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[原始] 10/19补充一篇阅读小狗狗

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发表于 2017-10-19 23:01:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
鸡精整理14篇,high art。但这篇文章。。high art完全不是关键词啊!!!!
主题是说Litho这种印刷术能促进文化艺术向大众传播,作者是肯定这玩意儿的。题目细节题考的多,还有一道主旨+Parallel reasoning(我选E-类比Concert recording……discs……)文章1.5屏比较长,不是特别难读懂的~
作文是写健身房Business Manager提议扩张公司业务。老套路了。。攻击:1. 时地全等 2. 错误类比 3. 因果关系(Profit=Rev - Cost)万能模版背一背基本上妥妥的又是5分低配,效率高嘛~哈哈~~~
语法主要还是考平行、主谓一致、独立主格、比较~ 句意很难读懂(可能是词汇量太差了),遇到不会的题目强行平行去做

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发表于 2017-10-20 00:09:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-10-20 05:36:12 | 只看该作者

法国印刷术* 一、 段落大意
P1. Book illustration的出现引来了批评critics。 其中典型的就是一位叫DE M (DC)的人对此持负面态度。(这里搞清楚DC是批评的还是对批评持负面态度的),这个人认为metal etching 法 与wood engraving 雕刻法 (这里应该有减少两者的一致性,因为后面又出对两者一致性的题),这两者相比,wood engraving简直就是污垢(就是不好就对了)而metal etching“好完美”,因为技术好,又具有艺术性
P2. 又出来一派人说wood好,同litography一样经济方便。因为wood engraving的操作less difficult,而且花费小,中间貌似穿插了与copper的对比(有题),wood & lithography are both less difficult in use and less expensive. Lithography was initiated for taking artists’ pencil works(这句意思如此,语言不是很准全)。然后举例说wood印刷在当时的应用应该是广泛的,因为同lithography(平板印刷术)一样经济又方便,最后说lithography应用到popular side,用于publish newspapers,ranging from political issues to social issues,然后又问DC的观点,浪漫派和DC竟然也喜欢lithography,认为各种美好,尽管最后还是沦为传播政治等话题的载体。Although DC championed lithography in the artistic and emotive domain, it ultimately fell to the low-end serving for political and social blabla.(不是domain这个词,但就这意思,注意体会championed的意思)  

阅读考了法国印刷那篇,印象很深刻。文章很短,但是有些晦涩。 第一段讲了19世纪illustration的出现引来了很多的cirtics。然后讲一个人认为用木头(lithography)比用metalengraving的方法好。注意这一段有道题问,19世纪大多数人对illusration 的看法,大家注意认真读开头的两句话。答案就在那两句话里,句子有些不好懂。

第二段开头说,后来的人还是人为metal engraving的方法更好,但是lithography开始越来越流行普及了,因为低廉的造价,和方便使用。最后一句是lithograpgy应用到popular side,用于publish newspapers,ranging from political issues to social issues。)  


Q1. 主旨题 我选了介绍不同的方法。  
Q2. 有一问是说第二段提一个人(De Mocoy貌似)是为了干嘛?  
Q3. 最后还是变成low-end 用来传播政治阿 社会啊的主观事情(这里有题)  
Q4. 这里有个题目比较纠结,就是关于第二段的那个人的观点的,那个人认为金属的印刷不好,又贵,而木头的比较好。 下面那个不是他支持的 其中三个选项文章很明显提到,但还有两个不知道选哪个,一个是卖的贵,还有一个是用此种方法做出来的venue。我选了后一种,文章里没看到。  
Q5. 说通过文章,可以推断出哪个是正确的? 好像选LI那个印刷术很盛行 之类的  
Q6. 还有第2段开头提到很长的法国名字问那人的观点  
Q7. 问19世纪lif方法被人如何看待?  
Q8. book illustration在当时怎么样?/第一题问你第一段book illustration能infer出啥?
V1我选了被批评家认为for 工业。  
V2 (by 760 V42) 选项有 A) book illustration was used for industrial publication  B) it is not made of metal  C) used for social and political publication  D) critics ignore illustration  E) can be easily created byartists 大概选项就是这个意思,顺序不确定,总之我觉得所有选项都不靠谱,jj里有人选了for industrial publication,但是我也觉得不对啊,原文貌似说的是criticizeit as industrial and xx反正我理解的是批评家觉得这种方方过于工业化和简陋,可能我理解错了吧,最后纠结了半天我选了不是made of metal的那个好像。。。  
Q9. 还有一个问到浪漫派的观点什么的 我没太多时间看,就选了那个artist可以spontaneously create他们作品的那个. (by 760 V42)  
Q10. 有个问题是关于lithography的细节题 我记得答案好像是lithography开始的时候应用没有那么广,因为最后一句说到了后来lithography才得到了广泛的应用。这是我遇到的最坑爹的一篇阅读,文章不长,但是浪费很多时间在上面。(760 V40狗主)  
三、备注 题目不难,文章跳跃度有点高,我就问了三题。  

关于wood与金属对比的补充 第二段:另一个人提出一些不同观点,说木头什么比金属的好。因为比较便宜,且好做。这里有个题目比较纠结,就是关于第二段的那个人的观点的,那个人认为金属的印刷不好,又贵,而木头的比较好。 下面那个不是他支持的,其中三个选项文章很明显提到,但还有两个不知道选哪个,一个是卖的贵,还有一个是用此种方法做出来的venue。我选了后一种,文章里没看到。
 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-20 08:38:56 | 只看该作者
gar_bbbbb 发表于 2017-10-20 05:36

法国印刷术* 一、 段落大意

发表于 2017-10-20 08:47:31 | 只看该作者
givemeoffer 发表于 2017-10-20 08:38
这次考到的更多的是说某个P开头的人开创Litho的贡献,以及阐述这个东 ...

发表于 2017-10-20 21:12:25 | 只看该作者

This art of chromo-lithography harmonizes well with the special work of America at the
present moment, which is not to create, but to diffuse; not to produce literature, but to
distribute the spelling-book; not to add to the world's treasures of art, but to educate
the mass of mankind to an intelligent enjoyment of those which we already possess.
The public have shown an alacrity to possess these beautiful pictures. In April, 1861,
Louis Prang was proprietor of a small lithographic establishment in the fourth story of a
building in Boston. In order to value aright the advantage it is to the public to be able to
buy a truly beautiful little picture, correct in drawing and natural in color, for the price of
a pair of slippers, it is necessary for us to know what pictures these chromos displace. It
is not true that they lessen the demand for excellent original works. The ostentation of
the rich in this kind of luxury ministers to the pleasure of the rest of mankind, just as
the pride of a class pays for the opera, which the poor man can enjoy for next to
nothing in the gallery.
We may rely upon it, that the persons who now buy expensive works will continue so to
do, and that these chromos will enhance, rather than diminish, the value of originals,
because the possession of an original will confer more distinction when every one has
copies; and it is distinction which the foolish part of our race desires. Nor is it a slight
advantage to an artist to have in his works twp kinds of property, instead of one; the
power to sell them, and the power to sell the privilege of multiplying copies of them.
Neither art, literature, nor science will have fair play in this world, until one success,
strictly first-rate, will confer upon the producer of the work a competent estate; or, in
other words, until every one who acquires property in a production of art, literature, or
science, will pay a just compensation to the producer. Before many years have passed,
we shall see artists mounted on horseback, riding in my Central Park, who would have
gone on foot all their days but for the reproduction of their works by
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