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[原始] 二战 没有进步 让人崩溃 放个狗

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发表于 2018-9-30 07:14:14 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
唉 隔了一个多月二战,还是同一个分数,V考砸了,心态崩了,现在很惆怅,不知道怎么办好,也搞不清应该怎么努力了。 还是放一点点狗攒下人品吧,希望只用再考一次就分手。

Q的库基本很全了,差不多20道都是寂静原题,有一道好像没有的: 一个东西 mass和length的比是x/y,重量单位是g, 长度单位是cm,现在把单位分别转换成kg和m,好像问的是转换后怎么表示,答案有 x/10y, y/10x之类的。


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发表于 2018-9-30 08:54:05 | 只看该作者
阅读应该也挺全了吧 楼主没碰到吗
 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-30 09:13:45 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Saphire666 发表于 2018-9-30 08:54
阅读应该也挺全了吧 楼主没碰到吗

发表于 2018-9-30 09:29:52 | 只看该作者

P1 科学家对一些鸡做实验。一只鸡吃惯了某种叫chick crump(?)的东西,科学家把同种食品染成了鸡没有吃过的颜色。鸡吃了新颜色的食品并接受了,之后科学家又把同种食品染了别的颜色,鸡就容易接受了。 科学家有两种可能解释:1)鸡接受了一种新食物以后,对其他新事物放松了警惕;2)鸡对可以食用的食物有一个整体的image,在接受第一次颜色改变以 后,颜色就不再是这个image的影响因素了。

When a forager encounters an unfamiliar type of food, it must decide whether to eat it and risk being poisoned or avoid eating it and risk forfeiting a potentially valuable resource. Birds typically respond to such situations with “dietary wariness”; they show a transient aversion to approaching new food (neophobia), and many individuals also show a much longer lasting reluctance to consume the new food (dietary conservatism), even once neophobia has waned. Very little is known about how these processes, together termed “wariness,” are controlled. We therefore present a series of experiments investigating how wariness of novel foods in domestic chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus, can be deactivated and reactivated by different experiences of colored foods, varying in their degree of novelty and palatability. We found that prior experience of a single novel color of palatable chick crumbs was sufficient to deactivate both neophobia and dietary conservatism of any other novel color of crumbs tested. Relatively little prior experience of a novel training food was needed to deactivate neophobia, after which the birds would peck at any other novel food. In contrast, much more extensive experience of eating a novel training food was needed before the birds would incorporate other novel foods into their diet. Chicks needed direct physical contact with the training food before they overcame their wariness to eat another novel food. However, observational learning was sufficient to encourage them to peck at the food (overcoming their neophobia). Reinstating wariness was much more easily achieved than its deactivation. We discuss these surprising results in relation to the foraging behavior of wild and domestic birds.
主旨题, describe and evaluate a recent study, 还有是问在试验期间结束后研究人员给鸡吃了什么样的食物? 选项有: A) same color different type,B) same type and color,C) same typediff color, D) a new kind of food之类这个我和之前狗狗看法不一样,原文好像就说的是unfamiliar color,说鸡一样毫不犹豫就吃了,所以我选的是C还有最后一段的作用,和V3狗狗一样,我选的是给出了 additional finding of xxx.

Despite its relevance, very little is known about how dietary wariness is mediated or controlled. Previous studies show that experience of a number of colors of food may reduce the neophobic response to a different novel color, provided that the experience did not include distasteful prey. For example, chicks which had been familiarized with food of a range of colors (red, yellow, and green) were far less hesitant to approach and peck at food of an unfamiliar color (blue) than were chicks without such experience (Jones 1986). Similarly, Schlenoff (Schlenoff 1984) familiarized blue jays, Cyanocitta cristata, with either red or blue palatable seeds, as well as yellow seeds that were either palatable or unpalatable. The experience of unpalatable yellow novel food inhibited these birds from expanding their diet to novel red or novel blue foods, at least in the short term.
第一段说给鸡吃和平时不同颜色的novel food, 发现鸡慢慢就吃了。这种情况有两种解释,一,鸡先吃一个,又吃了第二个,吃着吃着发现这样的原来都能吃。二,脑子里面对这种食物描述的特性里,把“颜色”这个特性给去掉了。第二段说,surprisingly,鸡如果要接受这种食物需要direct contact, 也就是说看别人吃没用,自己不到黄河心不死。为什么说surprisingly呢,原来鸡是很社会主义的,连吃东西都是观察鸡妈妈的吃法并模仿的。

Second, our results reveal that deactivation of both components of wariness required the individual to have direct contact with the training food. Observational learning (by watching other individuals foraging) was not sufficient. This is surprising because chicks are highly social animals, and there is good evidence (Wauters et al. 2002) that chicks learn to identify foods from their mother through social facilitation (the chick copying their mother's behavior) and possibly local enhancement (the mother directing the chick's attention to the food).

An alternative interpretation is that the birds may have formed a mental image of this food type (chick crumbs) when they first encountered it and learned to associate this image with edibility (Dukas and Kamil 2001; Blough 2002). After experience of a novel color of this food, the chicks then generalized their mental image to accept similar looking food of any color, that is, color ceased to be a salient part of the mental image of that food.


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-30 10:01:40 来自手机 | 只看该作者
bzy! 发表于 2018-9-30 09:29

细节上有一点差别 但是八九不离十了
发表于 2018-9-30 13:23:20 | 只看该作者
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