P3:伪装成真菌是普遍的授粉策略,并且大多数时候卵会毁坏。描述了会伪装成真菌的植物特点:forest-dwellers,close to the ground,flowers dark purple or brown,scentless to human。
fell prey to 被……折磨
inflorescence n. 花;[植]花序;开花
foliage n. 叶子(总称);植物
off- white 近于纯白
P1:unbelievable pollination case a. AP. 's inflorescence has a chamber ( only open for an elliptical window /earthward)
b. mousetail on top of floral chamber.
c. in spring give the impression of a mice army
P2: pollination process
a. insect enter the chamber and is confronted by the inflorescence (spongy and depressions)
b. organ colour looks like the cap pf mushroom --> pollinators breed in muchroom --> fools them --> deposit eggs --> also pollinate the plant
P3:The strategy fungus mimicry
a. forest-dwellers
b. scentless to human nose
c. attract female