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1.(184)Japan's abundant rainfall and the typically mild temperatures throughout most of the country have produced a lush vegetation cover and, despite the mountainous terrain and generally poor soils, it has made possible the raising of a variety of crops.
A.it has made possible the raising of
B.has made it possible for them to raise
C.have made it possible to raise
D.have made it possible for raising
E.thus making it possible for them to raise
2.(185)Because the budget package in Congress promises a combination of higher taxes and reduced spending that may slow economic growth, many in the credit markets wonder whether the Federal Reserve will compensate and help the economy by keeping interest rates low, or perhaps even if they push them lower.
A.by keeping interest rates low, or perhaps even if they push
B.by its keeping interest rates low, or perhaps even by their pushing
C.by keeping interest rates low, or perhaps even by pushing
D.through their keeping interest rates low, or perhaps even push
E.through their keeping interest rates low, or perhaps it will even push
3.(186)Laos has a land area about the same as Great Britain but only 4 million in population, where many are members of hill tribes ensconced in the virtually inaccessible mountain valleys of the north.
A.about the same as Great Britain but only 4 million in population, where many
B.of about the same size as Great Britain is, but in Laos there is a population of only 4 million, and many
C.that is about the same size as Great Britain's land area, but in Laos with a population of only 4 million people, many of them
D.comparable to the size of Great Britain, but only 4 million in population, and many
E.comparable to that of Great Britain but a population of only 4 million people, many of whom