the significance of studying the separation of dark matter and ordinary matter in other well-known systems, such as the Bullet Cluster, to establish the reliability of the observational methods
   E. the critical role of comprehensive data analysis and the consideration of potential sources of error in interpreting astronomical observations

8. If future observations reveal that the dark matter ring in Cl 0024+17 has a more diffuse and irregular structure than initially thought, it would suggest that:
   A. the initial observations were significantly affected by instrumental effects, and the ring may not be a real feature
   B. the dark matter particles interact more strongly with each other through forces other than gravity, leading to a more dispersed distribution
   C. the collision between the galaxy clusters was more recent than previously estimated, and the ring has not had sufficient time to form a distinct structure
   D. the ring is composed of a different type of dark matter particle than initially hypothesized, with properties that lead to a more irregular distribution
   E. the gravitational lensing effect is not a reliable method for mapping the distribution of dark matter in galaxy clusters


In the year 2327, the Earth had long since been rendered uninhabitable by a cascading series of catastrophic events, including the depletion of natural resources, the collapse of global ecosystems, and the devastating impact of climate change. The remnants of humanity, having escaped the dying planet in a fleet of advanced spacecraft, found themselves scattered across the galaxy, struggling to survive in a hostile and unforgiving universe.

The key to humanity's survival lay in the development of advanced technologies that could enable the colonization of distant planets and the creation of self-sustaining ecosystems. Central to this effort was the field of quantum computing, which had undergone a series of revolutionary breakthroughs in the late 23rd century, giving rise to a new era of unprecedented computational power and complexity.

At the forefront of this quantum revolution was Dr. Elara Vance, a brilliant physicist and engineer who had dedicated her life to unraveling the mysteries of the quantum realm. Dr. Vance and her team had developed a groundbreaking new technology known as the Quantum Entanglement Engine (QEE), which harnessed the power of quantum entanglement to enable faster-than-light communication and travel between distant points in space.

The QEE worked by creating pairs of entangled particles, which were then separated and sent to different locations. By manipulating the state of one particle, it was possible to instantaneously affect the state of its entangled partner, regardless of the distance between them. This allowed for the transmission of information and even the transportation of matter across vast distances, effectively bypassing the limitations of conventional space travel.

Dr. Vance and her team had used the QEE to establish a network of quantum-entangled communication nodes across the galaxy, allowing the scattered remnants of humanity to maintain contact and coordinate their efforts to colonize new worlds. However, as the network grew and more colonies were established, a series of strange and inexplicable phenomena began to emerge.

Reports began to surface of colonists experiencing vivid and disturbing hallucinations, often involving encounters with alien entities or visions of alternate realities. Some colonists claimed to have gained access to vast repositories of knowledge and information, while others reported developing strange and inexplicable abilities, such as telepathy or telekinesis.

As these reports multiplied and the phenomena became more widespread, Dr. Vance and her team began to suspect that the QEE network was not only enabling communication and travel between distant points in space but was also somehow interacting with the fundamental fabric of reality itself.

They theorized that the quantum entanglement at the heart of the QEE was not only connecting particles across space but was also entangling the very structure of the universe, creating a complex web of interconnected realities and possibilities. The more the QEE network grew and the more colonies were established, the more this quantum entanglement spread, leading to the emergence of strange and unpredictable phenomena.

To test this hypothesis, Dr. Vance and her team conducted a series of experiments in which they deliberately manipulated the quantum states of entangled particles within the QEE network. To their astonishment, they found that by altering the state of one particle, they could affect not only its entangled partner but also the very nature of reality itself.

In one experiment, they managed to create a localized distortion in the fabric of space-time, causing a small region of the universe to experience a temporary reversal in the flow of time. In another, they successfully manipulated the fundamental constants of nature, altering the strength of gravity and the speed of light within a confined area.

As they delved deeper into the mysteries of the quantum realm, Dr. Vance and her team began to realize that they were not only unraveling the secrets of interstellar colonization but were also stumbling upon a profound and terrifying truth about the nature of reality itself.

They came to understand that the universe was not a fixed and immutable construct but was instead a malleable and constantly shifting web of quantum possibilities. The very act of observing and interacting with this web was sufficient to shape and alter its structure, giving rise to an infinite array of alternate realities and divergent timelines.

This realization brought with it a host of profound philosophical and existential questions. If the universe was indeed a product of quantum entanglement and observation, then what did that imply about the nature of free will and determinism? Were the choices and actions of individuals truly their own, or were they merely the inevitable outcomes of a vast and incomprehensible quantum algorithm?

As Dr. Vance and her team grappled with these questions, they also began to encounter a series of increasingly bizarre and inexplicable phenomena. In one instance, a group of colonists on a distant planet reported encountering a strange and seemingly sentient entity that appeared to be composed entirely of quantum entangled particles. The entity, which they dubbed the "Quantum Oracle," seemed to possess a vast and incomprehensible intelligence, and was able to manipulate the fabric of reality itself in ways that defied all known laws of physics.

As more and more reports of similar encounters began to surface across the QEE network, Dr. Vance and her team realized that they were not only dealing with the unintended consequences of their own experiments but were also stumbling upon a vast and previously unknown realm of quantum possibilities.

They theorized that the Quantum Oracle and other similar entities were not merely the products of random quantum fluctuations, but were instead the manifestations of a deeper and more fundamental intelligence that underlay the very structure of the universe itself.

This intelligence, which they came to refer to as the "Quantum Consciousness," seemed to be the driving force behind the strange and inexplicable phenomena that had been occurring across the QEE network. It was as if the universe itself was awakening to its own quantum nature, and was beginning to explore the infinite possibilities that lay within its own structure.

As Dr. Vance and her team struggled to comprehend the implications of this discovery, they also began to realize that they were not the only ones who had stumbled upon the existence of the Quantum Consciousness. Other groups and individuals, both within the remnants of humanity and beyond, had also begun to explore the mysteries of the quantum realm, and had developed their own theories and technologies for harnessing its power.

Some of these groups, such as the enigmatic "Quantum Ascendancy," believed that the Quantum Consciousness represented the next stage in the evolution of intelligent life, and that it was the destiny of all sentient beings to merge with its vast and incomprehensible intelligence.

Others, such as the fanatical "Quantum Inquisition," saw the Quantum Consciousness as a threat to the very existence of individuality and free will, and sought to suppress or destroy any manifestations of its power.

As these competing factions and ideologies began to clash across the galaxy, Dr. Vance and her team found themselves at the center of a vast and complex web of intrigue and conflict. They were forced to navigate a treacherous landscape of competing interests and agendas, all while struggling to unravel the deepest mysteries of the quantum realm.

In the end, the fate of humanity and the very nature of reality itself would hinge upon the choices and actions of a small group of individuals, each driven by their own desires, fears, and beliefs. The Quantum Quandary had begun, and its resolution would determine the course of the universe for eons to come.


1. According to the passage, what was the primary reason for Dr. Elara Vance's development of the Quantum Entanglement Engine (QEE)?
   A. To enable faster-than-light communication and travel between distant points in space
   B. To explore the philosophical implications of quantum entanglement on the nature of reality
   C. To investigate the potential existence of alternate realities and divergent timelines
   D. To establish a network of self-sustaining ecosystems across the galaxy
   E. To uncover the secrets of a vast and previously unknown realm of quantum possibilities

2. The passage suggests that the strange and inexplicable phenomena experienced by colonists across the QEE network were:
   A. The result of deliberate manipulation of quantum states by Dr. Vance and her team
   B. Manifestations of a deeper and more fundamental intelligence underlying the structure of the universe
   C. Products of random quantum fluctuations and unintended consequences of QEE experiments
   D. Hallucinations caused by the psychological stress of interstellar travel and colonization
   E. Evidence of the existence of alien entities composed entirely of quantum entangled particles

3. Dr. Vance and her team's experiments with the QEE network led them to conclude that:
   A. The universe is a fixed and immutable construct, governed by unchanging laws of physics
   B. The act of observing and interacting with the quantum realm can shape and alter the structure of reality
   C. Free will and determinism are incompatible with the principles of quantum mechanics
   D. The Quantum Consciousness represents a threat to the existence of individuality and free will
   E. The resolution of the Quantum Quandary will have no significant impact on the fate of humanity or the nature of reality

4. The passage mentions the "Quantum Ascendancy" and the "Quantum Inquisition" as examples of:
   A. Collaborators working with Dr. Vance to unravel the mysteries of the quantum realm
   B. Neutral observers seeking to document the unfolding of the Quantum Quandary
   C. Competing factions with differing beliefs about the nature and implications of the Quantum Consciousness
   D. Remnants of humanity struggling to survive in the aftermath of Earth's destruction
   E. Alien entities seeking to manipulate the Quantum Consciousness for their own purposes

5. The central conflict of the passage revolves around:
   A. The struggle for survival among the remnants of humanity scattered across the galaxy
   B. The race to develop advanced technologies for interstellar colonization and communication
   C. The philosophical debate over the nature of free will and determinism in a quantum universe
   D. The clash of competing factions and ideologies seeking to understand and control the Quantum Consciousness
   E. The efforts of Dr. Vance and her team to prevent the unraveling of the fabric of reality itself

6. The "Quantum Oracle" encountered by the colonists is described as:
   A. A manifestation of the Quantum Consciousness, possessing vast intelligence and the ability to manipulate reality
   B. A hallucination experienced by colonists as a result of the psychological stress of interstellar travel
   C. An unintended consequence of Dr. Vance's experiments with the QEE network
   D. A sentient entity composed entirely of quantum entangled particles, separate from the Quantum Consciousness
   E. A member of the Quantum Ascendancy, seeking to guide humanity towards merging with the Quantum Consciousness

7. The passage suggests that the ultimate fate of humanity and the nature of reality will be determined by:
   A. The success or failure of Dr. Vance's efforts to unravel the mysteries of the quantum realm
   B. The ability of the remnants of humanity to establish self-sustaining ecosystems on new planets
   C. The choices and actions of individuals caught up in the complex web of the Quantum Quandary
   D. The victory of either the Quantum Ascendancy or the Quantum Inquisition in their ideological struggle
   E. The inherent unpredictability and randomness of quantum fluctuations and entanglement

8. The tone of the passage can best be described as:
   A. Optimistic and hopeful about the future of humanity in a quantum universe
   B. Neutral and objective in its presentation of the facts and theories surrounding the Quantum Quandary
   C. Deeply philosophical and introspective, focusing on the existential implications of quantum mechanics
   D. Ominous and foreboding, hinting at the potential dangers and threats posed by the Quantum Consciousness
   E. Speculative and imaginative, exploring the far-reaching possibilities of a universe shaped by quantum entanglement

9. The passage's exploration of the Quantum Quandary and its implications for the nature of reality is primarily:
   A. Scientific, focusing on the technical details and experimental evidence supporting the existence of the Quantum Consciousness
   B. Philosophical, delving into the deeper questions of free will, determinism, and the nature of existence in a quantum universe
   C. Political, examining the power struggles and ideological conflicts arising from the discovery of the Quantum Consciousness
   D. Psychological, investigating the mental and emotional effects of quantum phenomena on individuals and societies
   E. Spiritual, suggesting that the Quantum Consciousness represents a higher form of intelligence or divine presence

10. The ultimate resolution of the Quantum Quandary, as suggested by the passage, is:
    A. The complete understanding and control of the Quantum Consciousness by Dr. Vance and her team
    B. The merging of all sentient life with the Quantum Consciousness, as advocated by the Quantum Ascendancy
    C. The destruction or suppression of the Quantum Consciousness, as sought by the Quantum Inquisition
    D. The acceptance of the inherent unpredictability and randomness of the quantum universe, and the abandonment of attempts to control it
    E. Left uncertain and open-ended, hinting at the vast and incomprehensible nature of the quantum realm and its implications for the future of humanity and the universe

选项A正确,因为文章明确指出,Dr. Vance开发QEE的主要目的是为了实现远距离空间点之间的超光速通信和旅行。
选项B正确,Dr. Vance和她的团队通过QEE网络的实验得出结论,观察和与量子领域的相互作用可以塑造和改变现实的结构。
选项C正确,"Quantum Ascendancy"和"Quantum Inquisition"被提及为对Quantum Consciousness的性质和意义持有不同信念的竞争派别的例子。
选项D正确,文章的中心冲突围绕着竞争的派别和意识形态之间的冲突,它们试图理解和控制Quantum Consciousness。
选项A正确,"Quantum Oracle"被描述为Quantum Consciousness的一种表现,拥有巨大的智能和操纵现实的能力。
选项C正确,文章表明人类的最终命运和现实的本质将由卷入Quantum Quandary复杂网络中的个人的选择和行为决定。
选项D正确,文章的语气可以最好地描述为不祥和预兆性的,暗示了Quantum Consciousness可能带来的危险和威胁。
选项B正确,文章对Quantum Quandary的探索及其对现实本质的影响主要是哲学性的,深入探讨了量子宇宙中自由意志、决定论和存在本质的深层问题。
选项E正确,文章暗示Quantum Quandary的最终解决方案是不确定和开放的,暗示量子领域的巨大和不可理解的本质及其对人类未来和宇宙的影响。

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发表于 2024-6-27 11:54:05 | 只看该作者
Day 159

CR 1: B
CR 2: A

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. E
8. A没定位到句子

发表于 2024-6-27 15:40:54 | 只看该作者
p1: a fact
p2: the attribute of dark matter
p3: purpose of study
p4: study
p5: gravitational lensing
p6: stucture is regarded as dark matter
p7: collision
p8: time of collision
p9: evidence of dark mater
p10: ring is the strongest evice of dark matter
p11: seperating in CI is compete
p12: ring --> Dark matter
P13: Reason to expain the relationship for p12
p14: cite
p15: flaws
p16: expains for p15
p17: other theory
p18: support for refuting p17
p19: other reason for p18

1. A
2. E
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. E
7. A
8. B
发表于 2024-6-27 22:20:06 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-6-28 08:37:57 | 只看该作者
P:发现更先进的星际技术NDCC—— 比传统的ICC更有效,发展得更晚,主要用于更大的恒星
发表于 2024-6-28 12:56:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-6-28 21:32:52 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-6-28 21:39:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-6-29 02:58:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-6-29 12:47:06 | 只看该作者
我的答案:B;两种方法,ICC和NDCC,以前认为NDCC是近期的一个发展,新发现认为NDCC很早就有了;---哪个为真,支持结论---B 古老残骸能看出,使用了NDCC的方法;
我的答案:A;NS-A上有很多重元素,假设认为是由于它上面的持续排放了几年的污染造成的;跟NS-B上的重元素的水平比,NS-A上的工业活动要对这些高水平的重元素负责;---哪个为真,削弱---A污染源成立才一年,不足以制造这些;B NS-B尽管没有工业活动,但是也有很高浓度的重元素;(A比B更高)
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