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[阅读小分队] 【揽瓜阁 外刊精读7.0】Day1 2021.04.12【社会科学-商业、经济】

发表于 2021-4-11 20:53:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  Day1 2021.04.12

【社会科学-商业】The cult of an Elon Musk or a Jack Ma has its perks—but also perils
(The Economist- 975字 长精读)

“I am become meme, Destroyer of shorts.” This recent tweet by Elon Musk struck a messianic tone that his disciples lap up. The past month has boosted the cult status of the uber-entrepreneur. The GameStop saga gave him ammunition in his long-running battle with short-sellers, while also positioning him as a champion of the little guy taking on Wall Street. This week fans were spellbound by the announcement that Mr Musk’s electric-car maker, Tesla, had invested $1.5bn in bitcoin and would start accepting the cryptocurrency as a form of payment. Earlier, a barrage of cheeky tweets from Mr Musk about dogecoin (“the people’s crypto”) had sent serious investors scrambling to learn more about a digital currency that started as a joke.

Impish humour is a Musk hallmark, but the impact of his missives is no joke. They can set herds stampeding. His bitcoin announcement propelled it to new heights. Tesla’s market value briefly climbed above $830bn, near its peak. The history of business is littered with Pied Pipers but, as Peter Atwater, a social psychologist, points out, none has matched Mr Musk for the number of things he has helped turn red-hot, from cars and crypto to space travel and Clubhouse, a live-podcasting app he appeared on. That invites two questions. What makes the Musk scent so intoxicating to so many? And what are the pros and cons of being a cult ceo?

Larger-than-life business figures enjoy various degrees of celebrity. One category includes chief executives of big firms who, while charismatic, fail to inspire feverish devotion. Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s outgoing boss, commands admiration on Wall Street and envy in other corner offices, but is too restrained to attract drooling groupies. Similarly, in his 20 years running ge, Jack Welch earned a reputation (since disputed) for red-toothed success, but was too cold-blooded to mesmerise the masses.

The second group comprises tycoons who achieve cultlike status but whose businesses scarcely warrant the adulation. Their trademark is often shameless self-promotion. Richard Branson has spent decades cultivating an image as a corporate hippy-cum-pirate who takes on complacent incumbents in industries from aviation to finance. Donald Trump touted himself as the arch-dealmaker. Both have hordes of wide-eyed fans. Neither has built a business that comes close to $10bn in value or is built for stability.

The third category is more exclusive: those who build both cults of personality and huge businesses. Joining Mr Musk in this club is Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, China’s tech titan. Millions of Chinese college students and other wannabe entrepreneurs bought into the image he cultivated, of a humble teacher turned philanthropic tech titan with a splash of cultural cool (he once appeared as a tai chi master in a martial-arts film). Admiration of Mr Ma has often verged on religious fervour. In 2015 a group of online merchants created a shrine to him, to bring them good luck on “singles day”, an e-shopping festival.

Messrs Musk and Ma walk a trail blazed by an Indian business legend: Dhirubhai Ambani, who founded Reliance Industries, a petrochemicals-to-telecoms conglomerate. The son of a village schoolteacher who cut his teeth trading polyester yarn, Ambani pioneered the equity cult. His trick, in a country where companies had long relied mostly on banks for funding, was to see the untapped potential lower down the pyramid. He toured India, convincing middle-class savers that they, too, could join the capitalist class. When Reliance went public in 1977 it attracted 58,000 punters. The shareholders he drew in have done well: the share price has gained 275,000% since the flotation. When 30,000 of them turned up to pay homage at one general meeting, it had to be moved to a park. These days only Warren Buffett attracts zealots in such numbers (or did before covid-19).

Cult status confers perks. Equity is cheaper when those buying it are devout retail investors, not hard-headed institutions. Small investors are also more patient, heeding calls to “keep the faith” during profitless investment splurges. Marketing costs are low; Mr Musk can use social media to burnish his (and Tesla’s) brand for nothing. Fans are willing to overlook flaws that more dispassionate consumers won’t. Tesla’s build quality is hardly world-class and regulators, most recently China’s, frequently flag up concerns. Yet it is hard to see that reflected in the firm’s sales or share price. Lastly, mass appeal means political clout. Ambani’s popularity helped him bend India’s trade policy to his advantage. Mr Musk’s helps explain soft treatment by governments and regulators, over rogue tweets or reopening factories in the pandemic.

But combining star power and scale is not risk-free. Mr Musk forged his reputation as a David, fomenting rebellions against Detroit and Wall Street elites. But now he is a Goliath: the world’s richest man who runs its most valuable carmaker. Playing both roles is a dangerous game. This is made more so by being a cultural icon, which leaves him more vulnerable to changing social taste—and taste can change in a trice online.

Ye shall fund you no idols
Sentiment could turn if his devotees start to doubt he has their interests at heart. Ambani was able to bat away repeated allegations of financial manipulation; he beat back short-sellers with help from a group of brokers known as “Friends of Reliance”. Mr Musk may not be so lucky. Acolytes who piled into GameStop stock after his “Gamestonk!!” rallying cry on January 26th were buying near the top. His recent crypto-talk looks self-serving in light of Tesla’s bitcoin move.

Finally, political advantage can turn into a bane. Just ask Mr Ma, who, overestimating his power, publicly chided Chinese regulators last year. Irked, Beijing scuppered the planned listing of Ant, Alibaba’s financial affiliate, and is forcing it to restructure. Joining the ranks of cult ceos may lower your cost of funding. But it raises the cost of miscalculation.

( WSY -528 字 长精读)

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发表于 2021-4-12 12:54:42 发自 iPad 设备 | 只看该作者
【社会科学-商业】The cult of an Elon Musk or a Jack Ma has its perks—but also perils


P1 各cult CEO 的最新动向
P2 cult CEO 影响巨大,但1、什么让他们如此有号召力?2、成为cult CEO的利弊是什么?
P3 cult CEO 的第一类:商业成功但少有狂热粉丝
P4 cult CEO的第二类:粉丝很狂热,但商业成就与名气不匹配。
P5 cult CEO的第三类:粉丝很狂热,企业也做得很大。马云,马斯克
P6 cult CEO的第三类人物举例子。Ambani
P7 cult CEO好处:粉丝怱略企业实际运营的缺点
P8 cult CEO风险:粉丝口味瞬息万变
P9 cult CEO 风险:粉丝的怀疑
P10 cult CEO 政治风险:马云

Ye shall fund you no idols.

cult 狂热      impish 顽皮的        hallmark 标志         missive 信件     stampede 逃窜      propel 助推  pros and cons 利弊     larger than life 有传奇色彩的        degree of celebrity 名人效应             outgoing boss 即将离任的老板    drooling groupies 狂热的粉丝     adulation 奉承   Tech titan科技巨头    philanthropic 博爱的慈善的    martial arts 武术     shrine神龛        yarn 纱线    equity 普通股     punter 赌客    homage 敬意  devout 虔诚的 hard-headed 头脑冷静的  political clout 政治影响力     mass appeal 大众吸引力   cultural icon 文化偶像 trice 瞬间  bane 祸根     chide 责骂    perk =cheerful peril = danger  meme 米姆  messianic 弥赛亚的  lap up 舔  Uber entrepreneur 超级企业家 saga 英雄事迹 ammunition 子弹 Short-seller 做空者 spellbound 被迷住 cryptocurrency 加密货币 a barrage of 一连串 cheeky 无耻的

1 h , 30 m, 1.5h
发表于 2021-4-12 13:11:53 发自 iPad 设备 | 只看该作者
【社会科学-商业】The cult of an Elon Musk or a Jack Ma has its perks—but also perils

Cult CEO 类型及利弊

P1 各cult CEO 的最新动向
P2 cult CEO 影响巨大,但1、什么让他们如此有号召力?2、成为cult CEO的利弊是什么?
P3 cult CEO 的第一类:商业成功但少有狂热粉丝
P4 cult CEO的第二类:粉丝很狂热,但商业成就与名气不匹配。
P5 cult CEO的第三类:粉丝很狂热,企业也做得很大。马云,马斯克
P6 cult CEO的第三类人物举例子。Ambani
P7 cult CEO好处:粉丝怱略企业实际运营的缺点
P8 cult CEO风险:粉丝口味瞬息万变
P9 cult CEO 风险:粉丝的怀疑
P10 cult CEO 政治风险:马云

Ye shall fund you no idols.

cult 狂热      impish 顽皮的        hallmark 标志         missive 信件     stampede 逃窜      propel 助推  pros and cons 利弊     larger than life 有传奇色彩的        degree of celebrity 名人效应             outgoing boss 即将离任的老板    drooling groupies 狂热的粉丝     adulation 奉承   Tech titan科技巨头    philanthropic 博爱的慈善的    martial arts 武术     shrine神龛        yarn 纱线    equity 普通股     punter 赌客    homage 敬意  devout 虔诚的 hard-headed 头脑冷静的  political clout 政治影响力     mass appeal 大众吸引力   cultural icon 文化偶像 trice 瞬间  bane 祸根     chide 责骂    perk =cheerful peril = danger  meme 米姆  messianic 弥赛亚的  lap up 舔  Uber entrepreneur 超级企业家 saga 英雄事迹 ammunition 子弹 Short-seller 做空者 spellbound 被迷住 cryptocurrency 加密货币 a barrage of 一连串 cheeky 无耻的

1 h , 30 m, 1.5h


关于Paper check 仍是主流的讨论

P1 虽然电子支付流行,但paper check仍是主流。
P2 虽然电子支付增长但支票支付增长更多,有点过度流行。解释check仍流行的原因。
P3 质疑check 太流行的理由


10m , 5m ,15m
发表于 2021-4-12 13:33:41 | 只看该作者
The cult of an Elon Musk or a Jack Ma has its perks—but also perils
Although ceo as Musk and daddy Ma have many fever fans and can get huge success from this cult status, they also face high risks.

P1: Elon Musk is now the champion of wall street, and he had many fever fans.

P2: Pointed out that Musk’s words can influent the markets a lot. Two questions are given and will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

P3-P5: Introduced three categories of business figures.

P3: Type 1 – charismatic but fail to inspire feverish devotion (eg. JB from Amazon)

P4: Type 2 - achieve cultlike status but whose businesses scarcely warrant the adulation (eg. RB and DT)

P5: Type 3 - those who build both cults of personality and huge businesses (eg. Musk and daddy Ma)

P6: Introduced the story of Indian business legend-DA-who is also a type 3 man.

P7: Explained the advantages to have fans. The fans are more patient and willing to overlook flaws. The marketing costs are low. Mass appear means political clout.

P8: Disadvantages to have fans: high risk.

P9: Illustrate the 1st risk by examples. Sentiment could turn if his devotees start to doubt he has their interests at heart.

P10: Illustrate the 2nd risk by examples. Political advantage can turn into a bane.

Impish humour is a Musk hallmark, but the impact of his missives is no joke.

One category includes chief executives of big firms who, while charismatic, fail to inspire feverish devotion.

His trick, in a country where companies had long relied mostly on banks for funding, was to see the untapped potential lower down the pyramid.

4.总结文章中的生词 (啊我这可怜的单词量☹)
   Messianic adj. 弥赛亚的;救世主似的
   Disciple n. 门徒,信徒,追随者,学徒;耶稣的门徒(尤指十二使徒)
   Cult n. 狂热;异教团体;宗教信仰;膜拜仪式;时髦的人(或事物);信徒
           adj. 受特定群体欢迎的
   Ammunition n. 弹药;军火
                       vt. 装弹药于
                       vi. 装弹药
   Spellbound adj. 被咒语所镇住的;出神的;被迷住的;茫然不知所之的
   Impish adj. 顽皮的;心地不良的;小鬼般的
   Stampeding n. 惊跑;人群的蜂拥;军队溃败
                        vi. 蜂拥;逃窜
                        vt. 使…惊逃;抢占
   Drooling v. 流口水(drool的ing形式)
   Mesmerize v. 迷住,吸引;对……实施催眠术(等于 mesmerize)
   Incumbent adj. 现任的;依靠的;负有职责的
                      n. 在职者;现任者;领圣俸者
   Conglomerate n. 企业集团;聚合物;砾岩
                           adj. 企业集团的;聚合物的;成团的;砾岩性的
                           v. (使)聚结,凝聚成团
   Punter n. 船夫,用篙撑船的人;赌博者
   Perk n. (工资外的)补贴;(非正式)额外收入;特殊待遇;渗滤式咖啡壶
           v. 振作起来;(咖啡)滤煮;昂首
           adj. 活跃的,活泼的
   Clout n. 破布;敲打;影响力;势力
             vt. 给…打补钉;猛击
   rally v. 召集;(军队)重新集合;复原;价格回升;集结;联合;(使)重新振作;参加汽车拉力赛;对……善意打趣;嘲笑
           n. 公众集会;汽车拉力赛;往返拍击;止跌回升;竞赛
Chide vt. 责骂;斥责
          vi. 斥责;责骂


Discuss why payment used by check increased more than payment by electronic instrument.
P1: Described the situation: despite the advantages of electronic payment instruments, check is still more popular. Then the author introduced a theory that the market would always shift to the cheaper good and pointed out that the check user is the reason of market failure. Because the cost of the check can be distorted by the value of check float, the checks are overused, and it can explain the reason that payment by check is increasing.

P2: Pointed out the conclusion in the first paragraph is doubtful. The value of the float is always negotiated to achieve the mutual benefit. It is not true that the only the user of check can take the advantages. So, the increasing amount of check cannot be explained by the overuse from check writers.
When users dose not shift to the cheaper good, either the goods are not close substitutes or the market has failed, and there is a potential role for a public authority to attempt to correct the failure.


发表于 2021-4-12 15:54:04 | 只看该作者
1-2 马克斯及其产生的狂热影响(电车,电子货币,太空旅行,直播app)信徒狂热的CEO好还是不好?
3-5 一类是Amazon的Jeff和GE的Jack,大公司大成功却没有引起狂热;二类是Rich和Trump,自我宣传,事业不大狂热多;三类是个人狂热和大事业都有,马克斯和马云。
6 马克斯和马云的前辈Dhirubhai Ambani,开创股权崇拜的狂热,吸收中产资本。
7 分析利弊 perks and perils
cult 狂热信徒(人吗?)
perks 特殊待遇,v. 振作起来~
perils 风险,难(四声)
meme \mi:m\ 文化基因
Destroyer of shorts 短线终结者?
messianic 救世主
lap up 跪舔 disciples lap up 信徒们的跪舔
saga 传说,英雄事迹
ammunition 弹药
spellbound 入迷,使着迷
cryptocurrency 加密货币
barrage 弹幕
cheeky 无耻的
scramble 快速爬行,争抢抢占
impish 小鬼般的,Impish humor 顽皮
stampede 人群的蜂拥
litter 使杂乱,凌乱
piper 吹笛者
redhot 炙热的
intoxicate 使陶醉,使激动不已
 mesmerise 迷住 
feverish 狂热的
drooling group 流口水的人群
tycoons 巨富
complacent 自满的
incumbents 运营商
verge on 趋向,接近
blaze 发光,照耀
conglomerate 联合企业集团
untapped potential 未被开发的潜能
homage 尊敬
zealots 狂热者
political clout 政治影响力
rallying 集合聚集
acolytes 党羽
1 paper check ↑ 到1993年,人均支付数量大于电子支付,让步:生产和处理cost more
对比:本来应该cost多,price高,被淘汰 vs if not 没有真正替代品,或市场调节失败→ check支付的原因。
2 反驳上述观点,双方会协商 mutually benefit
allocative 分配性的
stipulate 条文中讲明,约定
发表于 2021-4-12 15:57:50 | 只看该作者
Day 1 打卡


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发表于 2021-4-12 16:46:20 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2021-4-12 16:46:30 | 只看该作者
The cult of an Elon Musk or a Jack Ma has its perks—but also perils
阅读时间:12’34 总结时间:27’22 总时长:62’41
        一个现象:由EM的对自己崇拜者的话引出EM是一个有很多脑残粉(?)的企业家,在包括游戏驿站,新能源汽车,虚拟货币,社交app等行业都能带着大家赚钱(?)
        提出问题:EM为啥能吸引这么多脑残粉?吸这么多粉有什么利弊?
        讨论常见的两种类型企业家:①有能力但不能吸引狂热的粉丝,比如JB,JW;②能吸引粉丝但是自己的商业没啥能力,比如RB,DT
        第三种就比较特别了,又能吸粉又有能力,比如EM和马云。马云给中国无数人画饼,给自己立了一个慈善的科技巨头兼炫酷的文化酷仔的人设。这种对他的狂热就像xie教,还给他整了个节日。(槽点太多)EM和马云都和DA这个印度商界传奇的路子一样:吸引更大众的中产入股,股价涨,粉丝也涨。
        这种狂热有一些好处:①散户买得多,更便宜②散户更耐心③营销费用小④粉丝愿意忽视很过过失⑤在政治上更有影响力
        但风险是:①一旦粉丝发现他们的idol心理没他们的利益,可能就会换口味②政治影响力过大可能会被反噬
摘抄:Playing both roles is a dangerous game. This is made more so by being a cultural icon, which leaves him more vulnerable to changing social taste—and taste can change in a trice online.
生词:perk特殊待遇 peril危险 meme文化基因/表情包 messianic救世主的 lap up舔食,欣然接受 saga英雄故事,传奇 spellbound被迷住的 cryptocurrency数字货币 scrambling 快速移动Impish顽皮的 missives公文信件 stampede惊跑,蜂拥 charismatic魅力的,有能力的 drooling流口水 mesmerise迷住吸引 tycoon大亨巨头 adulation奉承谄媚 trademark商标标志 shameless self-promotion无耻的自我推销 verged on趋向接近 allegations指控称述 chide责骂斥责 bane毒药祸害 irked厌烦的

阅读时间:4’23 总结时间:12’22 总时长:23’07
        现象:电子支付出现以后,支票使用居高不下,甚至继续增长。
        提出问题:但这不对,因为按照经济理论,应该选择成本更低的,即电子支付
        一个被广泛接受的解释:也许是市场故障,给支票的人在支票被兑换之前可以继续享受这笔钱的利息,这笔收益可以抵扣掉使用支票的成本。
        对这个解释提出质疑:这个解释假设了只有开支票的人受益,但实际上开支票和接受支票的双方一般是商量着共同受益的。
生词:allocative配置的 contractually合约地
发表于 2021-4-12 17:28:04 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2021-4-12 17:47:11 | 只看该作者
20210412精读1: 【社会科学-商业】The cult of an Elon Musk or a Jack Ma has its perks—but also perils
(The Economist- 975字 长精读)


文章大意:虽然cult ceo有很多好处,但是他们面临风险

P1: Elon Musk近况
P2: Elon Musk影响力巨大,引出问题:为什么musk对这么多行业感兴趣,作为cult ceo好处坏处是什么
P3-P5 三种类型的商业传奇
P3: 第一种:charismatic, fail to inspire feverish devotion (Jeff Bezos,Jack Welch)
P4: 第二种:achieve cultlike status but whose businesses scarcely warrant the adulation (Richard Branson ,Donald Trump)
P5:第三种: build both cults of personality and huge businesses (musk, ma)
P6:第三种的道路先行者 Dhirubhai Ambani历程
P8:  作为cult也有风险
P9:  粉丝倒戈,情绪变化,风险出现

messianic  adj 救世主的
perils  n.极大危险
ammunition  n.弹药 ;证据
a barrage of   一系列的
cheeky  adj 狂妄的,放肆的
scramble to do 仓促做/争抢做
spellbound   adj. 被咒语所镇住的;入迷的
impish adj. 顽皮的;心地不良的;小鬼般的
stampeding n. 惊跑;蜂拥;
           vi. 蜂拥;逃窜
           vt. 使…惊逃;抢占
to stampede sb into doing sth 使某人蜂拥仓促做什么
propel  v 推,驱使
intoxicate  v 陶醉于
mesmerize v. 迷惑,吸引;对……实施催眠术
on the verge of sth/doing sth  接近于...
philanthropic  adj慈善的
incumbent adj. 现任的;负有职责的   n. 现任者;
punter n. 顾客
perk n. (工资外的)补贴;好处
perk sb up使充满活力
zealots n 狂热者
clout n. 影响力  vt. 猛击 clout across
rogue adj胡作非为的,讨厌的 n无赖,捣蛋鬼
foment v 挑起
chide vt. 责骂;斥责指责
scupper v 使沉没;彻底破坏

1-        Impish humour is a Musk hallmark, but the impact of his missives is no joke
2-        Earlier, a barrage of cheeky tweets from Mr Musk about dogecoin had sent serious investors scrambling to learn more about a digital currency that started as a joke

20210412精读2- 【社会科学-经济】Check ( WSY -528 字 长精读)

总计用时:30 min


P1: 美国非现金支付越来越多,但是最多的非现金支付方式不是电子支付而是支票支付。
P2: (上述解释的漏洞)虽然有数据支持,但是忽略了收款方在支票使用中获得的收益。尤其是大额公司交易中,利息浮动相关的分配条款都是事先写在合同中的。


1-        When use does not shift to the cheaper good, either the goods are not close substitutes or the market has failure, and there is a potential role for a public authority to attempt to correct the failure.
2-        That view is suspect even if the data still supported it, though
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