I am an Associate Professor of Finance at the CityUniversity of Hong Kong and the director of the Finance PhD program. Myresearch primarily focuses on asset pricing in relation to corporate finance,and I am also to open to machine learning or ESG. I have published extensivelyin top-tier finance journals and presented at prestigious internationalconferences.
I am currently seeking highly motivated full-time researchassistants or post-doctoral researchers with strong backgrounds in finance,economics, statistics, and mathematics. Positions are available immediately (2025 Feb).
Position Details:
- Monthly Salary (inclusive): HK$16,000-18,000, depending on qualifications
- Benefits: Standard medical benefits and pension as a university staff member
As a research assistant, you will support my ongoingprojects through various tasks, including:
- Programming and data analysis using tools such as MATLAB, Stata, and SAS
- Collecting and preparing datasets
- Reviewing academic literature and research papers
- Providing research support and problem-solving assistance
I encourage you to consider pursuing a doctoral degree atCityUHK, and I can offer financial support if we find a good fit.Alternatively, I have an excellent research network and can provide strongsupport for your future PhD applications. My previous research assistants havebeen admitted into top MSc and PhD programs at institutions, namely, Universityof Chicago, Penn State, Boston University, University Texas-Dallas, andUniversity of Melbourne, or have become my own doctoral students.
If you are interested in applying, please send your CV anda brief self-introduction to my email at zchen737@cityu.edu.hk. Be sure to indicate"Application for RA" in the subject line.
Thank you for your interest!
Best regards, Prof Chen, Zhiyao Associate Professor of Finance City University of Hong Kong
https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/staff/zchen737/ https://sites.google.com/site/nicholaszhiyaochen/