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楼主: T7willG700
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 楼主| 发表于 2022-11-1 20:35:18 | 只看该作者
57. Overused phrases, known as clichés, are rightly criticized because their original distinctive meanings have been so watered down by overuse and misuse that they have lost their precision. Thus, politicians running for office would be more successful at communicating their policies and therefore would be more successful in their efforts to get elected, if they did not use clichés in their speeches.
Which of the following, if true, would most undermine the argument’s reasoning?
(A) Voters generally choose candidates more on the basis of the candidates’ parties’ policies than on the candidates’ own policies. ❌ 题干的【more successful at communicating their policies】也没说到底是 the candidates’ own policies or the candidates’ parties’ policies
(B) It frequently aids candidates’ efforts to get elected if the candidates do not clearly communicate what their policies are. 感觉理解错的,不符合常识
(C) In the course of a political campaign a candidate will often have to give the same speech, or essentially the same speech, many time to many different audiences.
(D) Most voters choose which candidate to vote for largely on the voter’s understanding of the candidate’s policies. 我选的
(E) Contrary to the widespread cynicism toward politicians, most candidates are not interested simply in getting elected, but want to get elected on the basis of the policies that they favor. 我们的task是削弱结论【不用cliches,more successful in their efforts to get elected,你candidates更关注什么无所谓】



Overused phrases, known as clichés, are rightly criticized because their original distinctive meanings have been so watered down by overuse and misuse that they have lost their precision.
Thus, politicians running for office would be more successful at communicating their policies and therefore would be more successful in their efforts to get elected, if they did not use clichés in their speeches.
It frequently aids candidates’ efforts to get elected if the candidates do not clearly communicate what their policies are
Why OA
常识算个der啊,说了if true,选项说It frequently aids candidates’ efforts to get elected if the candidates do not clearly communicate what their policies are
那么如果候选人讲不清楚他们的policies到底是啥就是一定可以aids candidates’ efforts to get elected!
Premise: 用clichés -> their original distinctive meanings lost their precision.
Conclusion: 拒绝cliches -> politicians would be more successful at communicating their policies (their original distinctive meanings WILL NOT lost their precision) and therefore would be more successful in their efforts to get elected.
Brief version:
cliches -> lose precision
不用cliches -> WILL NOT lost their precision -> more successful at communicating their policies -> more successful in their efforts to get elected.
谁跟你说 more successful at communicating their policies -> more successful in their efforts to get elected,作者的结论based on the assumption that more precisely communicate policies, more successful
该OA说:你的assumption是错滴,negate your assumption,your conclusion is 寄 then

Most voters choose which candidate to vote for largely on the voter’s understanding of the candidate’s policies.
Why OE is tempting
我错误的将cliche脑补成更详细的阐述candidate’s policies,no, 选项并没有这么说,题干也没有
题干说的是用clichés -> their original distinctive meanings lost their precision enhance voters understanding 反而是impede understanding了,
我们的任务是削弱结论【if dont use cliche -> more successful】方向反了;
OE方向是增强了,more cliche use,less successful; less cliche use, more successful,和结论的方向是一致的,不能削弱

1. DONT 脑补!
2. 增强削弱选项都是given 一定对的,不要怀疑选项的正确错误,or是否符合常识,他说的一定是对的,our task is to determine whether 这个given true的选项能否削弱这个结论

 楼主| 发表于 2022-11-1 23:14:46 | 只看该作者
A preliminary announcement from the government of the Republic of Bilong indicated that the country's year-to-date 迄今为止 trade deficit dropped again last month. In fact, according to a government spokesperson, last month was the third month in a row that Bilong's exports were substantially greater in value than its imports. The government has not yet released any actual figures, but clearly the trend reported indicates that government efforts to promote Bilong's export trade are finally bearing fruit.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) There has not been a sharp contraction in the total value of goods imported into Bilong in recent months.
(B) There has been no lessening in recent months in the government's efforts to promote exports.
(C) The government's efforts to promote export trade did not lead Bilong's exporters to reduce prices in order to achieve a higher volume of exports.
(D) Bilong's government is able to discern broad trends in foreign trade long before actual figures are available.
(E) There has been no significant shift in Bilong's exports from one category of exported goods to another in recent months.

deficit dropped again last month.
连续仨月 Bilong's exports were substantially greater in value than its imports.
The government has not yet released any actual figures
but clearly the trend reported indicates that government efforts to promote Bilong's export trade are finally bearing fruit.
There has not been a sharp contraction in the total value of goods imported into Bilong in recent months.
因为题干已经给了value of export > value of import
import 不管是否下降都是小于export的
no more new info added
1. 没读懂
2. 这是assumption题,不是加强削弱,不需要new info
contraction:紧缩 下降
Why OA
逻辑链:连续三月value of export > value of import,推出 government efforts to promote Bilong's export trade 有效
i.e. 推出value of export上升
假设:不是export不变或下降,而是import下降or下降更多导致的value of export > value of import
OA取非 the total value of goods imported into B contracted sharply
The government's efforts to promote export trade did not lead Bilong's exporters to reduce prices in order to achieve a higher volume of exports.

1. 结论是“government efforts to promote Bilong's export trade are finally bearing fruit.”没有说到底promote export trade指的是achieve a higher volume of exports还是higher price;取非无法削弱。也不知道reduce price和higher volume的关系是什么,有可能薄利多销total value还是大于之前的,还是能得出结论government efforts DOES work
2. 题干中已经说了“last month was the third month in a row that Bilong's exports were substantially greater in value than its imports”
不管是否lead Bilong's exporters to reduce prices in order to achieve a higher volume of exports. greater value in export than in import已经是既定事实
谁跟我说不看懂也能做对我创④谁 :)

 楼主| 发表于 2022-11-2 10:49:54 | 只看该作者
A magazine invited readers to perform an experiment: have one friend sit blindfolded while another, seated behind the blindfolded person, peels a sticker off the magazine and then look either at or away from the blindfolded person on the basis of the instructions under the sticker. According to the responses received by the magazine, the blindfolded people, in a proportion greater than chance, correctly judge whether the person behind them was staring at them.
In order to evaluate the results of the experiment, which of the following would it be most important to establish?
A Whether the blindfolded person was generally told after the experiment was finished whether his or her answer had been correct?
B Whether the magazine published a time limit within which the experiment was to be conducted?
C Whether the peeling off of the sticker would have been audible to the blindfolded person?
D Whether the readers of the magazine sometimes fail to report results indicating an incorrect judgment by the blindfolded person?
E Whether inviting readers to take part in the experiment was intended to foster reader loyalty?

A magazine invited readers to perform an experiment: have one friend sit blindfolded while another, seated behind the blindfolded person, peels a sticker off the magazine and then look either at or away from the blindfolded person on the basis of the instructions under the sticker.
According to the responses received by the magazine, the blindfolded people, in a proportion greater than chance, correctly judge whether the person behind them was staring at them.
Whether the readers of the magazine sometimes fail to report results indicating an incorrect judgment by the blindfolded person?
Why OA
回答yes, the readers of the magazine sometimes fail to report results indicating an incorrect judgment by the blindfolded person
这些错误判断的并不是真的少很多,而是因为fail to report 错误判断
所以结论 the blindfolded people, in a proportion greater than chance, correctly judge whether the person behind them was staring at them被削弱,并不是因为前排蒙眼人correctly judge后面的人是否在看,而是因为错的没报道,报道的大部分都是正确判断就不能推断出是因为他们真的正确判断了
回答no,the readers of the magazine sometimes DOES NOT fail to report results indicating an incorrect judgment by the blindfolded person
说明According to the responses received by the magazine得出的结论【the blindfolded people, in a proportion greater than chance, correctly judge whether the person behind them was staring at them】是可靠的,真的是因为correctly judge导致的 a proportion greater than chance 判断出whether the person behind them was staring at them,不是因为错的不报导致看起来正确判断的更多
Whether the peeling off of the sticker would have been audible to the blindfolded person
Why OE is tempting - 错因/难点

因为conclusion并没有特指是第六感导致蒙眼人做出的判断,conclusion只是说the blindfolded people, in a proportion greater than chance, correctly judge whether the person behind them was staring at them;蒙眼人做出了正确判断,因为听到不同的声音做出的正确判断削弱不了该结论)

 楼主| 发表于 2022-11-7 03:48:02 | 只看该作者
The downtown shopping mall in Metroville is struggling to attract shoppers, and many of its retail spaces are now vacant. In order to attract enough new retailers to generate the revenue necessary to prevent the mall from closing, the mall owners plan to add free amenities such as a dog run and an ice rink to entice shoppers into the mall.
Which of the following would, if true, most strongly support the claim that the mall owners' plan, once implemented, would fail to achieve its goal?
(B) Monthly operating costs for the proposed new amenities would exceed the total monthly revenue that the mall owners could gain from contracts for use of the vacant retail spaces.
(D) New retailers will not rent the vacant retail spaces at the mall unless more visitors start frequenting the mall.
(E) Currently, Metroville residents who visit the nearest dog runs and ice rinks usually do not go shopping during the same outing.



The downtown shopping mall in Metroville is struggling to attract shoppers, and many of its retail spaces are now vacant.
In order to attract enough new retailers to generate the revenue 【necessary to prevent the mall from closing】
the mall owners plan to add free amenities such as a dog run and an ice rink to entice shoppers into the mall.
Our task
support the claim that the mall owners' plan, once implemented, would fail to achieve its goal
Currently, Metroville residents who visit the nearest dog runs and ice rinks usually do not go shopping during the same outing.
Why OA
切断 add free amenities 和 to generate the revenue 的联系
切断 plan 和 goal之间的联系 -> plan will not acheive its goal
Monthly operating costs for the proposed new amenities would exceed the total monthly revenue that the mall owners could gain from contracts for use of the vacant retail spaces.
Why OE is tempting - 错因/难点
我们的goal是 to attract enough new retailers to generate the revenue necessary to prevent the mall from closing NOT profit

New retailers will not rent the vacant retail spaces at the mall unless more visitors start frequenting the mall.
没有提到我们的plan,我们的task是要削弱plan到达goal的可行性,i.e. 切断联系
提都没提our plan,无法削弱
注意偷换概念between revenue & profit

 楼主| 发表于 2022-11-7 04:21:31 | 只看该作者
Biologist: if reports of people's observations along the newly constructed highway are to be believed, many large herbivores such as deer and moose are grazing there. The reported numbers are about equal to our overall population estimates of the past three years, and if there are that many near the road, the animals must be even more abundant in more distant reaches of the forest. So concerns that local populations of these animals are threatened by the construction of the new highway are clearly misplaced.
Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the biologist's reasoning?
A Animals that prey on large herbivores tend not to venture anywhere near roads and cars.
B Road construction in an area reduces the availability of plants in that area to large herbivores.
C The distant reaches of the forest cover much more area than does the part of the forest visible from the new highway.
D Vacationers accustomed to encountering large herbivores make up most of the traffic on the new highway.
E The new highway was built over approximately three years. 

if reports of people's observations along the newly constructed highway are to be believed, many large herbivores such as deer and moose are grazing there. The reported numbers are about equal to our overall population estimates of the past three years, and if there are that many near the road, the animals must be even more abundant in more distant reaches of the forest.
So concerns that local populations of these animals are threatened by the construction of the new highway are clearly misplaced.

if reports of people's observations along the newly constructed highway are to be believed, many large herbivores such as deer and moose are grazing there.

The reported numbers are about equal to our overall population estimates of the past three years,
and if there are that many near the road, the animals must be even more abundant in more distant reaches of the forest.

So concerns that local populations of these animals are threatened by the construction of the new highway are clearly misplaced.
纯纯恶心人啊 and不是表//?
and前面是fact:The reported numbers are about equal to our overall population estimates of the past three years
Animals that prey on large herbivores tend not to venture anywhere near roads and cars.
我以为and if there are that many near the road, the animals must be even more abundant in more distant reaches of the forest. 我以为是given fact

Why OA
捕食者不在公路附近 所以公路附近的鹿多 但不代表远处的鹿更丰富(很有可能更少 因为有食肉动物的存在, 食肉动物不愿意靠近公路) 路边看到的就是他的总数 所以说他的数量变多了是不对的
所以根据the number of large herbivores such as deer and moose grazing along the newly constructed highway equal to our overall population estimates of the past three years
推测出结论 local populations of these animals are NOT threatened by the construction of the new highway是不对的,是推不出来的
可能如果没有construction of the new highway,populations of these animals会更多
比如如果没有建造new highway
路边:50 森林深处:50 总100
建造new highway后,食草动物为了躲避predators
路边:70 森林深处:10 总80
虽然路边的多了,但其实建造highway降低了local populations of these animals

真恶心,like what Ron said, 有些原题不是不放出来,they are just intrinsically bad

发表于 2023-2-13 12:59:36 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-21 15:05:49 | 只看该作者
T7willG700 发表于 2022-10-16 04:16
In an experiment, researchers planted a coin beside half the public telephones in a building. Whenev ...

发表于 2023-10-28 11:45:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-12-11 18:43:07 | 只看该作者
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