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Can Vitamin D Save Your Life?
New studies highlight the importance of the forgotten vitamin.
By Mariana Gosnell
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
P1 Viamin D 被称为”sunshine vitamin" 因为它在阳光的帮助下可以合成更多的维他命,有助于减缓骨质疏松
For years doctors believed that vitamin D, sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin” because sunlight triggers the body to produce it, was important primarily in preventing rickets (a softening of the bones) in children. Once milk became fortified with vitamin D, rickets pretty much disappeared, and the problem of vitamin D deficiency seemed to have been solved. But according to Michael F. Holick, director of the Vitamin D, Skin, and Bone Research Laboratory at Boston University Medical Center, who has spent 30 years studying the vitamin, “rickets can be considered the tip of the vitamin D–deficiency iceberg.”
rickets (noun) = a disease which children who do not have enough vitamin D can suffer from, in which the bones become soft and not shaped correctly
tip of the iceberg = a small, noticeable part of a problem, the total size of which is really much greater; only a small part of a much larger problem
A recent laboratory experiment at Boston University revealed that by activating the circulating form of the vitamin, prostate cells could regulate their own growth and possibly prevent the rise of cancer. Directly or indirectly, Holick points out, “the active form of vitamin D controls up to 200 different genes,” including ones responsible for cell proliferation, differentiation, and death.
第二段做了个实验 比较女人只吃钙 钙里还有很多vitamin d和吃placebo的对比 吃钙的女cancer rate低比另一组低
Theories about vitamin D’s cancer-prevention qualities have begun to be validated. In June, Joan M. Lappe, professor of nursing and medicine at Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, and her colleagues published the results of a 4-year, double-blind, randomized trial in which nearly 1,200 healthy postmenopausal women took calcium alone, calcium with 1,100 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day, or a placebo. The women who took calcium with vitamin D had a 60 percent lower risk of developing cancers of any type than the placebo group; the calcium-only group’s risk didn’t significantly change.
除了cancer, vitamin D还可以使人们对感染没有那么vulnerable, 说了在非洲的人需要比白人接受更多的光照来保持一样的抵抗力,细胞里有一种B物质 Vitamin D可以stimulate这种物质的产生 然后增强抵抗力
第三段讲了一个病(叫turbu...什么),是African American比较容易患的病,因为他们相对于高加索人而言自身合成的维生素D更少,所以如果他们服用维生素D可以减少患病概率,然后再补充了下维生素D的作用什么的,就是强调维生素D确实有许多医疗用途。
Vitamin D status may also affect vulnerability to infections. For example, African Americans need more sun exposure than Caucasians to make sufficient vitamin D; they also suffer from increased risk of tuberculosis. In a breakthrough study published in March, scientists from several institutions, including UCLA, discovered a possible link. On encountering the TB bacillus, receptors on immune-system scavenger cells known as macrophages stimulate the conversion of circulating vitamin D to its active form, which produces a peptide that destroys the bacillus. If circulating levels of D are low, macrophages can’t activate the vitamin D to initiate this response. A similar scenario could be operating with other infectious agents, maybe even the influenza virus.