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把观点1理解到位;而作者的观点是观点2 (文章是证明自己的观点而不是反驳自己的观点)
背景知识:Customerloyalty programs are attempts to bond customers to a company and its productsand services by offering incentives— such as airline frequent flyer programs orspecial credit cards with valuable benefits—toloyal customers. In support of loyalty programs,传统观点(因为后来作者反驳了)8,2 原则companies often invoke the“80/20" principle, which states that about 80 percent of revenue typicallycomes from only about 20 percent of customers. However,this profitable 20 percent are not necessarily loyal buyers, especially in thesense of exclusive loyalty. 后面是论据了:无转折词了就是论据了。第一段分析完毕了Studies have demonstrated that only about 10percent of buyers for many types of frequently purchased consumer goods are 100percent loyal to a particular brand over a one-year period. Moreover, 100-percent-loyal buyers tend to be light buyers ofthe product or service. “Divided loyalty” better describesactual consumer behavior, since customers typically vary the brands they buy. The reasons for this behavior arefairly straightforward:people buy different brands for different occasions or for variety, or a brandmay be the only one in stock or may offer better value because of a specialdeal. Most buyers who change brands are not lost forever; usually, they areheavy consumers who simply prefer to buy a number of brands. Such multibandloyalty means that one company's most profitable customers will probably be itscompetitors’ most profitable customers as well. Still,advocates支持者 这里是传统的观点了 of loyalty programs contend that such programs are beneficial becausethe costs of serving highly loyal customers are lower, and because such loyalcustomers are less price sensitive than other customers. 又反驳作者觉得还是自己的好It is true that when there arestart-up costs, such as credit checks, involved in serving a new customer, thecosts exceed those of serving a repeat customer. However,引回来了 it is not at all clear why the costs of serving a highly loyal customer shouldin principle be different from those of serving any other type of repeatcustomer. The key variables driving cost are size and type of order, specialversus standard order, and so on, not high-loyalty versus divided-loyaltycustomers. As for price sensitivity, highly loyal customers may in fact come toexpect a price discount as a reward for their loyalty. 第二段不是二八原则这个东西了,不是每片文章都看清观点, 第一段大方向+第二段大方向= 观点 The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. question the notion that customer loyalty programsare beneficial
B. examine the reasons why many customers buy multiple brands of products
C. propose some possible alternativesXto customer loyaltyprograms
D. demonstrate that most customers are not completely loyal to anyonebrand of product or service
E. compare the benefits ofcustomer loyalty programs with those of other types ofpurchase incentive programs BD没有正向反向,且是原文的论据。 BD!XMoreover, 100-percent-loyal buyers tend to be light buyers ofthe product or service. 论据不选服务于作者观点.
Why firms adhere to or deviate from their strategic plans is poorly understood. However, theory and limited researchsuggest that the process through which such plans emerge may play a part. In particular, top management decision-sharing—consensus oriented,team-based decision-making—may increase thelikelihood that firms will adhere to their plans, because those involved in the decision-making may bemore committed to the chosen course of action, thereby increasing thelikelihood that organizations will subsequently adhere to their plans.( 第二段, However, ( 考虑2种可能,反驳和限定考虑C也可以推出B 补充,agreement with reservation )the relationship between top management decision sharing and adherence to plans may be affectedby a strategic mission补充 (itsfundamental approach to increasing sales revenue and market share, andgenerating cash flow and short-term profits). At one end ofthe strategic mission continuum, “build" strategies are pursued when afirm desires to increase its market share and is to sacrifice short-termprofits to do so. At the other end, “harvest" strategies are used when afirm is to sacrifice market share for short-term profitability andmaximization. Research and theory suggest that top management decision-sharingmay have a more positive relationship with adherence to plans among firms withharvest strategies than among firms with build strategies. In a study ofstrategic practices in several large firms, managers in harveststrategyscenarios were more able to adhere to their business plans. As one of themanagers in the study explained it, this is partly because “typically all amanager has to do [when implementing a harvest strategy] is that which was donelast year.” Additionally, managers under harvest strategies may have fewerstrategic options than do those under build strategies; it may therefore beeasier to reach agreement on a particular course of action throughdecision-sharing, which will in turn tend to promote adherence to plans.Conversely, in a “build" strategy scenario, individual leadership, ratherthan decision-sharing, may promote adherence to plans. Build strategies—whichtypically require leaders with strong personal visions for a future, ratherthan the negotiated compromise of the team-based decision—may be most closelyadhered to when implemented in the context of a clear strategic vision of anindividual leader, rather than through the practice of decision-sharing. 后面都是解释strategic missionTheprimary purpose of the passage is to A.identify some of the obstaclesX(别人是讨论出一些因素,而这里是识别出一些障碍极端化) that make it difficult for firms to adhereto their strategic business plans 分析为啥公司遵循偏离计划不被理解.第一段给了因素第二段限定又给了一个因素. 而A 是识别出障碍让公司遵循不了计划. B.compare two different theoriesX concerning why firms adhere toor deviate from their strategic plans( 只有一个理论,有两个战略)(改成introduce 2 strategies concerning...第二段bulid harvesh 注意这两个第二段提到,但是观点不在于论据阿 观点不在于介绍!!介绍战略是为了证明第二段第一句话) 读结构!! C. 衡量 方法阿的效用 和第一句不一样!不要只看关键词,要看意思。evaluate the utility of top management decision-sharing as amethod of implementing the strategic mission of a business(坑,第二段:两者之间的关系被第三方影响。 ) D.discuss the respective advantages and disadvantages 没讨论优缺点 of build and harveststrategies among several large firms E.examine some of the factors that may affect whether or not firms adhere totheir strategic plans 正确 ![]()
Anthropologistsstudying the Hopi people of the southwestern United States often characterizeHopi society between 1680 and 1880 as surprisingly stable, considering that itwas a period of diminution in population and pressure from contact with outsidegroups, factors that might be expected to cause significant changes in Hopisocial arrangements. 陈述现象 不知道为啥要陈述这个东西。 TheHopis' retention(概括上文现象) of their distinctive sociocultural system has been attributedto the Hopi religious elite's determined efforts to 1preserve their religion andway of life, and also to 2a geographical isolation greater than that of manyother Native American groups, an isolation that limited both cultural contactand exposure to European diseases.(本以为第一句无厘头就是结果后来读发现没有论据,根据后面内容纠正预判断 so 传统的观点) But equally important to Hopi cultural persistence may have been an inherent in their social system that may have allowed preservation of traditions even as the Hopis accommodated themselves to change. For example,the system of matrilineal clans was maintained throughout this period, eventhough some clans merged to form larger groups while others divided intosmaller descent groups. Furthermore, althoughtraditionally members of particular Hopi clans appear to have exclusivelycontrolled particular ceremonies, a clan's control of a ceremony might shift toanother clan if the first became too small to manage the responsibility.Village leadership positions traditionally restricted to members of one clanmight be similarly extended to members of other clans, and women might assumesuch positions under certain unusual conditions. The passage is primarily concerned with
A. reassessing a phenomenon in light of new findings 首先现象是不变的!没有重新审视现象。应该是提供新的解释而不是新的发现上去重新审视X
B. assessing the relative importance of two factorsunderlying a phenomenon 没衡量相对重要性。
C. examining the assumptions X没提也和evi一样有提示词啊underlying an interpretation of a phenomenon 也没检验现象,因为现象时不变的 为了不iand现象去提供解释
D. expanding on an explanation of a phenomenon equally important to 本来有了解释, 现在有我的解释了
E. contrasting two methods for evaluating a phenomenon 没有提及两个不同方法去衡量现象阿!XXX! ![]()
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