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揽瓜阁训练营 第八十八天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-3-20 09:07:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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1. CR
"An argument states that most legislators propose policies primarily for their own interests, which could harm public interests. However, since the majority of these proposals are not passed, there's no need to worry. The argument is flawed because it assumes that:"
A) Legislators who propose policies for personal interests hold a significant influence over the decision-making process.
B) The low rate of policy approval is not related to the quality or intent of the proposals.
C) Legislators may seek personal benefits through means other than proposing policies.
D) All legislators are driven by personal interests when proposing policies.
E) The policies that do pass do not serve personal interests of the legislators.
"A columnist argues that many children in a certain era suffered from a disease related to lead exposure. They speculate that the lead came from pipes coated with lead during that period. Another expert counters this, citing their research that in some areas where lead-coated pipes were used, there was no increase in the disease rate. Hence, they conclude that lead pipes should not be linked to the disease. To counter the expert's claim, what should be considered?"
A) In some areas, the water's hardness formed a protective layer inside the pipes, preventing lead from dissolving.
B) Lead pipes were not the only source of lead exposure during that era.
C) The symptoms of the disease may not always be detectable in early stages.
D) There were other environmental factors in those areas that mitigated the effects of lead exposure.
E) The method of detecting lead levels in the water might have been inadequate at that time.

The Indian conglomerate ITC has revolutionized the agricultural sector through its innovative e-Choupal initiative. Launched in 2000, e-Choupal aims to empower farmers by providing them with vital information and resources while creating a competitive advantage for ITC in agro-sourcing. Traditionally, farmers sold their produce to traders in government-regulated wholesale markets (mandis) through an open outcry auction system. Traders, who were well-informed about market conditions and prices, often exploited the farmers' lack of information.
ITC's e-Choupal disrupts this dynamic through a hub-and-spoke model. The spokes are Internet kiosks set up in villages, enabling farmers to access daily wholesale prices of various crops in local mandis and the price offered by ITC. The hubs include warehouses, farmer training centers, and full-service Choupal Sagars with retail stores, fuel stations, soil testing labs, and food courts.
The success of e-Choupal relies on the sanchalak, a village entrepreneur who manages the kiosk and facilitates transactions. The sanchalak disseminates information about crop prices and weather, and assists with the purchase of farming inputs, crop sales, and non-ITC products. Each sanchalak manages 3-6 villages, while an upa-sanchalak operates at the village level.
ITC updates mandi prices daily, accessible through the e-Choupal kiosks in various languages. If the price is suitable, farmers collect tokens from the sanchalak to complete the sale at the nearest hub. By 2011, e-Choupal had 6,500 installations reaching 4 million farmers across 40,000 villages in 10 states. The initiative drives two-thirds of ITC's agri-business division's revenue.
ITC is now developing e-Choupal 3.0 to leverage mobile technology and cater to the changing needs of rural India. Analytical tools are being designed to provide personalized services and support sustainable agricultural practices. A 2007 study by Aparajita Goyal found that the presence of e-Choupal kiosks increased average mandi prices by 1.7%, reduced price variation between nearby mandis, and increased farmers' profits by 33%. The cultivation of soyabeans also increased by 19% in districts with kiosks, while ITC reduced its costs by buying produce directly.
1. What is the primary purpose of the passage?
   A. To explain the traditional agricultural trading system in India
   B. To describe the impact of ITC's e-Choupal initiative on Indian agriculture
   C. To compare the efficiency of e-Choupal with government-regulated markets
   D. To highlight the role of technology in empowering Indian farmers
   E. To analyze the financial benefits of e-Choupal for ITC
2. According to the passage, how does the presence of e-Choupal kiosks affect mandi prices?
   A. It leads to an immediate and sustained increase in average prices
   B. It causes a gradual decrease in prices over time
   C. It has no significant impact on mandi prices
   D. It increases price variation between nearby mandis
   E. It eliminates the need for government-regulated mandis
3. The role of the sanchalak in the e-Choupal model can best be described as:
   A. A government employee who sets the initial bid at mandis
   B. A trader who purchases crops from farmers and sells them to ITC
   C. A village entrepreneur who facilitates transactions and information dissemination
   D. An ITC representative who manages the company's warehouses and training centers
   E. A farmer who uses the e-Choupal kiosks to access market information
4. According to the study by Aparajita Goyal, the presence of e-Choupal kiosks in a district resulted in:
   A. A decrease in the cultivation of soyabeans
   B. An increase in farmers' profits and soyabean cultivation
   C. A reduction in the number of government-regulated mandis
   D. An increase in price variation between nearby mandis
   E. A decrease in ITC's costs due to direct purchasing from traders
5. The author mentions e-Choupal 3.0 to illustrate:
   A. The declining importance of the sanchalak in the e-Choupal model
   B. ITC's efforts to adapt to the changing needs of rural India
   C. The limitations of the current e-Choupal system
   D. The increasing role of government regulation in agricultural markets
   E. The potential for e-Choupal to expand beyond the agricultural sector


The ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism, with its emphasis on living in harmony with nature, has gained increasing popularity in modern China. A recent survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences found that the number of people identifying as Taoists has grown by 20% over the past decade, now reaching an estimated 30 million adherents. This resurgence is particularly notable in urban areas, where 70% of new Taoist converts reside.
Sociologists attribute this trend to several factors. Firstly, rapid economic development and urbanization have led to increased stress and alienation among city dwellers, who seek solace in Taoism's teachings of simplicity, humility, and inner peace. Secondly, environmental degradation has sparked a renewed appreciation for Taoism's ecological wisdom, which emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of preserving natural balance. Thirdly, the government's recent efforts to promote traditional Chinese culture have created a more favorable climate for the spread of Taoist ideas.
However, some scholars argue that this Taoist revival is largely superficial, driven more by a fashionable interest in ancient mysticism than a genuine understanding of the philosophy's core tenets. They point out that many self-proclaimed Taoists engage in consumerist practices, such as purchasing expensive talismans and attending costly retreats, that seem at odds with the philosophy's ascetic ideals. Moreover, the commercialization of Taoist sites and rituals has led to concerns about the authenticity and integrity of the Taoist tradition.
Despite these criticisms, it is clear that Taoism is undergoing a significant resurgence in contemporary China. As the country grapples with the challenges of modernization, many Chinese are turning to this ancient wisdom tradition for guidance and inspiration. Whether this revival will lead to a deeper engagement with Taoist principles or remain a passing trend remains to be seen. But for now, the growing popularity of Taoism attests to the enduring relevance of its teachings in the modern world.
1. According to the passage, which of the following best explains the growing popularity of Taoism in urban areas?
A) Urban dwellers are more likely to have access to authentic Taoist teachers and resources.
B) The stresses of urban life have led many city dwellers to seek solace in Taoist teachings.
C) Urban Taoists are more interested in the superficial aspects of the philosophy, such as purchasing talismans.
D) The government has focused its efforts to promote traditional Chinese culture primarily in urban areas.
2. The passage suggests that the commercialization of Taoism has led to:
A) a deeper understanding of Taoist principles among the general population.
B) an increased interest in the philosophical aspects of Taoism, rather than its mystical elements.
C) concerns about the authenticity and integrity of the Taoist tradition.
D) a rejection of Taoism by those who see it as incompatible with modern consumerist culture.
3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the relationship between Taoism and environmentalism?
A) Taoism's emphasis on harmony with nature is at odds with the goals of modern environmentalism.
B) The Taoist revival has contributed to increased environmental degradation in China.
C) Environmentalists have embraced Taoism as a philosophy that supports their goals of preserving natural balance.
D) The government's promotion of Taoism is part of a larger effort to address environmental concerns.
4. The author's attitude towards the Taoist revival in China can best be described as:
A) unequivocally supportive
B) dismissive and critical
C) cautiously optimistic
D) deeply skeptical
5. The passage mentions all of the following as factors contributing to the Taoist revival in China EXCEPT:
A) The government's promotion of traditional Chinese culture.
B) Increased stress and alienation among urban dwellers.
C) A growing interest in ancient mysticism and spirituality.
D) The influence of Taoist ideas on Western environmentalism.
6. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the relationship between Taoism and consumerism?
A) Taoism's ascetic ideals are fundamentally incompatible with consumerist practices.
B) The commercialization of Taoism has led to a dilution of its core principles.
C) Consumerism has helped to spread Taoist ideas to a wider audience.
D) Most Taoists see no conflict between their spiritual beliefs and consumerist behavior.
7. The author suggests that the "superficial" interest in Taoism is evidence of:
A) The enduring power of Taoist teachings to attract new adherents.
B) The government's failure to promote authentic Taoist principles.
C) The inherent contradictions within Taoist philosophy itself.
D) The difficulty of fully engaging with Taoism in the modern world.
8. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the Taoist revival in contemporary China?
A) It is largely driven by the government's efforts to promote traditional culture.
B) It is primarily concentrated in rural areas where Taoist traditions are strongest.
C) It reflects a genuine desire among many Chinese to engage with Taoist teachings.
D) It has led to a significant increase in the number of formally ordained Taoist priests.
9. The passage is primarily concerned with:
A) Assessing the benefits and drawbacks of the Taoist revival in China.
B) Analyzing the factors behind the resurgence of Taoism in contemporary China.
C) Comparing Taoism with other philosophical and religious traditions.
D) Arguing for the relevance of Taoist ideas in addressing modern challenges.
10. Which of the following best characterizes the author's view of the commercialization of Taoism?
A) It is a necessary adaptation that will help Taoism survive in the modern world.
B) It is a regrettable trend that risks obscuring Taoism's deeper spiritual insights.
C) It is a natural consequence of Taoism's growing popularity and influence.
D) It is a positive development that will make Taoism more accessible to ordinary people.
11. The author's use of the phrase "passing trend" in the final paragraph suggests that:
A) The Taoist revival is likely to be short-lived and ultimately insignificant.
B) The current interest in Taoism is motivated more by curiosity than genuine commitment.
C) Taoism's influence on Chinese society is likely to decline in the future.
D) It is too early to say whether the Taoist revival will have a lasting impact.
12. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument that the Taoist revival is superficial?
A) Many new Taoist converts continue to engage in consumerist practices.
B) The government's promotion of Taoism is motivated by political rather than cultural concerns.
C) Most Chinese people have only a vague understanding of Taoist principles.
D) The number of people formally studying Taoist philosophy remains relatively small.

第十一题:考查语义理解。作者在最后一段用"passing trend"来形容道教复兴,并设问这种复兴是否会带来与道教原则更深层次的互动,还是昙花一现,由此可见作者并没有断言道教复兴一定是短暂无关紧要的,而是持开放态度,认为现在下定论还为时尚早,故D选项正确。

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发表于 2024-3-20 10:37:46 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-3-20 10:56:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-3-20 11:18:19 | 只看该作者
CR1 : A( whether the proposed policy which could harm public interests will pass or not is critical   )

P:  most legislators propose policies primarily for their own interest,which could harm public interests
C:since the majority of these proposals are not passed, there's no need to worry.

CR2: A
P: in some areas where lead-coated pipes were used, there was no increase in the disease rate
C: lead pipes should not be linked to the disease.

B: support the conclusion
C: out of scope
D: irrelevant
E: irelevant
发表于 2024-3-20 11:22:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-3-20 11:25:10 | 只看该作者
A(C) ,A

B, A, C, B, B
发表于 2024-3-20 13:11:23 | 只看该作者

发表于 2024-3-20 14:55:46 | 只看该作者

发表于 2024-3-20 15:06:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-3-20 15:12:05 | 只看该作者

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