Day 59
1. 自带杀虫天赋的种子之一
Scientists havemade genetic modifications to cotton to increase its resistance to insectpests. According to farmers' report, the amount of insecticide needed per acreto control insect pests was only slightly lower for those who tried themodified seed than for those who did not. Therefore, since the modified seedcosts more than ordinary seed without producing yields of higher market value,switching to the modified seed would be unlikely to benefit most cotton farmerseconomically.
Which of thefollowing would it be most useful to know in order to evaluate the argument?
A.Whether farmerswho tried the modified cotton seed had ever tried growing other crops fromgenetically modified seed
B.Whether theinsecticides typically used on ordinary cotton tend to be more expensive thaninsecticides typically used on other crops
C.Whether for mostfarmers who grow cotton it is their primary crop
D.Whether the farmers who have tried the modified seedplanted as many acres of cotton, on average, as farmers using the ordinary seeddid
E.Whether most of the farmers who tried the modified seed didso because they had previously had to use exceptionally large quantities ofinsecticide
D 上面只是说杀虫剂的用量/亩,但是没说这个数据是怎么来的,有可能基因种子只测试了1亩地,而普通用了20亩地,标准不同,得不到准确的答案。
2. 自带杀虫天赋的种子之二
Plant scientistshave been able to genetically engineer vegetable seeds to produce crops thatare highly resistant to insect damage. Although these seeds currently cost morethan conventional seeds, their cost is likely to decline. Moreover, farmersplanting them can use far less pesticide, and most consumers prefer vegetablesgrown with less pesticide, therefore, for crops for which these seeds can bedeveloped, their use is likely to become the norm.
which of thefollowing would be most useful to know in evaluating the argument above?
A.Whether plantscientists have developed insect-resistant seeds for every crop that iscurrently grown commercially
B.Whether farmerstypically use agricultural pesticides in larger amounts than is necessary toprevent crop damage.
C.Whether plantsgrown from the new genetically engineered seeds can be kept completely free ofinsect damage.
D.Whether seeds genetically engineered to produceinsect-resistant crops generate significantly lower per acre crop yields thando currently used seeds.
E.Whether mostvarieties of crops currently grown commercially have greater natural resistanceto insect damage than did similar varieties in the past.
3. 火星人入侵地球啦!
1938年,某电台播送了一段蛊惑人心的节目引起了空前panic(恐慌)。当时世界经济处于大萧条时期而且政治上二战爆发在即。结论说电台节目使人们深信earth is invaded by Martian.
A. 说一些没有听广播的人也恐慌了
B. 电台节目是基于一本写于1895年的某fiction改编的。但是fiction本身在当年并没有引起恐慌。
A? 我个人是这么想的:B的话因为fiction本身没有带来恐慌,而播出后带来恐慌了,恰巧说明这是电台的效果,所以B反而是加强了。只能说2个比下来,A更优,对于没听广播的人来说,先不考虑什么听广播的人又跟这些没听的人讲,单纯的就是没听的人慌了,那A就是削弱,是其他factor导致的。 |