学生背景: 高二在校生,托福考了8次,最高分81分(写作和口语一直徘徊在18-21之间,也是相当可怜) 学生主要的问题是年纪太小,对社会的认知不够;写出来的内容不符合社会现状,很难让考官理解和认同。 还有一个最重要的问题,就是之前学的太杂,换过各种各样的老师,上过不同的课程,有些“顽疾”不好从根本治疗。(这一问题现在很多同学都有,网课和线下课以及各种同学的分享,学的很乱但最后提分并不明显) 最近才接手,也的确很棘手。 所以,给大家看一下一直维持在18-21分左右的作文大概是什么样子,也因此引以为鉴。 (P.S.正好今天发过来的,就直接在这里批出来了)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Because people are busy doing so many different things, they do very few things well. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
In the past, people just needed to do few things, but now, we have to deal with several tasks (together in order to improve our efficiency). However, there is a controversial problem whether people can do few things well or not, while they are doing multiple assignments. (今夕对比,第一句话已经有in the past和now了,这里的however转折完全是有问题的。所以整句话还不如删掉 ) Some people believe people can do well in most things. Whereas(whereas是不可以直接放在句首当副词,因为它只是个连接词,有很多同学希望代替however,可是whereas是绝对不可以这样使用), I think we can only carry out few things well(修改:accomplish few things successfully,不改有抄题目嫌疑).
对于开头段,我不知道各位同学的习惯是如何的,因为不同分数段的开头形式有一定区别: 1. 该同学使用“今昔对比”,这类开头通常比较注重对比,可是很多同学完全只是当一句套路句来使用。 2. 如果不会开头,还不如用最简单的一句话开头法,就是表明态度同意还是不同意题目内容,并且改写。剩下的核心全部放在论述主体段上。(现实是,很多同学喜欢秀语言,开头不多写一点又感觉不合适)
The first reason is the limited time (修改:nowadays, we do not have enough time to make things through individually). It is fair for every individual that we only have 24 hours per day(修改:to share the same time, 24hours a day, which means the time is limited.我把同学的第一句观点变成第二句解释,这样在解释过程可以更有逻辑). Take one day as an example, in order to maintain health, according to physiology,(修改:Let us do some math together, to see how much time we have left for average people) (添加:For most of people, ) we have to cost at least eight hours for sleeping, and everyday, we have to consume three times that approximately cost three hours, have to go to bathroom for pee, making up, or taking shower that roughly cost one hour, and have to cost one hour in traffic.(修改:,and one hour for personal needs, such as going to bathroom or taking shower, to name but a few. 同学把所有能想到的都一起说出来,看起来是一句大长句,实际上很乱。最后的to name but a few实际上就是大家经常用的and so on,这种表达在写作中非常好用) Then, only eleven hours left. However, spending entire eleven hours on working is impossible because we have to relax and release stress. We may imagine we can do what well in only bout nine hours.(修改:Based on above, we have to split our time for having meals or something else, because we cannot keep working or studying. Therefore, it is obvious to imagine how much time we can devote ourselves to our real business and how well we can finish works perfectly.我把同学的三个句子换成了两个句子,尤其最后一句话therefore部分正好把观点再次突出一下。有很多同学并不是特别注意最后一句话的总结,我这里比较建议一些同学,最好做一个小总!)
说到中间body部分,写法多种多样。不过我首先要给大家说明一点考官的最明显扣分的地方:是否有明确的观点和合理的论述! 段落怎么写,无所谓,也没有一定的模式,但是如果观点不明,论述不请,后果很可怕! 这一段有很多很多同学都会说,以内“忙”。这个词本身没问题,关键是,很多很多同学都用这个观点,凭什么考官要多给你分?忙作为现在我们很多人的口头禅,用我们经常作为的“借口”来解释,是否能解释的明白,大家要好好思考!
Besides, lack of ability to multitask is a kind of (修改:another)barrier for human beings to do many things well. The skill of multitasking means that we can deal with many things simultaneously, such as typing an essay while talking with friends on a phone. (这一句话实际上对文章没有任何帮助,但是又没有太大的语言问题)Doing more things well in about nine hours, (添加:which has mentioned above in last paragraph), is possible, only if we develop a multi-task ability. However, only a few of individuals have this ability(修改:can do so), and it is extremely hard to develop. For example, I am Grade 11 now, and everyday, I have to do many assignments given from teachers while I am listenning the lessons. Unfortunately, I cant focus on what the teacher is talking about, which usually makes me spend more time on reviewing the lessons after school. However, my friend, Sarah, she is always doing things one by one, so she can do everything perfectly. Thus, doing things step by step is the reason why we can do few tasks well now.
后面这一段,我基本上放弃修改的主要原因就是,已经跑题了。尤其是最后一句:Thus, doing things step by step is the reason why we can do few tasks well now. 题目问的是:是否同意“人们很少能把事情做好”,是需要我们回答原因!可是后面就变成一步一个脚印,慢慢来我们才能把事情做好。这完全是两个不同的内容。 此外,大家也应该可以感觉到,高中生的语言能力只能停留在把事情说出来,但是至于是否有逻辑或者更高的语言表达有的时候却很困难(有一些同学可能面临把事情说明白都很困难吧?) 其实这一段完全可以说人们做事的时候容易分心,很容易让受到其他事情干扰从而转去做其他事情,很难不被打扰一心一意的做一件事情之类都可以。
In conclusion, in modern society, we can only deal with few tasks well because of the limited time and lack of ability to multi-task.
有的时候真的是这样,很多作文改到一半,Tim老师就下不了手了,因为很多时候,跑题的作文去修改除了语法和语言使用以外,其他就没办法修改了。 所以对于很多急需改作文的同学,如果能确保自己文章不跑题的前提,并且说的内容也能让大家理解,那么改作文很有用; 但是,如果作文跑题,并且很多内容只是“你认为”,并没有考虑读者是否能理解的话,那么改作文只能改语言使用,对本质没有任何的用处。 所以希望大家在平时练习的时候也多多注意,很多文章可能只有你自己知道在写什么! 大家继续加油,之后我还会给大家带来不同版本的修改给大家欣赏哈!