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发表于 2017-7-29 13:22:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  • 搞懂句子结构,你就知道转折点在哪里~就可以知道中心思想 知道作者支持还是反对
  • JJ没啥用 只看内容 不看题
  • GWD可以做
咳咳 只看观点句不考论证的我来了

Gmat 对文章观点之间的方向如何递进论证的观点方向 90%的答案都不是文章一句话而是观点之间的关系哦!!
托福是禁止你多想多推的, 字面意思是什么样就选什么样。NG:深入对整个句子的意思理解和文章构架之间的。
收藏收藏8 收藏收藏8
 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-4 09:03:23 | 只看该作者
  • 理解 速度 相互制约。

  • 单词: 以句子决定单词方向为基本宗旨. 句子决定单词意思 而不是单词组成句子!动词 形容词 非专有名词 解决上意. 句子怎么合理,单词就是啥意思. 一定是用逻辑性决定!!不是单词
  • 语法(基础语法很少,其他按语意E bais);句法;
  • 固定搭配(固定搭配不用背,场景化描述。动词加介词。)enjoy doing allow doing  allow sb to do (先后性)  spend to do 是没花,spend on 在sth上

     NS:精读 不用研究修辞,实用性更重要(商学院牛校每天400页2本书)国外人不是我们那种分层读而是一遍读完,不结构分析 1篇 A4 不到一分钟读完 90%

 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-4 09:09:15 | 只看该作者
1 不是阅读速度决定  G是逻辑测试思维能力 它时间之所以紧张就是因为

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-3 15:55:54 | 只看该作者
阅读直译三重复~~~!做阅读啊 看人的思维和能力层次决定的 少读~~要控制选项(打钩,)和文章 找错找错 这样阅读才能提高!!!!!!!!!!语法也是找错  越靠后越是作者观点PS: 看语法选项:先从细节入手,结构,再从整体的意思入手 而看阅读和逻辑的时候:是拆分/
·       与其花时间去读细节不如多重复观点句子
BF ab //cde    a 是观点,bc 方向一致,就不读了呗。 读c 如果考到e再读呗。因为要先清楚文章的脉络框架。这就是精简读(读最关键分水岭的开头的a和转折的c读掉 不care当中的小论点分点因为和观点句方向一致的
文章到选项:1读的少的 论证不读!!因为论证非出题点! 你要读的句子是有观点的!why:因为只考观点不考论证。so focus 论点上面  (原文到选项去读or选项到原文)(观点也是分多读和少读:N 观点也要精简的去读!)(所有观点)(精简读观点:读完整段首 +转折
直译:出声 我读译的太慢了- -,NS不要有停顿的。
The fields of antebellum (pre-Civil War) political history and women'shistory use separate sources and focuson separate issues.
转折:however, but, yet, nevertheless,
The fields of antebellum (pre-Civil War) political history and women'shistory use separate sources and focuson separate issues. 后面没有转折了,都在说第一句话)Political histori- ans,examining sources such as voting records, newspapers, and politicians'writings, focus on the emergence in the 1840's of a new "Americanpolitical nation," and since women were neither voters nor politicians,they receive little discussion. Women's historians, meanwhile, have shownlittle interest in the subject of party politics, instead drawing on personalpapers, legal records such as wills, and records of female associations toilluminate women's domestic lives, their moral reform activities, and theemergence of the woman's rights movement.
N 低谷了女性A的程度和重要性在战前时期
However, mosthistorians have underestimated the extent and significance of women's politicalallegiance
1不认识的动词理解成有或者没有,如果表示观点就直接理解成认为或反对2 表示修饰的advadj理解为好的不好的中性客观为态度)(中性客观为态度就直接重复一下就行了)3名词比较复杂:如果是动词变过来的名词就是有和没有修饰的是好和不好,但如果有些名词是专有名词其实认不认识都无所谓比如这里“政治的A”)in the antebellum period. Forexample, in the presidential election campaigns of the 1840's, the VirginiaWhig party strove to win the allegiance of Virginia's women by inviting them to ralliesand speeches. According to Whig propaganda, women who turned out at the party'srallies gathered information that enabled them to mold party-loyal families,reminded men of moral values that transcended party loyalty, and conferredmoral standing on the party. Virginia Democrats, in response, began to makesimilar appeals to women as well. By the mid-1850's the inclusion of women inthe rituals of party politics had become common- place, and the ideology thatjustified such inclusion had been assimilated by the Democrats.AàBN… 作者观点总在转折后 N 不等于1 N2 注意!!还是不等于一只是3个不同的角度去攻击罢..【多重转折只转一次】老美只转一次
(因为我们做题定位要么定全文观点要么定分论点啊,考试的时候定位在观点句 考论点/观点啊它不考别的啊)只从观点句出不考细节的(也可以从选项到原文倒推)
没有对应(意思)的内容:1没有对应实质性意思V,N, adj, adv(extend todescribeoccurs没有实质性) 2 没有对应的比较than as as,隐含比较:differentseemv contrast, compare)3 没有对应的极端信息(never any the most)
违背原文(原文说1有A 选项说不是1没有A)
修饰错误(我有兰书和红尺子 选项说我有红书和蓝色的尺子)
做阅读把每个选项做到--主谓停 修饰停 (一个主谓要停下来,一个修饰要停下来)/去找排除点去学会看选项(看选项不是整体看的,整体看是没有水平的L 是一点一点去看、分析的,把选项拆成很多块去分析
PS: 看语法选项:先从细节入手,结构,再从整体的意思入手 而看阅读和逻辑的时候:是拆分的/
why 主谓停修饰停?因为句子:SVO+修饰∴看好主谓和修饰,句子意思就搞定了J
1.The primary purpose othe passage as a whole is to (全文主旨)
·       Aexamine谓语/停(比较虚的词没有错打钩 the tactics策略名词? of 属于,修饰antebellum political parties û然后就不看了with regard to women   û看选项不要去看自己看到过什么内容好吗ex我看到了political antebellum women 思维错误û√拿高分逻辑阅读不是看到过什么而是去没有看到什么=错项啊~(1出现原文没有对应的内容2错项选项被原文决定的违背原文3修饰错误
(修饰ûThe fields of antebellum (pre-Civil War) political history and women's history use separate sources and focuson separate issues.However, mosthistorians have underestimated the extent and significance of women's political allegiancein the antebellum period.没有说political partiesû
·       Btrace/? the effect/ of politics /on the emergence of /有the woman's rightsû movement(看主谓看修饰)
·       Cpoint out/说什么写什么都是指出 a deficiency/√(对应了 underestimated) in the study/ of a particular historical period /√(antebellum对应)       找错找错 这样阅读才能提高!!!!!!!!!!语法也是找错
·       Ddiscuss/ the ideologies/ of opposingû antebellum political partiesû
·       Econtrast/原文没有比较û the methodologies in two differing fields 这个是第一段内容,而越靠后越是作者观点诶/of historicalinquiry(老美的比较就是真的比较实实在在的比而中国说A,,B,,就认为是比较- -其实只是陈述两人观点 )
  • 1 转折要分转观点和转论证的;2 多重转折只转一次 3作者观点总在转折后。   主旨题是问作者观点的所以越后越少是作者观点
2.The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding most historians of the antebellum period? (作者观点):historianshave underestimated the extent and significance of women's political allegiance
·       AThey have failed to adequately contrast the differing roles that women played in the Democraticand Whig parties in the 1850's.
·       BThey have failed to see that political  propaganda advocating women's political involvement did not reflect the reality of women's actual roles.
·       CThey have incorrectly assumed that women'sparty loyalty played a small role in Whig and Democratic party politics.
·       DThey have misinterpreted descriptions of women's involvement in party politics in records of female associations and women's personal papers.
·       EThey have overlooked the role that women'spolitical activities played in the woman'srights movement.
·       与其花时间去读细节不如多重复观点句子

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-3 17:08:39 | 只看该作者
·       与其花时间去读细节不如多重复观点句子,把观点句记住好好琢磨琢磨!琢磨透观点句每篇文章都OK的。
注意注意 考试不要用鼠标移来移去!!用手指头!!!!!!!!!!
.Conversely是负负得正,还是去论证原来的观点 并不是转折 只是诱惑你去读!
Anole lizard species that occurtogether (sympatrically) on certain Caribbeanislands occupy different habitats: some live only in the grass, some only ontree trunks, and some only on twigs. Thesespecies also differ morpho-logically: grass dwellers are slender with longtails, 没有转折观点tree dwellers are stocky with long legs, twig dwellers are slender butstubby-legged. What is striking about theselizards is not that coexisting species differ inmorphology and habitat use (such differences arecommon among closely related sympatric species), but 即使出细节题有转折也在转折出题 ~that the same three types of habitat specialists occur on each offour 四个岛3个类型都这样islands: Puerto Rico, Cuba, Hispaniola, and Jamaica.Moreover不用读了, the Puerto Rican twig species closely resembles the twig species of Cuba, Hispaniola, and Jamaica in morphology, habitat use,and behavior. Likewise, the spe- cialists for other habitats are similar acrossthe islands.
  • 不用花时间读细节!!读完一段整理观点句之间的关系 因为根本读不懂细节的脉络会乱的。梳理观点观点!1蜥蜴种类住在不同的栖息地:草里树桩上和树枝上的。(树枝是苗条腿很粗壮的前面树上的是身体粗壮但腿长,草里腿长身材也好)即使不一样也没什么问题,让人惊讶的是四个岛都是这个情况。

The presence of similar species on different islands could bevariously explained. An ancestral species mighthave adapted to exploit a particular ecological niche on one island and thentraveled over water to colonize other islands. Or this ancestral species mighthave evolved at a time when the islands were connected, which some of theseislands may once have been. After the islands separated, the isolated lizardpopulations would have become distinct species while also retaining theirancestors' niche adaptations. Both of these scenarios imply that specializationto each niche occurred only once. Alternatively, each specialist could havearisen independently on each of the islands.第二段是解释第一段惊人的。。后面没有转折。

If each type of specialist evolved just once, then similar specialistson different islands would be closely related.Conversely是负负得正 从相反角度说不这样就不会那样但是还是论证原来的观点 也是解释哦, if the specialists evolved independently on each island, then aspecialist on one island would be more closely related to other types of anoleson the same island—regardless of their ecological niches— than it would be to asimilar specialist on a different island.

Biologists can infer how species are related evolutionarily by comparing DNA sequences for the same genes in different species. Species with similar DNA sequences for these genes are generallymore closely related to each other than to species with less-similar DNAsequences. DNA evidence concerning the anoles led researchers to conclude thathabitat specialists on one island are not closely related to the same habitatspecialists elsewhere, indicating that specialists evolved independently oneach island.
1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
·       A describe some unusual features(单复数) of anole lizard species
·       B account for a particular type of behavior (做了什么事没说)found among anole lizard species
·       C contrast two types of evidence that have been used to support aparticular hypothesis concerning anole lizard species
·       D explain how researchers resolved aparticular scientific question concerning anole lizard species
·       E examine different explanations for aparticular trait common to certain anole lizard species

发表于 2017-9-3 20:39:33 | 只看该作者
感谢楼主分享~ 很实用的方法!
发表于 2017-9-20 18:58:28 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-6 00:37:09 | 只看该作者
误区: 阅读速度 全文翻译X  分析方法

gmat 是考逻辑| 用逻辑思维而不是阅读能力|2 不可以通篇精读

2分半短文章  3分半长文章(不会通篇精读

正面负面(中立)的议论文章 (逻辑结构完美



 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-26 09:43:20 | 只看该作者
G:  逻辑考试, 结构功能大于内容本身的. ( 功能大于内容)
练习: 掌握逻辑结构阅读法~
具体问题讲解主要题型的解题技巧 比如推理题:
经济基础             上层建筑

没有任何一种阅读方法可以帮助你实现长阅读的精准定位(N可定位段落) ,但是对文章结构把握的越到位,定位区域越集中;
  单词 + 阅读速度足够快 ≠ KO RC
顺利翻译文章 / 题干和选项 ≠ KO RC

*解释,论据是服务于观点的. 思路是手段,而观点是最终目的
主旨题答案只选观点, 论据不选(它不是目的,只是支持解释观点为啥make sense)

时间要求    整体时间(阅读 + 做题)  (1.8min ~ 2min) * 题目数量

考试标配 ▶  2篇长阅读(3分) + 2篇短阅读(2分) 
  词汇量      Relax         ● 仅仅背单词无法提高RC考试表现
        ● 如果CR和SC题干有超过一半的单词不认识,请每天背GMAT的《词以类记》

句子功能: 1观点2论据。3背景。
小结(论据)让步(论据) it is true that/ it might seem that/ it seems that/ given that / despite

“美国好。“ 为什么好(考的就是考生有没有逻辑思维) 接下来论据论证来讲逻辑。 有点和作者对话的感觉,有预判。 客观还是主观,质疑的是主观 言论。


作者观点就一个。 发掘当前段落的功能(论据,作者观点陈述,反驳别人的观点)也不一定按完整句子展现这个功能。
多段:观点要综合每段功能句去理解概括出一个总观点。 单段是主题。
Ecoefficiency (measures to minimizeenvironmental impact through the reduction or elimination of waste fromproduction processes)hasbecome a goal for companies worldwide, with many realizing significant costsavings from such innovations. Peter Senge and Goran Carstedt see this development as laudable but suggest that 1 突兀:它的出现和前面完全不沾边的 反的方向。simplyadopting ecoefficiencyinnovations could actually worsen environmental stresses in the future. 看下后面内容有没有服务于这个句子才是功能句(后面同向支持就扫读主谓宾|不读,同段)*有些没转折也是作者观点,有些是转折但是是细节的转 Suchinnovations reduce production waste but do not alter the number of productsmanufactured nor the waste generated from their use and discard; indeed,most companies invest in ecoefficiency improvements in order to increaseprofits and growth. Moreover, there is no guarantee that increased economic growth from ecoefficiencywill come in similarly ecoefficient ways, since in today’s global markets, greater profits maybe turned into investment capital that could easily be reinvested in old-styleeco-inefficient industries. Even a vastly more ecoefficientindustrial system could, were it to grow much larger, generate more total wasteand destroy more habitat and species than would a smaller, less ecoefficienteconomy. Sengeand Carstedtargue that to preserve the global environment and sustain economic growth,businesses must develop a new systemic approach that reduces total material useand total accumulated waste. Focusing exclusively on ecoefficiency,which offers a compelling business case according to established thinking, maydistract companies from pursuing radically different productsand business models.
先用逻辑阅读完知道观点 再去做细节题。
simply adopting ecoefficiency innovations could actually worsen environmental stresses in the future.简单的采取这个eco-efficiency的方法会对环境有害。
The primary purpose of the passageis to
but suggest that simply adopting ecoefficiency innovations couldactually worsen environmental stresses in the future
A.explain why a particular business strategy 不排|has been less ×successful than观点没有比较  |was once anticipated 文章没有原本觉得它怎么样后来又,,
B. proposean alternative× to a particular business strategy 这个就是通读的大弊端~ that has inadvertently causedecological damage
通读的干扰 B: 倒数第二句:Senge and Carstedt argue that to preserve the global environment and sustain economic growth, businesses must develop a new systemic approach that reduces total material use and total accumulated waste.这句话功能summary, 是不是观点?不是后面没有相对应的论据 没解释。它是上文内容的小结)(你怎么提倡方法 propose an alternative 写别人不好方法,然后自己的(观点)然后1234论据。
C. present a concern about thepossible consequences of pursuing a particular business strategy
D. make a case支持support× forapplying a particular business strategy on a larger 作者观点没有比较×scale thanis currently practiced
E. suggest several possibleoutcomes of companies’ failure to understand the economic找别人不太可能反驳你的依据 impact ×ofa particular business strategy
提取了结构用更短的时间 受到能少干扰去做对题。三段文章观点一般在1,2 段。根据文章结构,难的文章在中间和中后出现,简单的:第一段观点。
but → 提出P&G的观点 → 对E持有否定态度(ecoefficiency worsen)

佐证段:such…indeed…  moreover …  even(做一个让步) 定位难度低:环境的后果就在这四句找

þ写逻辑结构就是去梳理段落和句子的功能 ,思考刚才读的info和没读info的功能, 问为什么,关注结构不被内容拉走。脑海形成这个结构。

Colonialhistorian David Allen's intensive study of five communities inseventeenth-century Massachusetts is a model of meticulous scholarship on thedetailed microcosmic level, and is convincing up to a point.  Allen suggests that much more coherence anddirect continuity existed between English and colonial agricultural practicesand administrative organization than other historians have suggested. However, he overstates his case with the declaration that he has proved "the remarkable extent towhich diversity in New England local institutions was directly imitative ofregional differences in the mother country.“
Such an assertion ignores critical differences between seventeenth-century England and New England精读 看是功能句|.  不读or主谓宾First, England wasovercrowded and land-hungry; New England was sparsely populated andlabor-hungry.  Second, England suffered the normal European rate ofmortality; New England, especially in the first generation of Englishcolonists, was virtually free from infectious diseases.  Third, England had anall-embracing state church; in New England membership in a church wasrestricted to the elect.  Fourth, a high proportion of English villagers lived underpaternalistic resident squires; no such class existed in New England.  By narrowing his focus to villageinstitutions and ignoring these critical differences, which studies by Greven,Demos, and Lockridge have shown to be so important, Allen has created asomewhat distorted picture of reality 这里的1234很明显是支持第一句话的 assertion ignores 本质讲它只是讲它的 assertion有问题。不是evidence有问题。如果是C ascholar收集的证据不能让人信服,过期的;错误数据的1234 就是evidence有问题。这里的不是文章的写法。用于反驳它的论据 而不是反驳它本人用的证据 C 不对    如果你说disputing evidence 你得告诉别人是什么样的证据,有什么样的问题。文中要出现 evidence  和 I think it is a count 单词  明白话的攻能。
Allen's work is arather extreme example of the "country community" school ofseventeenth-century English history whose intemperate excesses in removing allnational issues from the history of that period have been exposed by ProfessorClive Holmes.精读完来确定功能然后才略读 What conclusion can be drawn, for example, from Allen'sdiscovery that Puritan clergy who had come to the colonies from East Angliawere one-third to one-half as likely to return to England by 1660 as werePuritan ministers from western and northern England?  We are not told in what way, if at all, thisdiscovery illuminates historical understanding. Studies of local history have enormously expanded our horizons, but itis a mistake for their authors to conclude that village institutions are allthat mattered, simply because their functions are all that the records ofvillage institutions reveal. 精读略读尺度:就是你有没有具体明白段落的功能

However, overstate:作者不同意DA观点


*功能句3句 观点句一句 后面两段都是为第一句服务的。不是每段都有观点的。

The author of the passage is primarily concerned with
(A) substantiating支持×a claim about ahistorical event
(B) reconciling×调和two opposing ideasabout a historical era
(C) disputing evidence×直说有问题 但功能句们没说他哪个证据有问题呀|evidence theory hypothesis必须在原文找到同义的:sb ,,hypothesize| ascholar uses to substantiate a claim about a historical event
(D) analyzing×没讲分析two approaches toscholarly research and evaluating their methodologies
(E) criticizing a particular study and the approach tohistorical scholarship it represents
只有CE 有负面词

①  逻辑功能>具体细节 ②  整理文章的逻辑框架有助于理清作者的观点及行文思路③  大局观,整体把握文章,不要拘泥于个别段落或个别句子,let it go

 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-27 01:22:47 | 只看该作者
观点1    (举例) → 转折 → 观点2栗子精读? 不 一旦知道它的攻能就不需要精读。
把观点1理解到位;而作者的观点是观点2 (文章是证明自己的观点而不是反驳自己的观点)
背景知识:Customerloyalty programs are attempts to bond customers to a company and its productsand services by offering incentives— such as airline frequent flyer programs orspecial credit cards with valuable benefits—toloyal customers. In support of loyalty programs,传统观点(因为后来作者反驳了)8,2 原则companies often invoke the“80/20" principle, which states that about 80 percent of revenue typicallycomes from only about 20 percent of customers. However,this profitable 20 percent are not necessarily loyal buyers, especially in thesense of exclusive loyalty. 后面是论据了:无转折词了就是论据了。第一段分析完毕了Studies have demonstrated that only about 10percent of buyers for many types of frequently purchased consumer goods are 100percent loyal to a particular brand over a one-year period. Moreover, 100-percent-loyal buyers tend to be light buyers ofthe product or service. “Divided loyalty” better describesactual consumer behavior, since customers typically vary the brands they buy. The reasons for this behavior arefairly straightforward:people buy different brands for different occasions or for variety, or a brandmay be the only one in stock or may offer better value because of a specialdeal. Most buyers who change brands are not lost forever; usually, they areheavy consumers who simply prefer to buy a number of brands. Such multibandloyalty means that one company's most profitable customers will probably be itscompetitors’ most profitable customers as well.
Still,advocates支持者 这里是传统的观点了 of loyalty programs contend that such programs are beneficial becausethe costs of serving highly loyal customers are lower, and because such loyalcustomers are less price sensitive than other customers. 又反驳作者觉得还是自己的好It is true that when there arestart-up costs, such as credit checks, involved in serving a new customer, thecosts exceed those of serving a repeat customer. However,引回来了 it is not at all clear why the costs of serving a highly loyal customer shouldin principle be different from those of serving any other type of repeatcustomer. The key variables driving cost are size and type of order, specialversus standard order, and so on, not high-loyalty versus divided-loyaltycustomers. As for price sensitivity, highly loyal customers may in fact come toexpect a price discount as a reward for their loyalty. 第二段不是二八原则这个东西了,不是每片文章都看清观点, 第一段大方向+第二段大方向= 观点
The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. question the notion that customer loyalty programsare beneficial

B. examine the reasons why many customers buy multiple brands of products

C. propose some possible alternativesXto customer loyaltyprograms

D. demonstrate that most customers are not completely loyal to anyonebrand of product or service

E. compare the benefits ofcustomer loyalty programs with those of other types ofpurchase incentive programs
BD!XMoreover, 100-percent-loyal buyers tend to be light buyers ofthe product or service. 论据不选服务于作者观点.

Why firms adhere to or deviate from their strategic plans is poorly understood. However, theory and limited researchsuggest that the process through which such plans emerge may play a part. In particular, top management decision-sharing—consensus oriented,team-based decision-making—may increase thelikelihood that firms will adhere to their plans, because those involved in the decision-making may bemore committed to the chosen course of action, thereby increasing thelikelihood that organizations will subsequently adhere to their plans.( 第二段,
However, ( 考虑2种可能,反驳和限定考虑C也可以推出B 补充,agreement with reservation )the relationship between top management decision sharing and adherence to plans may be affectedby a strategic mission补充 (itsfundamental approach to increasing sales revenue and market share, andgenerating cash flow and short-term profits). At one end ofthe strategic mission continuum, “build" strategies are pursued when afirm desires to increase its market share and is to sacrifice short-termprofits to do so. At the other end, “harvest" strategies are used when afirm is to sacrifice market share for short-term profitability andmaximization. Research and theory suggest that top management decision-sharingmay have a more positive relationship with adherence to plans among firms withharvest strategies than among firms with build strategies. In a study ofstrategic practices in several large firms, managers in harveststrategyscenarios were more able to adhere to their business plans. As one of themanagers in the study explained it, this is partly because “typically all amanager has to do [when implementing a harvest strategy] is that which was donelast year.” Additionally, managers under harvest strategies may have fewerstrategic options than do those under build strategies; it may therefore beeasier to reach agreement on a particular course of action throughdecision-sharing, which will in turn tend to promote adherence to plans.Conversely, in a “build" strategy scenario, individual leadership, ratherthan decision-sharing, may promote adherence to plans. Build strategies—whichtypically require leaders with strong personal visions for a future, ratherthan the negotiated compromise of the team-based decision—may be most closelyadhered to when implemented in the context of a clear strategic vision of anindividual leader, rather than through the practice of decision-sharing.
后面都是解释strategic mission
Theprimary purpose of the passage is to
A.identify some of the obstaclesX(别人是讨论出一些因素,而这里是识别出一些障碍极端化) that make it difficult for firms to adhereto their strategic business plans 分析为啥公司遵循偏离计划不被理解.第一段给了因素第二段限定又给了一个因素. 而A 是识别出障碍让公司遵循不了计划. two different theoriesX concerning why firms adhere toor deviate from their strategic plans( 只有一个理论,有两个战略)(改成introduce 2 strategies concerning...第二段bulid harvesh 注意这两个第二段提到,但是观点不在于论据观点不在于介绍!!介绍战略是为了证明第二段第一句话) 读结构!!
C. 衡量 方法阿的效用 和第一句不一样!不要只看关键词,要看意思。evaluate the utility of top management decision-sharing as amethod of implementing the strategic mission of a business(坑,第二段:两者之间的关系被第三方影响。 )
D.discuss the respective advantages and disadvantages 没讨论优缺点 of build and harveststrategies among several large firms
E.examine some of the factors that may affect whether or not firms adhere totheir strategic plans 正确 

Anthropologistsstudying the Hopi people of the southwestern United States often characterizeHopi society between 1680 and 1880 as surprisingly stable, considering that itwas a period of diminution in population and pressure from contact with outsidegroups, factors that might be expected to cause significant changes in Hopisocial arrangements.  陈述现象 不知道为啥要陈述这个东西。 
TheHopis' retention(概括上文现象) of their distinctive sociocultural system has been attributedto the Hopi religious elite's determined efforts to 1preserve their religion andway of life, and also to 2a geographical isolation greater than that of manyother Native American groups, an isolation that limited both cultural contactand exposure to European diseases.(本以为第一句无厘头就是结果后来读发现没有论据,根据后面内容纠正预判断 so 传统的观点)  But equally important to Hopi cultural persistence may have been an inherent in their social system that may have allowed preservation of traditions even as the Hopis accommodated themselves to change. For example,the system of matrilineal clans was maintained throughout this period, eventhough some clans merged to form larger groups while others divided intosmaller descent groups. Furthermore, althoughtraditionally members of particular Hopi clans appear to have exclusivelycontrolled particular ceremonies, a clan's control of a ceremony might shift toanother clan if the first became too small to manage the responsibility.Village leadership positions traditionally restricted to members of one clanmight be similarly extended to members of other clans, and women might assumesuch positions under certain unusual conditions.
The passage is primarily concerned with

A. reassessing a phenomenon in light of new findings  首先现象是不变的!没有重新审视现象。应该是提供新的解释而不是新的发现上去重新审视X

B. assessing the relative importance of two factorsunderlying a phenomenon 没衡量相对重要性。

C. examining the assumptions X没提也和evi一样有提示词啊underlying an interpretation of a phenomenon 也没检验现象,因为现象时不变的 为了不iand现象去提供解释

D. expanding on an explanation of a phenomenon equally important to 本来有了解释, 现在有我的解释了

E. contrasting two methods for evaluating a phenomenon 没有提及两个不同方法去衡量现象阿!XXX!

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