文章主题:非裔美籍女性种族领袖--MaryJane McLeod Bethune
I. B女士是最重要的非裔美籍女性的代表之一 ----- 种族进步做出重要贡献/种族领袖 II.尽管她参加了很多政治运动但是不被认为是黑人政治领袖---传统定义导致了这个结果 III.女权历史学家努力重新定义政治----政治包括所有以改变为导向的工作
长难句: 1. Despite her multiplepolitical activities, Bethune has not been recognized as a black politicalleader. This is attributable in large part to the traditional definition of political rests upon a conventionally accepted and gender-biased idea of a leaderas a "spokesman," and of politics as voting, electioneering, andoffice holding. 尽管她从事多项政治活动,但Bethune并未被公认为黑人政治领袖。 这在很大程度上归因于传统的政治定义依赖于传统上接受的和性别偏见的领导者作为“代言人”的想法,以及将政治视为投票、竞选和担任公职。 2. Women such as Bethune who entered thepublic arena and fought for substantive reform while remaining grounded innetworks of kin, church, and community were left outof political history. Asfeministhistorians have become more interested in political history, they have worked toredefine politics asany "activity" that includes allcommunity work which is oriented to changethrough multifaceted goals including service, support, public education andadvocacy. 像Bethun这样进入公共领域并为实质性改革而奋斗的女性,同时仍然扎根于亲属、教会和社区网络,被排除在政治历史之外。 随着女权主义历史学家对政治史越来越感兴趣,他们努力将政治重新定义为任何“活动”,包括服务、支持、公共教育和宣传等多方面目标以改变为导向的所有社区工作。