1. 100人调查问卷,A、B、C三部电影,10个人三部电影都没看过,20个人三部电影都看过,看过AB电影的 有55人,看过BC电影的有47人,看过AC电影的有48人,求只看过两部电影的人数?选90 (55-20)+(47-20)+(48-20)=90
2. Sales tax 5%,after tax selling price is 2320(这个数不确定), 问这个sales tax是多少钱?(选A?) A.110 B.115 C. 2400后面选项比较大 3. 一个product有10000数量卖$50一个,fixed cost300,000, variable cost $10 each, 问要卖多少数量profit double? 选25% A. 20% B.25% C. 100% D. 200%
4. 应该是45° 一个等腰直接三角形, 应该是给了高,问一个内角是多少度?
作文:A financial controller suggests government to construct a new luxury hotel to attract more out-of-town visitorsto the convention center because the current convention is only 50% capacity. Visitorscome for the luxury hotel will purchase and go for shopping, and then governmentcan make more revenue from out-of-town visitors. By constructing the luxuryhotel, it will lower the tax burden of local taxpayers.