177 P1: Fear of competition> facilitate company invest intheir own business
Give an example of a strategy that company would adopt when fearing of competition P2: Contestable Market 詞(後用CM稱呼),priceincrease(inflation) would be limited by fear of potential competition P3: 傳統想法:航空業是典型/但實際上:公司已擁有的價格跟競爭力使的新加入的競爭者無法成為潛在競爭對手(無法形成CM) P4: 新的變化:Techchange & capital flow,使各產業都變為CM P5: P4所說的原因是1990s以來,通膨被控制的原因 P6: 除上淺層,影響了更深層次:e.g.Real estate brokerage commission原因討厭競爭,不太會變動,現在被影響(下降) P7: impact: price increase would be held on or lower price/example: E*Trade as a new entrance/ CS之前也是比較便宜的價格,但無法使MerrillLynch降價(無法成為有影響力的競爭對手) P8: 為何E*trade可以成為有影響力的競爭者>capital flow from VC & 次級市場 |