The author assumes which of the following?
A The next presidential election will be dishonest, as has happened in eastern European countries.
B The government will soon start curtailing the activities of those it considers “dissidents.”
C Blanket restrictions on law-abiding individuals are contrary to the traditions of American culture and law.
D The majority of Americans are not willing to give up their right to travel and move about without identification.
E Americans should resist all government regulation of their lives.
The conclusionof this argument is that the national identification system (“using licensesfor purposes not directly related to operating a motor vehicle”) isun-American. The basis for this claim is that such a system would allow thegovernment to restrict the liberty of its people. The necessary assumption isone that connects restrictions on liberties to the concept of “un-American”policies. 请问大家,怎么看出来题干中的conclusion是Using licenses for purposes not directly related to operating a motor vehicle is un-American because it would require U.S. citizens to carry the equivalent of “papers?大家都是怎么分析的呀?