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[原始] 10.15换库放狗

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发表于 2018-10-15 19:57:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
求神拜佛好多天 今天果然还是换库了(摊手
二战710 v38 q49,数学前面做的太悠闲,后面竟然不够时间,被自己蠢哭了,愧为中国考生orz

boldaface2:On the other hand,病人去上班比待在家里更可能影响其他人。

2.研究发现,当项目组在受到high pressure时,他们的客户满意度就会下降。推测是因为在high pressure环境下,项目组不会在重要决定上deliberate,反而直接听信senior员工的意见(具体表达忘了,大概是这个意思),然后问strength


1.在north america,妇女的权利在不同state有着较大的差异。推行England law(具体表述忘了)的地方妇女法律地位较低,而在推行civil law的地方妇女权利更有保障。
p2开始就以new york(好像是)为例进一步阐释这种差异。说是一开始这里推行civil law的时候比较好,比如在遗嘱方面,丈夫死后妻子可以得到财产的一半,儿子和女儿能分到的财产是平等的blablabla...后来推行England law后,女性的遗产继承权之类的就倒退了。

2.p1 传统观点认为corporate tax只会影响公司本身和shareholder,但其实会降低员工的wage和抬高消费者支付的price
p2 tax升高之后,公司就没有动力invest,invest少了,就业机会就少了,就业竞争激烈,企业就可以继续降低员工wage,因为即使降低了大家还是抢着来工作
p3 一国tax rate升高还会使公司把钱invest到其他tax rate较低的国家,从而影响到员工wage(这中间的逻辑链不太记得,反正p2p3的主题都是围绕corporate tax对wage的影响)
题目都不难,有一题考了如果作者在本文的基础上再加一段,会写些什么。构筑选了corporate tax如何影响消费者支付的price,因为p1的结尾有提到。

3.星系之间中除了我们熟知的atom of gas,还存在XXX particle,这些particle让远处的星球看起来dim也更红。p2推测了一下原理,说是它们的wave length比红色光更短,而与蓝色光更相近,所以它们影响不了红光,星球就看起来更红。


1.p,x,y是正整数,p^(xy)的unit digit?
(1)p^(x)的unit digit是1
(2)p^(y)的unit digit是1


3. 1/(2n-1)! - 1/(2n+1)!=(an^2+bn+c)/(2n+1)!,求a+b+c. 答案应该是5吧



6.x^2+y^2=36,x-y=0,求xy. 构筑选了-18.


因此XXX的满意度是55%(具体表述忘记了,反正就是88%*63%),  some divisions 的满意度是99%。

有一个开在类似大学城地方的小餐馆,过去两年里这个餐馆的spicy pita销量火爆,然后店主想在nearby towns and cities再开三家分店,并打算让三个老员工当三家新店的managers。结论是开三家新店能使profit翻三倍。
(1)不能保证spicy pita的人气在未来不会下降
(2)大学城地理位置佳,nearby towns 难以媲美


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发表于 2018-10-15 20:08:17 | 只看该作者
PI :现象 天文学家(observer)观测发现,宇宙中星体与星体之间并不只有气体原子(atom of gas),还有很 多颗粒 (dust grain)。颗粒(dust)比气体(atoms)稀薄(thinly)、分布不平均(without uniformity)、 分散在宇宙中 (sparse/spread/dispersed in the universe)。这些颗粒(dust grain)阻挡了远处星 球传播到地球的光/远 处星球发出的光在到达地球前必须穿过大量的颗粒(before they reach the earth)。由于这些颗粒吸收短 波/蓝波,因此使得地球上的我们观测到的那些星球比实际更暗 (dimmer)、更红(redder)/颗粒(dust)是影 响人类观察到星星亮度不同的原因。天文学家 Tumbler因此得到结论:颗粒的大小(size)比红波(red wave) 小,比蓝波(blue wave)长。 P2 :解释 远处星体发出的光是不同波长的。红色波长较长,蓝色波长较短。波长较长的光受宇宙颗粒影响 较小,如 同大海(ocean)中的波浪,如果波浪很大(wave length)而遇到很小的礁石(rock),不会 改变原有的波动 (Q1)。由于到达地球的蓝色短波较少,可以证明宇宙中的颗粒大小与蓝光波长差 不多,因此才会阻碍大量 蓝色短波穿过宇宙(interstellar space)到达地球。
Q1 :星际间的gas相比dust grain有什么特点? 答:气体微粒更聚集(more densely distributed)。正碌。【740 Q51 V39】【 700】 理由:文章中说的是dust比gas更散。对文中thinly那句的改写。
Q2 :科学家T怎么注意到dust的特性的? /文章中的某某科学家是根据什么来判断dust grain 的? 备选:通过观察和分析远处星球(certain stars)到达地球的光线(the appearance of stars from earth)。 【760】【 V40】【 700】
Q3 :提到大海波浪例子的目的。 备选:类比(analogy)说明。【740】【 730】
Q4 :主旨。 选项有: 1、 解释一个现象。【640Q50V27】 2、 解释一个发现。 3、 解释xx的原因。 4、 介绍两个假设(hypothesis)。 5、 比较两个现象。 6、 (错)不同科学家的解释。 7、 选:【700 Q50V34】 不选理由:只有一个科学家的观点。
Q5 :天文学家T研究dust时观察了什么?
Q6 :第二段的作用。
Q7 :提到T的observation ,问以下选项中正确的是? 备选:dust size如何如何。【700 Q50 V34】
Q8 :提到文章开头另一种物质(atom of gas),问以下选项中正确的是?
参考资料1: Robert Trumpler was measuring the distances to bright clusters of young stars in the spiral arms of our Galaxy as a way of mapping out its shape, and he used two independent methods to do so. He discovered that the more remote clusters were systematically dimmer than might be expected from their distance, showing that there was an intervening screen of material that obscured some of the light. The dust mixed in with the interstellar gas thus obscures and dims the light of distant objects, an effect we call extinction. This can confuse an observer into overestimating distances based on the luminosity alone. Within a spiral galaxy, the dust is particularly  concentrated to the plane of the flat disc;indeed, 27 when such a system is viewed edge-on to our line-of-sight, the dark dust lanes can appear to divide a galaxy almost into two. The dust clouds thus complicate observations of the most active and interesting regions of massive star formation in the spiral arms. Additionally, as we ourselves live within the disc of the Milky Way, the dust in the disc completely blocks our view of the centre of the Galaxy, rendering it very difficult for study. Reddening/scattering by dust From his observations of clusters, Trumpler also realised that the intervening dust doesn’ t only extinguish the light of the distant stars, but it also affects the colour of that light. The dust particles selectively diminish the bluer wavelengths in a process known as Rayleigh scattering. Photons will bounce off particles in their path - whether atoms, molecules or small clumps of molecules - to be scattered away from their original direction. The consequence is that some of the photons that were travelling from a star towards us are then redirected away and no longer reach us. This scattering process doesn' t happen evenly to all colours, however, as light can only be scattered by particles of a similar or larger size than its wavelength. The tiny size of a typical interstellar dust grain (below half a micron in diameter) means they scatter the shorter, bluer wavelengths most efficiently. Consequently more blue light than red is removed from the star' s light as it travels through a dusty cloud, making the starlight that emerges appear redder. The more dust along the line of sight to an object, the dimmer and redder it will appear. The situation is further complicated by the way that dust is only patchily distributed across the sky, and so it is not always straightforward to determine whether extinction and reddening effects are due to a larger volume of intervening space or just a particularly dense foreground dust cloud. The reddening is a subtle effect that isn' t apparent with the unaided eye - it requires telescope images to be detected. [It should also not be confused with the Doppler effect of the reddening of a spectrum due to an emitting object receding from us at speed.] Link: 参考资料2: The nongaseous interstellar matter exists in the form of tiny solid particles called interstellar grains or dust. The grains are believed to be elongated in shape, and aligned with the magnetic field; they are believed to contain graphite or silicate material as wel  as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The clouds obscure the view of the galaxy in certain
directions, particularly in the direction of the galactic center. They polarize and selectively scatter the starlight passing through them; blue light is scattered more than red light so that stars partially obscured by interstellar matter appear redder than their true color. Since the distances and intrinsic luminosities of many stars are estimated from analysis of their spectra, this effect, called interstellar reddening, has been responsible for errors in calculating the distances and luminosities of these stars. Dust exists in diffuse form throughout the interstellar medium. In this diffuse form each dust grain typically occupies the volume of a cube the length of a football field on each side (one million cubic meters). We detect this diffuse interstellar dust by the extinction and reddening of starlight. The dust grains block starlight, creating extinction, and they also preferentially block blue light over red light, causing reddening. Stars therefore appear redder in color than they otherwise would. This extinction and reddening is similar to the effect that makes sunsets red, especially over a smoggy city. We can see dust grains more directly in dense regions, that is, in interstellar clouds. Two types of clouds showing the effects of dust are dark clouds and reflection nebulae. We see dark clouds by their effect on background stars. They block the light from stars behind the cloud, so we see a region of the sky with very few stars. Reflection nebulae are dust clouds located near a star or stars. They shine with reflected light from the nearby stars, and are blue in color because the grains selectively reflect blue light 参考资料3: 可见光光谱(红橙黄绿蓝靛紫),从蓝光到红光,波长依次增加,波长范围约 350nm-800nm。由于作 者举了 个"大海"的例子,把光的波动性和粒子性给揉到一起了。我们可以把大海理解成"一堆波 浪"的组合,再想简 单点儿,大海就七条线儿,红橙黄绿蓝靛紫七条线儿,红线波长最大,就想象成曲线, 蓝线波长最小,直接 推到极限,想象成直线。此时,一个石头挡在大海的必经之路上,蓝线咣当一下就 被挡住了 (不论是吸收, 衍射,反射还是散射,反正是被挡住了。)红线绕过去了。于是我们看到就是 发红的"大海〃了。
发表于 2018-10-15 20:10:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-10-15 20:13:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-10-15 20:27:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-10-15 20:36:32 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-10-15 20:37:02 | 只看该作者
淮南山月 发表于 2018-10-15 20:08
PI :现象 天文学家(observer)观测发现,宇宙中星体与星体之间 ...

发表于 2018-10-15 20:38:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-10-15 20:42:27 | 只看该作者
PI :传统观点:大部分选民(voter)都支持提高企业税,他们认为高额企业税(high corporate/enterprise tax) 只会作用在企业和股东的利益上。作者反驳(however),他指出高额 企业税(higher tax rate)带给企业和股 东的损失,最终会通过降低工资来影响工人,通过提高物 价(product price)来影响消费者。 P2 :解释原因。高额企业税(high corporate tax)导致公司利润下降,公司不愿意扩张和投资 (expansion & investment),导致公司规模减小、产出减少、所需员工减少、压低员工工资。 P3 :某一国降低企业税率,会导致邻国工资水平降低。高额企业税(high corporate tax)会导致 企业更愿 意去其他低税收(low corporate tax)的国家去/倾向投资在低税收的国家,从而导致他国 收益而本国对劳 动力(worker/丨abor)的需求降低、失业率上升、员工工资降低(丨owwage),最终 也会使得本国的企业税
Q1 :如果作者要增加一段话,会增加什么? 答:会描述征税怎样影响产品价格/如何使消费者购买物品价格升高。正碌。【660 Q51 V27】 理由:第一 段汫了两个影响,影响工人工资和影响物品价格。但是后文只具体汫了影响工资,而 没有具体描述到影响 价格这一部分,所以如果新加一段,应该写影响价格。
Q2 :主旨。 备选:影响工资。
Q3 :作者 suggest 以下哪个论述能解释"倍个国家降低税率,可能导致他的邻国工资水平降 低"/ Which explain why the tax rate of own country decrease will result in neighbor country's wage decrease ? 备选:本国税率降低吸引更多投资邻国相对投资少,工作岗位少,工资低。/ Investors move their investment to neighbor countries. 其他选项: 1、 Because tax rate of own country increase will result in own wage decrease.(错)
发表于 2018-10-15 20:44:42 | 只看该作者
stormfit 发表于 2018-10-15 20:37

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