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[揽瓜阁精读] 259. labor movement

发表于 2023-7-19 14:40:54 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
p1 十年前南方黑人劳动力的历史很直白无争议,南方的种族主义让劳动运动留下荆棘。IWW的倒塌和CIO的失败,象征着南方劳动运动的失败。
p2 这跟南方工人行为有关。黑人和白人都根据他们的肤色行动,同种族的合作在jim crow时代结束,传统观点认为那时候的种族观点组织白人知道他们和黑人工人的利益一致,白人用工会阻碍黑人找工作,所以w看1982年的劳动运动都是歧视,那时候黑人都得不到工作。
p3 最近未发布的文章觉得这有问题。劳动历史和黑人历史产出了很多当地研究,黑人和组织劳动关系的不同观点。新研究揭示了双种族工会的传统。在cio有最大的印象,矿工联合试着去管理阿拉巴马的矿场,港口工人也有个例子。同一种族合作的局限性使得重新思考劳动种族。
p4 revision有三点,1. afl的种族政策;2. 黑人的角色3. 组织劳动和公民权利的关系。老解释都不行。虽然之前认为afl追求排黑,现在发现有没有排他的案例。
p5 之前觉得黑人对cio贡献不大,现在发现黑人也很重要,对于cio的成功。黑人没把新工会当作威胁,反而视为机遇。
p6 传统观点认为劳动运动和民权无关,虽然学者知道两个运动是由同一工会组织的,但还是不知道运动之间的联系。cio的运动也为民权作出贡献,或打下基础,所以是有关系的。
p7 那时候黑人都很努力消除歧视,举例组织了活动,
p8 关于黑人的这些研究也是有争议的,有一些可以批评的地方,比如community和运动的关系,只关注这两个之间的关系,性别的问题没考虑。说一下本篇文章就讨论看看延伸到哪里,和以前的不同,挑战啊等等。
发表于 2023-12-4 11:38:45 | 只看该作者
259 labor movement
P1: labour movement through IWW to CIO, South labour history is frustration and defeat
P2: explanation of this dismal(令人沮丧的) record maybe because the behaviour of southern workers. Both black and white are reflecting their radical rather than class identities. JC brought co-operation trend(punctuate(强调)the history of 19th )end, white works exclude or deny black workers’ access to skilled jobs. History of black workers and labour movement in 1982 as exclusion and discrimination
P3: but this portrait(描述)been call into questions. Though white dominant most of the 20th exclusionary craft unionism, study found biracial(双种族的)unionism. New history forcing a re-evaluation of organized labour’s racial record.
P4:revision 3 subject areas:1. racial policies and practices of AFL 2. black rank-and-file workers’ role in industrial union movement of 1930S. 3.relationship between OL and the struggle for civil rights.
P5:black wants to join the union motivated not only bu traditional economic concerns but also wants to advance the social and political equality
P6: Traditionally historians think labour and civil rights movement are separate.indeed 1950s, black freedom struggle(civil rights movements) emerged while labour movement lost its momentum(冲劲儿). 但事实上两者关系紧密且重要
P7: WS: CIO unions black workers are in the vanguard(前锋)of transform race relations. Much of this activity is workplace-oriented. Limited nature of early stage in the struggle for equality
P8: lots of controversy and debate. Failing to take into account the interplay between community dynamics and the character of local labour movements, focus ear-exclusively, ignore gender, sexual division, racial identities,. this essay challenges and breaks the traditional views and hope can refresh the way of viewing the political economy of the 20th South.
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