Day 4 1. 咖啡因和失眠 Althoughit is sometimes claimed that consuming caffeine at high levels does not causeinsomnia, statistical evidence shows that it does. Study after study has foundthat people with high levels of caffeine consumption from beverages such ascoffee, tea, and soft drinks are far more likely to suffer from insomnia thanpeople who consume little or no caffeine. Whichof the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? P1:很多研究发现从饮料中获取很多咖啡因的人比那些不获取咖啡因的人更容易失眠 C:所以咖啡因会导致失眠 Gap:人群控制(这些喝很多咖啡因的人本身没有睡眠问题) A.Consumption of caffeine from sources other than coffee, tea, and soft drinks isunlikely to cause insomnia. B.Caffeine consumption is the only commonly occurring cause of insomnia. C. People suffering from insomnia donot typically respond to their lack of sleep by consuming much more caffeinethan they would if they did not suffer from insomnia. D.The only evidence available to show whether caffeine causes insomnia isstatistical evidence showing correlations between caffeine consumption andinsomnia. E.Anyone who regularly consumes caffeine in more than moderate quantities willsuffer from insomnia. C 2. Computer worms computerworms are mostly malicious. However, one of the widespread computer worms addssecurity features for infected computers. However, although the creator of thiscomputer worm had good intention, he did more harm than good. explain thisdiscrepancy. P:一个电脑病毒可以帮助受感染的电脑更安全 C:但是这个人即使是抱着好意,他做的也是弊大于利 可能因为这个人的行为导致很多人对电脑病毒有了信任,但是大部分病毒都是恶意的 3. Motorized TM 维修 做了一个调查,motorized TM 十年中10%需要维修,non-motorized TM 只有2%需要维修。如果人们想在日常使用中不被disruptor disrupt更少,就应该用non-motorized。问assumption 选项有 P:调查显示,motorized TM需要维修的比例更高 C:如果想要不被disrupt,就应该用non-motorized Gap:控制样本了吗? 是否motorized TM的使用率更高呢? A:做survey的这些人,买motorized的和买non-motorized的一样多 B: 买motorizedTM的人没有比买non-motorizedTM的人用的次数更多 B