184 深色羊和浅色羊 现象解释型 P1 引出本篇讨论对象
P2 介绍奇怪现象:看起来比浅棕色羊更适合生存的深棕色羊的比例反而下降
P3 谢菲尔德的JS教授给出奇怪现象的解释,看不懂的解释 SNMN
P4 之前的结论:深色基因主导 只要parent中有一个,就是深色 只有在both parents是浅色的时候才是浅色 P6第一句反驳 隔这么远
P5 新研究发现得出结论:基因会影响体型,存活率和繁衍能力 虽然我深色羊人高马大一米八八但是对存活率和繁衍能力有负面影响 浅色羊反之 和科学家传统假设相悖 高 ≠ 活得爽
P6 给出结论:Sheep with dark-brown genes from both parents are less fit, which accounts for their decreasing numbers 高 ≠ 活得爽 但他们不高的话会更不爽
单词 unfettered fetter: 束缚 vt. 给…上脚镣,束缚
- genome that aflect body size, juvenile survival and reproductive success where on the genote the coat-color gene sits," Dr. Slate said. "It just happens to sit next to this fitness gene.
- Their larger size is not enough to offset the other genetie factors. "If it wasn't for the body size gene, they'd be even worse off," Dr. Slate said
- In the new research, reported in Science, they found nearby locations on the genome that aflect body size, juvenile survival and reproductive success
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