14. If thegovernment increases its funding for civilian scientific research, privatepatrons and industries will believe that such research has become primarily thegovernment’s responsibility. When they believe that research is no longerprimarily their responsibility, private patrons and industries will decreasetheir contributions toward research. Therefore, in order to keep fromdepressing the overall level of funding for civilian scientific research, thegovernment should not increase its own funding. P:如果政府增加科研投入,企业会觉得这是政府的责任,企业会减少科研 C:为了使科研水平不下降,政府不增加科研投入 Which one of thefollowing is an assumption on which the argument relies? (A) Governmentsshould bear the majority of the financial burden of funding for civilianscientific research. (B) Any increasein government funding would displace more private funding for civilianscientific research than it would provide. (C) Privatedonations toward research are no longer welcomed by researchers whose workreceives government funding. (D) Civilian scientific research cannot be conducted efficiently withmore than one source of funding. (E) funding forcivilian scientific research is currently at the highest possible level.