By 1999, astronomers had discovered 17 nearby stars that are orbited bv planets about the size of Jupiter. A.had discovered 17 nearby stars that are orbited by planets B.had discovered 17 nearby stars with planets orbiting them that were C.had discovered that there were 17 nearby stars that were orbited by planets D.have discovered 17 nearby stars with planets orbiting them that are E.have discovered that 17 nearby stars are orbited by planet OA:A
又有一道翻遍全网还是有困惑的题目,百思不得其解,特发CD求助各路大神。 B选项按照og和大家的解释是,that会跳跃修饰star/planet,但是that应该是就近修饰them,而them在这里指代stars,原文“ about the size of Jupiter”修饰的是planet,但是B选项这里修饰stars,所以我感觉问题是在这里。【包括毕老师说的with独立主格只能做状语,我也存在疑惑,这里没有用“,”隔开是可以做定语的,只是按照og解释wordy和indirect】。还有“是多大”是一个事实,要用一般现在时。 D og说介词短语wordy和indirect,那或许可以用简洁中的v>adj>n>动名词解释
这道题一开始我使用by+过去时间不能和现完同时用;with结构、there be结构不简洁;”绕“是一个事实要用现在时态,而整句时态是过去,所以用定语从句表示一般现在时解决的,第一次做对了,现在回过头来发现还是没吃透,期待大家的解答,感谢!