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发表于 2020-5-29 15:15:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
先po一下原文,这应该是往年的一篇prep的文章 RC-15372
Although the industrial union organizations that emerged under the banner of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in the 1930s and 1940s embraced the principles of nondiscrimination and inclusion, the role of women within unions reflected the prevailing gender ideology of the period. Elizabeth Faue's study of the labor movement in Minneapolis argues that women were marginalized by union bureaucratization and by the separation of unions from the community politics from which industrial unionism had emerged. Faue stresses the importance of women's contribution to the development of unions at the community level, contributions that made women's ultimate fate within the city's labor movement all the more poignant: as unions reached the peak of their strength in the 1940s, the community base that had made their success possible and to which women's contributions were so vital became increasingly irrelevant to unions' institutional life.
In her study of CIO industrial unions from the 1930s to the 1970s, Nancy F. Gabin also acknowledges the pervasive male domination in the unions, but maintains that women workers were able to create a political space within some unions to advance their interests as women. Gabin shows that, despite the unions' tendency to marginalize women's issues, working women's demands were a constant undercurrent within the union, and she stresses the links between the unions' women activists and the wave of feminism that emerged in the 1960s.

  • Although the organizations embraced the principals, the role reflected the ideology.
  • although强调一个让步状态,说明逗号前后会呈现出一个冲突.
  • ideology 意识形态
  • EF's study argues that women were marginalized by … and by ...from ... from...
  • 上面这个句子描述了一个非常繁琐的关系啊,我个人感觉你只要先明确 女性被边缘化这一点就足够了,考到细节题的时候再回过头来看这个句子
  • F stresses the importance to the development at community level, contributions that made ultimate fate: as unions reached the peak of strength, the base became irrelevant.
  • 上面这个句子的修饰成分还是很重要的,不过,again,修饰成分太长了,先抓住主干再去辨析意思
  • In her study, Nancy also acknowledges the domination but maintains that women workers were able to create a space.
  • 上面这个句子我再简化是留下了also,因为它强调了Nancy和 Faue两者观点之间的相同点,而but则强调了两者不同点
  • Gabin shows that demands were an undercurrent, and she stresses the links

The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

  • A presenting two views
  • B reconciling two antithetical claims
  • C assessing conflicting evidence
  • D weakening a generally accepted argument
  • E tracing the development of an ideology


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