Explaining the Impact of Scarcity Appeals in Advertising: The Mediating Role of Perceptions of Susceptibility
Martin Eisend
Journal of Advertising
Vol. 37, No. 3 (Fall, 2008), pp. 33-40
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Page Count: 8
Scarcity appeals in advertising enhance value perception, which in turn impacts purchase intentions. This study suggests that the impact of perceived value on purchase intention is mediated by consumers' perceptions of personal susceptibility and the susceptibility of others. Results of an experimental study support a mediating effect where enhanced value perception leads to increases in perceived influence on self relative to others, and therefore enhances purchase intention. The results confirm the impact of perceptual biases as suggested by the "third-person effect," thus providing some interesting theoretical contributions for advertising research as well as for managerial implications.
是说scarcity和消费者purchasing decision之间的关系。context是 TV 广告 (作者全文说的product scarcity不是actual,只是个perceived scarcity, 比如广告说,“buy soon, almost gone, only few left!”)。P1给了个generalized overview,说scarcity怎么影响decision to buy。作者解释说一部分的原因是人们都觉的自己对产品的估价能力都比较高 (作者没有否认这点,好像是用来establish为什么tv ads比较effective,忘记了但没考到,主要的在P1后)。
Products that have limited availability can induce consumers to evaluate those products more favorably. As valuable products (such as tickets for concerts of famous artists) are often scarce, consumers infer that those products are valuable (Jung and Kellaris 2004). Scarcity effects on value perception have revealed broad empirical support (Lynn 1991). Marketers make frequent use of this effect and base promotional claims on the principle of scarcity, using phrases like "limit one per customer," "limited release," "only while supplies last," or "limited time only." Over the past few years, it has also become a popular practice in home-shopping television to count down the number of products to indicate that "supplies are dwindling fast." In this study, it is assumed that scarcity appeals in mass media advertising lead to a direct effect on perceived value and purchase intention, as well as an additional effect that is based on perceptions of susceptibility. Those perceptions result from the so-called third-person effect. The perceptions mediate the impact of value perception for scarcity appeals and can contribute to increased purchase intention. This study suggests that people take into consideration the perceived influence on self and the perceived influence on others; the impact of value perception increases with higher perceived influence on self relative to others.
P2作者接着说perception of scarcity给不同consumer type带来的不同的效果。这里作者提到两种consumers群:individualism和collectivism。作者解释这两个区别。individualism这群prefer scarcity with low demand,因为他们追求的是产品的uniqueness 。相反,collectivism里的人追求的是产品的popularity, 所以他们prefer的是scarcity with high demand。当一个scarce product从low demand到high demand,individualism这群就不要它了。这两区别是主要的考点:需要 infer from 和 apply to examples。阅读不难,原文找不到,但应该不重要。。。individualists就像一开始在还很稀少的时候买lv包包的人。但当很多人都有lv包包时候,他们就不喜欢了。collectivists就是买iphone的,多么popular/in high demand,他们买的就更多。
The question arises as to what happens whenitems that are less desirable (due to wide availability) are advertised. Value perceptionshould be lower and lead to perception of lower personal susceptibility, but toincreased susceptibility of others. This, in turn, can strengthen the belief that the offer does not providea unique value, which means that purchase intentions may decrease. There may be moderatingvariables that can lead to other conclusions, however. One main issue may bethe cause for scarcity. Although this study was investigating the case ofscarcity dependent on limited supply, scarcity can also result from high demand. In such a case, the perceived valuemay be lower since it would not contribute to satisfying one's need for uniqueness. Thisresult may also depend on cultural differences, however, as the need foruniqueness can differ for individualisticand collectivisticcultures. While individualistic cultures may have a high need for uniqueness,scarcity may serve as a means to distinguish oneself from others and foster higher perceived value in cases where scarcity isbased on limited supply. For collectivists, however, the perceived valuemay increase when scarcity is based on high demand, as it indicates high popularity, and thepossession of such items would contribute to the feeling of being part of agroup. In turn, the perceived influenceon others may also have different impacts. High perceived influence on othersrelative to self for items that arescarce because of high demand would strengthen the need to be part of a group, but it wouldweaken the possible contribution to uniqueness. On the other hand, if items are scarce because of limited supply, theyenhance uniqueness, particularly for individualistic cultures. Future researchshould focus on such variables thatmediate or moderate the described scarcity effects that possibly play a role forthe investigated perceptions of susceptibility. Besides the cause of scarcity and the impact of culture on need for uniqueness,further variables can be considered asmoderators or mediators, such asindividual variables (e.g, self-esteem or the confidence in one's ability toresist influence attempts, age, and education of recipients) or the wayhypothetical others are defined in terms of social distance.