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[揽瓜阁逻辑小分队] day154

发表于 2023-4-5 20:16:49 | 只看该作者
Day 154
1.        农村孩子耐过敏
以下哪个most helpful in evaluating the argument。
农场小孩更能抵抗过敏=》因为接触动物多评价-- 能够抵抗过敏的其他原因?(感觉需要排除他因)是不是农村人本身体质就比较不容易过敏?
狗主选项:农场上有没有别的东西也能使农场小孩更加抵抗过敏/牧羊人和其他 similar 但工作在温室里的成年人相比,牧羊人有木有不太容易过敏(考古 1 答案)】

2.        犯罪率
The violent crime rate (number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents) in Meadowbrook is 60 percent higher now than it was four years ago. The corresponding increase for Parkdale is only 10 percent. These figures support the conclusion that residents of Meadowbrook are more likely to become victims of violent crime than are residents of Parkdale.
The argument above is flawed because it fails to take into account:
A. changes in the population density of both Parkdale and Meadowbrook over the past four years
B. how the rate of population growth in Meadowbrook over the past four years compares to the corresponding rate for Parkdale
C. the ratio of violent to nonviolent crimes committed during the past four years in Meadowbrook and Parkdale
D. the violent crime rates in Meadowbrook and Parkdale four years ago
E. how Meadowbrook’s expenditures for crime prevention over the past four years compare to Parkdale’s expenditures

统计数据问题,不知道基数呢 和基数有关的是d

3.        气候预测
关于climate预测,气象学家见了一个新的computer system/software 可以准确预测。用这个新的东西来输入past date都显示的很准,所以它推测未来20年气温会上升0.4度也是accurate的。

现在影响气温变化的因素变多,单凭 past date 的 climate 无法准确预测】

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