整理一下目前大家规纳的问题 我是觉得(B)和(C)都各有问题 我个人支持(C)正确 因为系动词跟助动词的作用不同不能省略应该是比不平衡严重的 但再盼大家多多讨论 18. GWD31-Q18 According to a recent survey of municipal services, the city’s streets could be cleaner, its fire code be better enforced, and its crime rate reduced if the current administration improved its management practices.
A. be better enforced, and its crime rate reduced B. better enforced, and its crime rate reduced 1. 这时一种省略形式,当所有的并列句都是be(各种时态),could/can/will/might/may等情态动词+be, become(各种时态)的时候,就保留第一个就可以了 2. 第一个be是系动词,第二、三个be是助动词(引导被动语态),功能不同的be不能省略 3. could be better enforced, and it could reduce its crime rate 不平衡 这边我觉得没有it指谁的问题,因为在前面未划线的部份就有出现its fire code,不过我有点不懂就是it一律指the city还是the city’s streets,毕竟这边的主词是the city’s streets,有NN知道这边可以把主词拆开然后让it指the city吗?但我想就算不行的话,让it指the city’s streets也无不可 4. better enforced, and its crime rate could reduce 5. could be better enforced, and its crime rate reduce |