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[逻辑小分队] 揽瓜阁逻辑做题小分队 第95天

发表于 2022-10-26 10:09:43 | 只看该作者
1. Medical education in the United States has focused almost exclusively on curative medicine, while preventive care has been given scant attention. This is misguided. Medical schools should invest as much time in teaching their students how to prevent illness as in teaching them how to cure it. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument above?医疗教育中美国主要关注治疗而不是预防。这是一个误区,学校应该多教学生如果预防疾病
A Many contagious diseases can be prevented with vaccines.   疫苗可以预防疾病
B In 1988, for every three cents the United States spent on prevention, it spent 97 cents on curative treatment.  无关
C The number of students enrolled in medical school is the highest it has ever been. 跟学生数量无关
D More people die each year from disease than from accidental causes.  跟意外事故无关
E As the population grows, the number of doctors in certain specialties has not been keeping pace. 跟医生数量无关

2. Some animals, such as dolphins, dogs, and African grey parrots, seem to exhibit cognitive functions typically associated with higher-order primates such as chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans. Some parrots, for example, have vocabularies of hundreds of words that they can string together in a comprehensible syntax. This clearly shows that humans and primates are not the only animals capable of using language to communicate. One parrot, named Alex, has been known to ask to be petted or kissed and will exhibit aggression if the gesture offered is not the specific one requested. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion above?
A Dolphins can be trained to assist divers in ocean rescues.  海豚救援不是语言沟通
B Gorillas in captivity often learn hand signals for food and water.  G是灵长类
C Dogs are capable of sensing their owners’ moods and often exhibit concern if they sense sadness.   感知情绪不是语言沟通
D Chimpanzees can memorize long sequences of key punches on machines that dispense food.  C是灵长类
E Alex does not exhibit aggression when offered a gesture that he specifically requested   鹦鹉得到他要求的动作就不会表现出进攻性了,对应上文的例子

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