51.水泥 TW: cement 1.kw1: pollution产生污染的过程 对比: cement & aviation 2.kw2: restricts emissions 3.kw3: three biggest firms cut the emissions 4.kw4: the cuts come in three main areas a: more efficient, reduce energy b: replace fossil fuels with alternatives c: more additives 5.kw5: all three tactics have their limits a: little scope for further big gains b: fuel substitution difficult-incineration c: building codes limit 6.kw6: these measures yield only marginal benefits-overall increasein emissions a: demand growing faster b: emerging market 7.kw7: 其他解决方法onother way to alter the basic chemistry of cement-making a: capture and store carbon dioxide b: stronger and more flexible varieties of cement and concretecan be used more sparingly c: take on the construction as a wh ole 8.kw8: ultimately need to come up with a substitute forcement