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发表于 2018-11-18 16:38:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
last year, the government of country A imposed large tariffs on steel import in an effort to aid its domestic steel insudtry. Many domestic steel producers enjoyed record profits as a result, as foreign steeel producers were in many cases unable to compete effectively under the burden of the newly imposed tariffs.

这个题我认为是argument, 但是Bible上说是fact。

我的观点是,我看到了关键词,因为(as a result);所以(as)---这不是很明显的argument的标志吗?

还请大神:1.指出我的错误2.能够告诉我怎样才是判断argument 还是fact的好方法~~~~~~~~~~


发表于 2018-11-19 16:47:46 | 显示全部楼层
不是很明白楼主的问题, cr的题目一般都是argument来着,而argument的组成部分分别为premises and conclusion (不讨论问题是让你求conclusion的情况)。

premise 一般为fact --》比如说数据,报告,某个学术成果,就是笼统意义上的“事实” 不参杂主观臆断的东西

conclusion 一般为opinion/claim --》比方说我对某件事情的看法,就是opinion/claim。


last year, the government of country A imposed large tariffs on steel import in an effort to aid its domestic steel insudtry (这是事实fact -》政府确实做了这件事情). Many domestic steel producers enjoyed record profits as a result (这个是作者的看法,因为目前看来是本文的结论), as foreign steeel producers were in many cases unable to compete effectively under the burden of the newly imposed tariffs (这是支持结论的原因).

因为政府提高关税,外国钢铁商无法和本地钢铁商竞争,因此本地钢铁商(因为这个关税政策)享受到了record profit。
 楼主| 发表于 2018-11-20 08:55:29 | 显示全部楼层
fuckoffand 发表于 2018-11-19 16:47
不是很明白楼主的问题, cr的题目一般都是argument来着,而argument的组成部分分别为premises and conclusio ...

但是Bible上在讲must BE TRUE 的这个chapter的时候,说我给的这个例题是fact?!
是不是fact 还是 argument对做题没有多大影响呢?

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