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[揽瓜阁逻辑小分队] day4

发表于 2022-12-2 21:43:35 | 只看该作者
Day 4
1.        咖啡因和失眠
Althoughit is sometimes claimed that consuming caffeine at high levels does not causeinsomnia, statistical evidence shows that it does. Study after study has foundthat people with high levels of caffeine consumption from beverages such ascoffee, tea, and soft drinks are far more likely to suffer from insomnia thanpeople who consume little or no caffeine.
Whichof the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A.Consumption of caffeine from sources other than coffee, tea, and soft drinks isunlikely to cause insomnia.
B.Caffeine consumption is the only commonly occurring cause of insomnia.
C. People suffering from insomnia donot typically respond to their lack of sleep by consuming much more caffeinethan they would if they did not suffer from insomnia.
D.The only evidence available to show whether caffeine causes insomnia isstatistical evidence showing correlations between caffeine consumption andinsomnia.
E.Anyone who regularly consumes caffeine in more than moderate quantities willsuffer from insomnia.
2.        Computer worms
computerworms are mostly malicious. However, one of the widespread computer worms addssecurity features for infected computers. However, although the creator of thiscomputer worm had good intention, he did more harm than good. explain thisdiscrepancy.
3.        Motorized TM 维修
做了一个调查,motorized TM 十年中10%需要维修,non-motorized TM 只有2%需要维修。如果人们想在日常使用中不被disruptor disrupt更少,就应该用non-motorized。问assumption
P:调查显示,motorized TM需要维修的比例更高
是否motorized TM的使用率更高呢?
B: 买motorizedTM的人没有比买non-motorizedTM的人用的次数更多

发表于 2022-12-4 19:27:39 | 只看该作者
1.        咖啡因和失眠
Although it is sometimes claimed that consuming caffeine at high levels does not cause insomnia, statistical evidence shows that it does. Study after study has found that people with high levels of caffeine consumption from beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks are far more likely to suffer from insomnia than people who consume little or no caffeine.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Consumption of caffeine from sources other than coffee, tea, and soft drinks is unlikely to cause insomnia.
B. Caffeine consumption is the only commonly occurring cause of insomnia.
C. People suffering from insomnia do not typically respond to their lack of sleep by consuming much more caffeine than they would if they did not suffer from insomnia.
D. The only evidence available to show whether caffeine causes insomnia is statistical evidence showing correlations between caffeine consumption and insomnia.
E. Anyone who regularly consumes caffeine in more than moderate quantities will suffer from insomnia.因果关系:高浓度咖啡因导致失眠

2.        Computer worms
computer worms are mostly malicious. However, one of the widespread computer worms adds security features for infected computers. However, although the creator of this computer worm had good intention, he did more harm than good. explain this discrepancy.

3.        Motorized TM 维修
做了一个调查,motorized TM 十年中10%需要维修,non-motorized TM 只有2%需要维修。如果人们想在日常使用中不被disrupt or disrupt更少,就应该用non-motorized。问assumption
A: 做survey的这些人,买motorized的和买non-motorized的一样多  
B: 买motorized TM的人没有比买non-motorized TM的人用的次数更多
发表于 2022-12-7 22:33:00 | 只看该作者
Day 4
1.        咖啡因和失眠
Although it is sometimes claimed that consuming caffeine at high levels does not cause insomnia, statistical evidence shows that it does. Study after study has found that people with high levels of caffeine consumption from beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks are far more likely to suffer from insomnia than people who consume little or no caffeine.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Consumption of caffeine from sources other than coffee, tea, and soft drinks is unlikely to cause insomnia.
B. Caffeine consumption is the only commonly occurring cause of insomnia.
C. People suffering from insomnia do not typically respond to their lack of sleep by consuming much more caffeine than they would if they did not suffer from insomnia.
D. The only evidence available to show whether caffeine causes insomnia is statistical evidence showing correlations between caffeine consumption and insomnia.
E. Anyone who regularly consumes caffeine in more than moderate quantities will suffer from insomnia.
P: people with high levels of caffeine consumption from beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks are far more likely to suffer from insomnia than people who consume little or no caffeine.
C: consuming caffeine at high levels does  cause insomnia

- 原理:反向因果:不是因为有insomnia -> 导致caffeine consumption;第三方原因导致了high consumption & insomnia; consumption 如何导致insomnia;

2.        Computer worms
computer worms are mostly malicious. However, one of the widespread computer worms adds security features for infected computers. However, although the creator of this computer worm had good intention, he did more harm than good. explain this discrepancy.

C:he did more harm than good.

- 原理:如何harm: security features碰到worms的某个特征导致无法工作;security features不适用于现在的电脑;

3.        Motorized TM 维修
做了一个调查,motorized TM 十年中10%需要维修,non-motorized TM 只有2%需要维修。如果人们想在日常使用中不被disrupt or disrupt更少,就应该用non-motorized。问assumption
A: 做survey的这些人,买motorized的和买non-motorized的一样多  
B: 买motorized TM的人没有比买non-motorized TM的人用的次数更多

C:如果人们想在日常使用中不被disrupt or disrupt更少,就应该用non-motorized
- 因果关系:调查具有代表性,可以证明non-m TM & m TM的差异。

发表于 2023-1-11 14:05:20 | 只看该作者
Although it is sometimes claimed that consuming caffeine at high levels does not cause insomnia (失眠), statistical evidence shows that it does. Study after study has found that people with high levels of caffeine consumption from beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks are far more likely to suffer from insomnia than people who consume little or no caffeine.
P: 消费咖啡因的人比起没消费得咖啡因的人更容易得I; C: 咖啡因的锅
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Consumption of caffeine from sources other than coffee, tea, and soft drinks is unlikely to cause insomnia.
B. Caffeine consumption is the only commonly occurring cause of insomnia.
C. People suffering from insomnia do not typically respond to their lack of sleep by consuming much more caffeine than they would if they did not suffer from insomnia.-取非则因果倒置
D. The only evidence available to show whether caffeine causes insomnia is statistical evidence showing correlations between caffeine consumption and insomnia.
E. Anyone who regularly consumes caffeine in more than moderate quantities will suffer from insomnia.
Computer worms are mostly malicious. However, one of the widespread computer worms adds security features for infected computers. However, although the creator of this computer worm had good intention, he did more harm than good.
矛盾点: 为什么又security, 但是harm多过good?
电脑病毒可以利用security的特点隐瞒自己, 绕过杀毒软件识别 (特洛伊木马)
做了一个调查, motorized TM 十年中10%需要维修, non-motorized TM 只有2%需要维修. 如果人们想在日常使用中不被disrupt or disrupt更少, 就应该用non-motorized.
motorized TM只需要维修10%, 而non-motorized TM需要维修2%; 所以, 应该用non-motorized TM (换句话说就是维修量少)
GAP: 绝对值和相对值的关系如何? 百分比少绝对数量就少?
The argument assumed which of the followings?
A: 做survey的这些人, 买motorized的和买non-motorized的一样多-无关选项
B: 买motorized TM的人没有比买non-motorized TM的人用的次数更多-YES, 提到了次数
发表于 2023-2-22 22:34:20 | 只看该作者
Day 4
1.        咖啡因和失眠
Although it is sometimes claimed that consuming caffeine at high levels does not cause insomnia, statistical evidence shows that it does. study has found that people with high levels of caffeine consumption from beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks are far more likely to suffer from insomnia than people who consume little or no caffeine.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Consumption of caffeine from sources other than coffee, tea, and soft drinks is unlikely to cause insomnia.
B. Caffeine consumption is the only commonly occurring cause of insomnia.
C. People suffering from insomnia do not typically respond to their lack of sleep by consuming much more caffeine than they would if they did not suffer from insomnia.
D. The only evidence available to show whether caffeine causes insomnia is statistical evidence showing correlations between caffeine consumption and insomnia.
E. Anyone who regularly consumes caffeine in more than moderate quantities will suffer from insomnia.


2.        Computer worms
computer worms are mostly malicious. However, one of the widespread computer worms adds security features for infected computers. However, although the creator of this computer worm had good intention, he did more harm than good. explain this discrepancy.

3.        Motorized TM 维修
做了一个调查,motorized TM 十年中10%需要维修,non-motorized TM 只有2%需要维修。如果人们想在日常使用中不被disrupt or disrupt更少,就应该用non-motorized。问assumption
A: 做survey的这些人,买motorized的和买non-motorized的一样多  
B: 买motorized TM的人没有比买non-motorized TM的人用的次数更多
从削弱点出发1、实验对象有偏 2、实验条件有偏
发表于 2023-4-29 20:45:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-4-30 01:29:04 | 只看该作者
1. 咖啡因和失眠
Although it is sometimes claimed that consuming caffeine at high levels does not cause insomnia, statistical evidence shows that it does. Study after study has found that people with high levels of caffeine consumption from beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks are far more likely to suffer from insomnia than people who consume little or no caffeine.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Consumption of caffeine from sources other than coffee, tea, and soft drinks is unlikely to cause insomnia.
B. Caffeine consumption is the only commonly occurring cause of insomnia.
C. People suffering from insomnia do not typically respond to their lack of sleep by consuming much more caffeine than they would if they did not suffer from insomnia.
D. The only evidence available to show whether caffeine causes insomnia is statistical evidence showing correlations between caffeine consumption and insomnia.
E. Anyone who regularly consumes caffeine in more than moderate quantities will suffer from insomnia.


2.  Computer worms
computer worms are mostly malicious(恶毒的). However, one of the widespread computer worms adds security features for infected computers. However, although the creator of this computer worm had good intention, he did more harm than good. explain this discrepancy.

F:computer worms are mostly malicious
P:one of the widespread computer worms adds security features for infected computers
C:although the creator of this computer worm had good intention, he did more harm than good.
思路:security features的缺点
方向:security features虽然能保护电脑,但运行起来经常会使电脑崩溃

3. Motorized TM 维修
做了一个调查,motorized TM 十年中10%需要维修,non-motorized TM 只有2%需要维修。如果人们想在日常使用中不被disrupt or disrupt更少,就应该用non-motorized。问assumption
A: 做survey的这些人,买motorized的和买non-motorized的一样多  
B: 买motorized TM的人没有比买non-motorized TM的人用的次数更多

F:一个调查,motorized TM 十年中10%需要维修,non-motorized TM 只有2%需要维修
C:如果人们想在日常使用中不被disrupt or disrupt更少,就应该用non-motorized
【备选答案】A: 做survey的这些人,买motorized的和买non-motorized的一样多  
B: 买motorized TM的人没有比买non-motorized TM的人用的次数更多(加强)
发表于 2023-8-5 12:38:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-8-7 15:49:43 | 只看该作者
1.        咖啡因
Assumption: 这只确定了咖啡因这么一种变量导致失眠,但是有可能还有压力,什么等也会导致失眠,所以题目的p和c之间要确保只有单一变量,所以这个题目选B
2.        有些时候这种电脑病毒给电脑带来了安全保障但是与此同时,这种安全措施是这个电脑使用更加繁琐,给客户带了来很大的使用困难
3.        选B
发表于 2023-9-7 10:33:43 | 只看该作者

Day 4
1.        咖啡因和失眠
Although it is sometimes claimed that consuming caffeine at high levels does not cause insomnia, statistical evidence shows that it does. Study after study has found that people with high levels of caffeine consumption from beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks are far more likely to suffer from insomnia than people who consume little or no caffeine.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Consumption of caffeine from sources other than coffee, tea, and soft drinks is unlikely to cause insomnia. ---无关比较
B. Caffeine consumption is the only commonly occurring cause of insomnia. ---排除他因方向,但没有提及“大量咖啡因”
C. People suffering from insomnia do not typically respond to their lack of sleep by consuming much more caffeine than they would if they did not suffer from insomnia.---无因果倒置
D. The only evidence available to show whether caffeine causes insomnia is statistical evidence showing correlations between caffeine consumption and insomnia.---无关
E. Anyone who regularly consumes caffeine in more than moderate quantities will suffer from insomnia.---无关比较

2.        Computer worms
computer worms are mostly malicious. However, one of the widespread computer worms adds security features for infected computers. However, although the creator of this computer worm had good intention, he did more harm than good. explain this discrepancy.
答案方向:1. 这个病毒占很多内存让受感染电脑performance变差 2. 这个病毒给其他怀恶意的病毒提供了效仿对象

3.        Motorized TM 维修
做了一个调查,motorized TM 十年中10%需要维修,non-motorized TM 只有2%需要维修。如果人们想在日常使用中不被disrupt or disrupt更少,就应该用non-motorized。问assumption
A: 做survey的这些人,买motorized的和买non-motorized的一样多  
B: 买motorized TM的人没有比买non-motorized TM的人用的次数更多
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