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- 1970-1-1
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79. A product that represents a clear technological advance over competing products can generally command a high price. Because technological advances tend to be quickly surpassed and companies want to make large profits while they still can, many companies charge the maximum possible price for such a product. But large profits on the new product will give competitors a strong incentive to quickly match the new product’s capabilities. Consequently, the strategy to maximize overall profit from a new product is to charge less than the greatest possible price.
In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
(A) The first is a consideration raised to argue that a certain strategy is counterproductive; the second presents that strategy.
(B) The first is a consideration raised to support the strategy that the argument recommends; the second presents that strategy.
(C) The first is a consideration raised to help explain the popularity of a certain strategy; the second presents that strategy.
(D) The first is an assumption, rejected by the argument, that has been used to justify a course of action; the second presents that course of action.
(E) The first is a consideration that has been used to justify adopting a certain strategy; the second presents the intended outcome of that strategy.
这种题考的主要是抽象思维能力。就是答案中把题目中具体事物给抽象化(generalization, abstraction). 思路是看懂这些指代,一个萝卜一个坑代入。其实数学中很多这样代入的例子,所以不难。
a. 技术牛产品可以买高价
BF1. 技术牛很快会过去
BF2. 公司把技术牛产品卖最高价
b. 但是高价高利润更吸引加快竞争(让技术牛更快过去)
c. 所以利润最大化其实应比最高价降低些
可以看出作者这么写,让读者大脑转了两转。看完后,大致感觉 BF2是因为BF1,最后作者结论c 和 BF2不一样,不是完全支持BF2的。
不过这也不算GMAT作者有意刁难,可以看出这个过程也是商业分析的实例之一。因为世界上事物都得辩证地看,像塞翁失马的故事,所以才要Critial Reasoning. 比较健康的角度看,GMAT其实除了考试考核之外,也帮助培训考生出正确思维能力,适应商学院和商务运作的分析需要。
就是把BF1, BF2代入每个答案,看答案说的是不是这么回事
A BF2 is the strategy, BF1 argues against it. 错误。BF1 是支持BF2的。
B BF2是作者结论。错误。作者结论是c - 所以利润最大化其实应比最高价降低些
C 正确。BF2 popular. BF1 is one consideration (reason) why BF2 is popular.
D BF1 is an assumption rejected by the argument. 错误。论题中没有反驳BF1-技术牛很快会过去
E BF2 是the intended outcome of that strategy。错误。Strategy 是公司把技术牛产品卖最高价,就是BF2。the intended outcome of that strategy 其实是想利润最大化。
生活中也不少见把小屁事说成高大上的例子,一样的。冠冕堂皇和说人话(plain english)的对照。要会用和听懂指代。