P1cean crust originates as tiny amounts of liquid rock- How the liquid rock formed into ocean crust?
1.Liquid rock from- release of pressure within the mantle rock
2.How liquid rock - gets to the surface
chemical composition of melt did not seem to match up with the composition of rock samples collected from the mid-ocean ridges——(why?)the chemical composition of melt in the mantle varies depending on the depth at which it forms——(what is it?)the composition is controlled by an exchange of atoms——(how?)as melt rises, dissolves or precipitates——(inference)the higher in the mantle melt formed, the more dissolve, and the more leave behind,所以岩石组成应同于10km处——(fact)岩石来源于45km处,且没有发生dissolve
An answer in 1970s.(被作者反驳)
3.证据1-(大裂缝存在的证据)-AN发现的Ophiolites-冷却的ocean crust或者是板块碰撞——在ophiolites发现了dikes- cracks in which melt had crystallized before reaching the seafloor
Explain a puzzle mentioned in P1-inference vs. Fact(作者的观点)
1.chemical theory-as rising melt dissolves and precipitates——>greater volume of melt
2.Result-enlarges the open spaces at the edges of solid crystals, creating larger pores and carving a more favorable pathway through which melt can flow——>channels——> (but )less than 10 percent of the available area——>(why?) crystals congesting——>(result)melt flows slowly——>(however) only all the soluble orthopyroxene crystals dissolve away——>所以岩石没有orthopyroxene crystal ——>最重要的是:只有边缘的orthopyroxene crystal融化了,内部的照常上升(即:对应事实,为什么是45km处的构成,因为内部根本没有融化)
各逻辑简图: P1:提出问题-不断演绎(why/what/how)-推理不成立(与事实相反)-问题待解决 P2:说结论-放证据+类比解释-反驳证据和解释-推翻结论 P3:提出原因-不断演绎-得出结论 全文逻辑: 提出问题-反驳可能的解释-提出正确的解释