One of the limiting factors in human physicalperformance is the amount of oxygen that is absorbed by the muscles from thebloodstream. Accordingly, entrepreneurs have begun selling at gymnasiums andhealth clubs bottles of drinking water, labeled "SuperOxY" that hasextra oxygen dissolved in the water: Such water would be useless in improvingphysical performance, however, since the only way to get oxygen into thebloodstream so that it can be absorbed by the muscles is through the lungs.
Which of the following,if true, would serve the same function in the argument as the statement inboldface?
A. the water lostin exercising can be replaced with ordinary tap water
B. the amount of oxygen in the blood of people who areexercising is already more than the muscle cells can absorb
C. world-classathletes turn in record performances without such water
D. frequentphysical exercise increases the body s ability to take in and use oxygen
E. lack of oxygenis not the only factor limiting human physical performance
2. 氮肥
问支持 氮肥污染是差不多固定的,无关使用多少,只要使用就会污染
3. 乐观防止心脏病
对10,000 个individuals 做的 survey, in eight years, people with openheart and optimistic attitude 患心脏病的几率比 pessimistic 的人低30%。由此得出,一个最佳的保持健康身体的有效方法就是保持开朗乐观。
问题:作者因为犯了啥错使得他这个观点有理由被质疑呢(put hisreasoning into a skeptical place)
A. 他丫没考虑到影响心脏病发病率的其他诸多因素,该打。
B. 他丫用一段时间的事儿(就是指的那& 年咯)推到整个生命这么长时间的事儿,该打。
C. 他丫把两件同时发生的事看成是a cause-and-effect event, 但是又木有给出具体 evidence证实这个因果关系,该打 这三个里面会选C,最直接 |