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楼主: 珍妮王小钰
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发表于 2017-11-4 14:25:39 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-08-06 20:26:48
本帖最后由 珍妮王小钰 于 2017-9-4 17:25 编辑


 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-13 22:06:33 | 只看该作者
In Borania many people who want to quitsmoking wear nicotine skin patches, which deliversmall doses of nicotine through the skin.  Beginning next month, thesepatches can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.  Althoughnonprescription patches will be no more effective than those obtained byprescription and will be equally expensive背景, |patchmanufacturers are nevertheless predicting that the patches' new nonprescriptionstatus will boost sales, which haveslowed considerably in recent years.
nicotine patches, nonprescriptionà sales+
Which of the following, if true in Borania,most strongly supports the manufacturers' prediction?

A. Most people who wanted to quit smokingand who found the nicotine skin patch helpful in quitting have quit.X 逻辑链无关
B. Nicotine skin patches generally costmore to use than do other typesX of aids that help people to quit smoking. 无关
C. Severalnonprescription aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking have been widelyavailable for a number of years. 不能说明逻辑链
D. Many smokers who want to quit smoking feel that they cannot afford to visit a doctorfor a prescription.= 成本下降,
E. People who use nicotine skin patcheshave approximately the same rate X无关为啥上升of success inquitting smoking as do people who use other aids aimed at helping people toquit smoking.
In parts of South America, vitamin-Adeficiency is a serious health problem, especially among children.  In oneregion, agriculturists hope to improve nutrition by encouraging farmers to plant a new variety of sweet potato called SPK004 that is rich in betacarotene, which the body converts into vitamin A.  The plan has good chances of success, since sweet potato is a staple of the region's diet and agriculture, and the varieties currently grown contain little beta-carotene.
plant SPK004 to improve nutrition
Which of the following, if true, moststrongly supports the prediction that the plan will succeed?

A. There are other vegetablesX currentlygrown in the region that contain more beta-carotene than the currentlycultivated varieties of sweet potato do. 题是新品种的土豆能提供的BC 产生更多VA 营业多 A无关.
B. The flesh of SPK004 differs from不知道偏向性阿, that ofthe currently cultivated sweet potatoes in color and texture, so traditional foods would look somewhat different when prepared from SPK004. 和营A无关
C. For successful cultivation of SPK004, a soil significantly richer in nitrogen is needed than is needed for the varieties of sweet potato currently cultivated in the region. YINGYANG NE ?? 无关 质疑了可行性,削弱项
D. There are no other varieties of sweet potato that are significantly richer inbeta-carotene than SPK004 is. 有没有更营养的土豆和逻辑链SPK004的土豆提高营养无关== 文章不是讨论有没有更好的方式 更好的方案不能说明现在的方案不能达到目的阿 所以没有其他方案也不能起到加强的作用。“没有交通工具比火箭快 也不能说明火箭就可以星际旅行阿”
E. The currently cultivated varieties of sweet potato contain no important nutrients that SPK004 lacks. 排除削弱的可能  SPK004 啥不缺营养。没有营养此消彼长情况。抓住目的: to improve nutrition by
Which of the following most logicallycompletes the passage?
A certain tropical island received fooddonations in the form of powdered milk for distribution to its poorestresidents, who were thought to be malnourished. Subsequently, the rate of livercancers among those islanders increased sharply. The donated milk was probablyto blame: recent laboratory research on rats has shown that rats brieflyexposed to the substance aflatoxin tend to develop liver cancer when fedcasein, a milk protein. This result is relevant because __________.

A. in thetropics, peanuts, a staple of these island residents, support a mold growth that produces aflatoxin
B. the liver is more sensitive tocarcinogens, of which aflatoxin may be one, than most other bodily organs
C. casein is not the only protein containedin milk
D. powdered milk is the most appropriateform in which to send milk to a tropical destination
E. the people who were given the donatedmilk had been screened for their ability to digest milk
A study followed a group of teenagers whohad never smoked and tracked whether they took up smoking and how their mentalhealth changed.  After one year, the incidence of depression among thosewho had taken up smoking was four times as high as it was among those who hadnot.  Since nicotine in cigarettes changes brain chemistry, perhapsthereby affecting mood, it is likely that smoking contributes to depression inteenagers.
预判因果倒置 有因有果等
Which of the following, if true, moststrengthens the argument?
统计学不同群体的比较,调查研究容易出 因果倒置+他因。ex 成绩好 奖学金
A. Participants who were depressed at the start of the study were no more likely to be smokers after one year than those who were not depressed. 排除了它因(因果倒置:抑郁导致抽烟的可能性)抑郁情况
B. The study did not distinguish between participants who smoked only occasionally and those who were heavy smokers.  抽烟和抑郁的逻辑链无关。
C. Few, if any, of the participants in thestudy were friends or relatives of other participants.  无关 身份X
D. Some participants entered and emerged from a period of depression within the year ofthe study.  不能说明什么让你抑郁的阿 和抽i烟关系
E. The researchers did not track use of alcohol by the teenagers. 没追踪就不知道是不是他因阿
Which of the following most logically completes the argument given?

Asthma, a chronic breathing disorder, issignificantly more common today among adult competitive swimmers than it isamong competitive athletes who specialize in other sports. Although chlorine isnow known to be a lung irritant and swimming pool water is generallychlorinated, it would be rash to assumethat frequent exposure to chlorine is the explanation of the high incidence of asthmaamong these swimmers,since           .
Chlorine 不是游泳asthma的原因 (文章意思读错)
(A) young people who have asthma are nomore likely to become competitive athletes than are young people who do nothave asthma. 没说游泳比别的容易得A 
(B)competitive athletes who specialize in sports other than swimming are rarelyexposed to chlorine. 和原文相反
(C) competitive athletes as a group have asignificantly lower incidence of asthma than do people who do not participatein competitive.
(D) until a fewyears ago, physicians routinely recommended competitive swimming to children with asthma, in the belief that this form of exercise could alleviate asthmasymptoms.

(E) many people have asthma without knowing they have it and thus are not diagnosed with the condition until they beginengaging in very strenuous activities, such as competitive athletics. 没法说明游泳运动员高。
Newspaper editor should not allow reportersto write the headlines for their own stories. The reason for this is that, 状语whilethe headlines that reporters themselves write are often clever, what typically makes them clever is that they allude tolittle-known information that is familiar to the reporter but that neverappears explicitly in the story itself.
Which of the following, if true, moststrengthens the argument ?

(A) Thereporter who writes a story isusually better placed than the reporter's editor is to judge what the story's mostnewsworthy features are. 记者对内容认知更高,没提供证据
(B) To write a headline that is clever ,aperson must have sufficient understanding of the story that the headlineaccompanies. 原文没说怎么写标题,而是标题方式为啥不被接受X
(C) Most reporters rarely bother to findout how other reporters have written stories and headlines about the sameevents that they themselves have covered. 记者不在意,而原文是为啥不能被接受
(D) Forvirtually any story that a reporter writes, there are at least a few people whoknow more about the story's subject matter than does the reporter. 和写的标题接受无关
(E)The kind of headlines that newspaper editors want are those that anyone who has read a reporter's story in its entirety will recognize as clever

 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-14 21:25:00 | 只看该作者


(逻辑题 有结论的题一个套路  99% 简化信息提取完逻辑链, 确定好范围就行。careful reading选项理解大意, 就可以对了)
1. Wood smoke containsdangerous toxins that cause changes in human cells. Because wood smoke presentssuch a high health risk, legislation is needed to regulate the use of open-airfires and wood-burning stoves. 风险和立法规范
Whichof the following, if true, provides the most support for the argument above?
1来排除AC 出现的新信息+它和逻辑链没有关系    不知道automobile exhaust by coal-burning stoves情况不知。和逻辑链没关阿 (*对比3题的B 新信息但是和逻辑链有关。)

(A) The amount ofdangerous toxins contained in wood smoke is much less than the amount containedin an equal volume of automobileexhaust. 做饭用的油天然气,立法前和后 wood smoke不会被使用阿,没必要。 削弱了结论。
(B) Within thejurisdiction covered by the proposed legislation, most heating and cooking isdone with oil or natural gas. 无关or OG 削弱, 准备立法的地方,
(C) Smoke produced by coal-burning stoves is significantly moretoxic than smoke from wood-burning stoves.
(D) No significantbeneficial effect on air quality would result if open-air fires were bannedwithin the jurisdiction covered by the proposed legislation. 反了--

(E) In valleys wherewood is used as the primary heating fuel, the concentration of smoke results inpoor air quality. 对的(但没有作用于推理过程哈哈)
排除法    bio=agent+ plastic,no-bio=plastic
2.  One variety of partially biodegradableplastic beverage container is manufactured from small bits of plastic boundtogether by a degradable bonding agent such as cornstarch. 前提Since only thebonding agent degrades, leaving the small bits of plastic, 推出 no less plastic refuse per container isproduced when such containers are discarded than when comparable nobiodegradable containers are discarded. 推理挺隐晦的 不太知道表达啥

Whichof the following, if true, most strengthens the argument above?

(A)   Both partially biodegradable and nobiodegradable plastic beverage containers can be crushed completely flat by refuse compactors. X 这两个东西可以被压平,和产生废弃物 plastic refuse重量和数量没有直接联系 一个纸片和钢铁都可以被压平丫无法推理
(B)   The partially biodegradable plastic beveragecontainers are made with more plastic 可能有关than comparable nobiodegradable ones in order to compensate for the weakening effect of thebonding agents.|  bio(2kg)=agent(0.1kg) + plastic(1.9kg)  non-bio(2kg)= plastic(2kg) 1.9=2? B 给了答案, more plastic=0.1 就配平了。用排除法把|
(C)   Many consumers are ecology-minded and prefer to buy a product sold in thepartially biodegradable plastic beverage containers rather than in nobiodegradable containers, even if the price is higher. X顾客更偏向买啥和逻辑链无关阿(我们讨论时丢弃完plastic refuse的重量含量)
(D) X The manufacturing process for the partiallybiodegradable plastic beverage containers results in less plastic waste thanthe manufacturing process for no biodegradable plastic beverage containers. 虽然出现了关键词,但是是无关 文中是“are discarded“用完后 生产过程的无关
(E)   Technological problems with recycling currently prevent the reuse as food or beveragecontainers of the plastic from either type of plastic beverage container. recyclingX 和逻辑链无关

3.Excavation of the ancient city of Kourionon the island of Cyprus revealed a pattern of debris and collapsed buildingstypical of towns devastated byearthquakes. Archaeologists have hypothesized that the destruction was due to a major earthquake known to have occurred near the island in A.D. 365.
动脑— 破题点: 第一句就知道被地震破坏 而第二句啥也没讲就知道是365年的地震。 关键是时间节点 为啥是365年的地震而不是其他时间的地震 。

Whichof the following, if true, most strongly supports the archaeologists'hypothesis?

(A)   Bronze ceremonial drinking vessels that areoften found in graves dating from years preceding and following A.D. 365 were also found in several graves near Kourion.X 削弱,365年之后的地震导致,DE同理 证明不了365年发生的地震破坏的地方
(B)   No coins minted after A.D. 365 were found in Kourion,but coins minted before that year were found inabundance.coins是和逻辑链相关的, after A.D. 365before that year 证明了节点  地震后震没了,
(C)X   Most modern histories of Cyprus mention thatan earthquake occurred near the island in A.D. 365. 重复提干信息阿。和文章说的一样啊,没有证明  破题不在于365年后没有发生地震,在于为什么是365年的地震,  为啥不是361360  B补充了时间节点的跳跃
(D)   Several small statues carved in stylescurrent in Cyprus in the century between A.D. 300 and A.D. 400 were found in Kourion.
(E)   Stone inscriptions in a form of the Greekalphabet that was definitely used in Cyprus after A.D. 365 werefound in Kourion.

The explanation given by OG is good but a little ambiguous. The fact thatbuilding and other stuff are devastated in not in dispute. Just diagram the stimulus.

PremiseExcavation of the ancient city of Kourion on the island of Cyprus revealed a pattern of debris and collapsed buildings typical of townsdevastated by earthquakes.

ConclusionArchaeologists have hypothesized that the destruction
was due to a major earthquake known to haveoccurred near the island in A.D. 365.

How can you just refer to the information about earthquake and then conclude that the building were devastated by an earthquake in AD365????focus on this time!)

C choiceAD 365 did experience an earthquake. But when you add this information into the argumentcan the conclusion be drawn?(Why can the building be devastatedby other earthquake in other period?)

It is the time that matters theargument but not the occurrence of earthquake. Foucs on the gap on the argument
和75题的加强结论 pay for those(renovations) and all other proposedX[size=13.3333px] renovations without negative influence on its tight budget.        一样的,当时是B的同义解释,但是意思是完整的丫,这里选错的话就是没有注意到B的重点修饰 in A.D. 365的完整性。mark~~~~~~~~~

4.The use of growth-promoting antibiotics in hog farming can weaken theireffectiveness in treating humans because such use can spread resistance to those antibioticsamong microorganisms.But now the Smee Company, one of thelargest pork marketers, may stop buying pork raised on feed containing theseantibiotics. Smee has 60 percent ofthe pork market, and farmers who sell to Smeewould certainly stop using antibiotics in order to avoid jeopardizing theirsales. So if Smee makes this change,it will probably significantly slow the decline in antibiotics’ effectivenessfor humans.

Whichof the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?

(A) Other major pork marketers 有联系的will probably stopbuying pork raised on feed containing growth-promoting antibiotics if Smee no longer buys suchpork. 对推出结论,有加强。正确
(B) The decline in hog growth due to discontinuation of antibiotics can be offset byimproved hygiene.X 增长率下降可以被其他东西所抵消,不关心这点阿和右边逻辑链没关
(C)  Authorities are promoting the use ofantibiotics to which microorganisms have not yet developed resistance.X 现在讨论有抗药性的猪是的抗生素对人类效用的下降
(D)  A phaseoutof use of antibiotics for hogs in one country reduced usage by over 50 percentover five years.一个阶段不起用抗生素在一个特定的国家里面减少50%的使用在未来五年内。内容和S不买抗生素喂养的猪无关阿
(E)  If Smeestops buying pork raised with antibiotics, the firm’s costs will probablyincrease. X不关心公司的成本大幅上升阿, 逻辑链没讨论
5 自己推的时候偷换概念 少见(研究在饭馆显示, 小费属于顾客顾客是付他们的账用现金的顾客,小费倾向更多,当账单是被呈现在一个托盘下面, 托盘有信用卡标志的时候。信用卡给你提示 然后tip more 给定当前的原因是唯一的)
5. Studies in restaurants show that the tips left by customers who pay their bill in cash tend to be larger when the bill is presented on a tray that bears a credit-card logo. Consumer psychologists hypothesize that simply seeing a credit-card logo makes many credit-card holders不够严谨啊啊 willing to spend more because it reminds them that theirspending power exceeds the cash they have immediately available.
more spending power--> tip more 给定当前的前提是唯一的,加强
AC 原因没发生推出结果  无因有果的削弱。意味着有第三个共同原因导致的 tip more 情况。
A.The effect noted in the studies is not limited to patrons who have credit cards.小费给更多的人不局限于有信用卡的人:其他原因导致 削弱 对研究进行解读的 研究对象是 left by customers who pay their bill in cash。 他们可能有信用卡可能没有。
B.Patrons who are under financial pressure from their credit-card obligations tend to tip less when presented with a restaurant bill on a tray with a credit-card logo than when the tray has no logo. 无因无果。less spending power--> tio less
C.In virtually all of the cases in the studies, the patrons who paid bills incash did not possess credit cards.
D.实验范围是现金结账的人啊 In general, restaurant patrons who pay their bills in cash只关心 leavelarger tips than do those who pay by credit card. 不关心用信用卡的人啊
E.The percentage of restaurant bills paid with a given brandX无关 of credit card increases when that credit card's logo is displayed onthe tray with which the bill is presented.
抽时间分析判断一下对每个错误选项判断是否严谨, 分析过程是矫正自己错误想法的过程。使自己想法越来越严谨。

 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-16 16:28:40 | 只看该作者
1. Wood smoke containsdangerous toxins that cause changes in human cells. Because wood smoke presentssuch a high health risk, legislation is needed to regulate the use of open-airfires and wood-burning stoves.
Whichof the following, if true, provides the most support for the argument above?

(A) The amount ofdangerous toxins contained in wood smoke is much less than the amount containedin an equal volume of automobileexhaust.
(B) Within thejurisdiction covered by the proposed legislation, most heating and cooking isdone with oil or natural gas.
(C) Smoke produced by coal-burning stoves is significantly moretoxic than smoke from wood-burning stoves.
(D) No significantbeneficial effect on air quality would result if open-air fires were bannedwithin the jurisdiction covered by the proposed legislation.
(E) In valleys wherewood is used as the primary heating fuel, the concentration of smoke results inpoor air quality.
2.  One variety of partially biodegradableplastic beverage container is manufactured from small bits of plastic boundtogether by a degradable bonding agent such as cornstarch. Since only thebonding agent degrades, leaving the small bits of plastic, no less plastic refuse per container isproduced when such containers are discarded than when comparable nobiodegradable containers are discarded.

Whichof the following, if true, most strengthens the argument above?

(A)   Both partially biodegradable and nobiodegradable plastic beverage containers can be crushed completely flat by refuse compactors.
(B)   The partially biodegradable plastic beveragecontainers are made with more plastic than comparable nobiodegradable ones in order to compensate for the weakening effect of thebonding agents.
(C)   Many consumers are ecology-minded and prefer to buy a product sold in thepartially biodegradable plastic beverage containers rather than in nobiodegradable containers, even if the price is higher.
(D)   The manufacturing process for the partiallybiodegradable plastic beverage containers results in less plastic waste thanthe manufacturing process for no biodegradable plastic beverage containers.
(E)   Technological problems with recycling currently prevent the reuse as food or beveragecontainers of the plastic from either type of plastic beverage container.

3.Excavation of the ancient city of Kourionon the island of Cyprus revealed a pattern of debris and collapsed buildingstypical of towns devastated byearthquakes. Archaeologists havehypothesized that the destruction was due to a major earthquake known to haveoccurred near the island in A.D. 365.

Whichof the following, if true, most strongly supports the archaeologists'hypothesis?

(A)   Bronze ceremonial drinking vessels that areoften found in graves dating from years preceding and following A.D. 365 were also found in several graves near Kourion.
(B)   No coins minted after A.D. 365 were found in Kourion,but coins minted before that year were found inabundance.
(C)   Most modern histories of Cyprus mention thatan earthquake occurred near the island in A.D. 365.
(D)   Several small statues carved in stylescurrent in Cyprus in the century between A.D. 300 and A.D. 400 were found in Kourion.
(E)   Stone inscriptions in a form of the Greekalphabet that was definitely used in Cyprus after A.D. 365 werefound in Kourion.
4.The use of growth-promoting antibiotics in hog farming can weaken theireffectiveness in treating humans because such use can spread resistance to those antibioticsamong microorganisms.But now the Smee Company, one of thelargest pork marketers, may stop buying pork raised on feed containing theseantibiotics. Smee has 60 percent ofthe pork market, and farmers who sell to Smeewould certainly stop using antibiotics in order to avoid jeopardizing theirsales. So if Smee makes this change,it will probably significantly slow the decline in antibiotics’ effectivenessfor humans.

Whichof the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?

(A)  Other major pork marketers will probably stopbuying pork raised on feed containing growth-promoting antibiotics if Smee no longer buys suchpork.
(B)  The decline in hog growth due to discontinuation of antibiotics can be offset byimproved hygiene.
(C)  Authorities are promoting the use ofantibiotics to which microorganisms have not yet developed resistance.
(D)  A phaseoutof use of antibiotics for hogs in one country reduced usage by over 50 percentover five years.

(E)  If Smeestops buying pork raised with antibiotics, the firm’s costs will probablyincrease.
5. Studies inrestaurants show that the tips left by customers who pay their bill in cash tend to be larger when the bill is presented on a traythat bears a credit-card logo. Consumer psychologists hypothesize that simplyseeing a credit-card logo makes many credit-card holders willing to spend more because it reminds them that theirspending power exceeds the cash they have immediately available.
Whichof the following, if true, most strongly supports the psychologists'interpretation of the studies?

A.The effect noted in the studies is not limited to patrons who have credit cards.
B.Patrons who are under financialpressure from theircredit-card obligations tend to tip less whenpresented with a restaurant bill on a tray with a credit-card logo than whenthe tray has no logo.
C.In virtually all of the cases in the studies, the patrons who paid bills incash did not possess credit cards.
D.In general, restaurant patrons who pay their bills in cash leavelarger tips than do those who pay by credit card.

E.The percentage of restaurant bills paid with a given brand of credit card increases when that credit card's logo is displayed onthe tray with which the bill is presented.
7. A study followed agroup of teenagers who had never smoked and tracked whether they took upsmoking and how their mental health changed. After one year, the incidence of depression among those who had taken upsmoking was four times as high as it was among those who had not.  Since nicotine in cigarettes changes brainchemistry, perhaps thereby affecting mood, it is likely that smokingcontributes to depression in teenagers.
smoking--> depression    加强它就是 等于它smoking是唯一原因
Which  of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

(A)   Participants who were depressed at the startof the study were no more likely to be smokers after one year than those whowere not depressed. 因果倒置 排除了这个因素.
(B)   The study did not distinguish between participants who smoked only occasionally andthose who were heavy smokers. 没讲过, 就讨论smoking这个动作而已
(C)   Few, if any, of the participants in the study were friends or relatives of otherparticipants. 不关心
(D)   Some participants entered and emerged有时进入有时出来 from a period of depression within 实验开始后的情况the year不知道他抽烟没 of the study. 不关心实验进程.
(E)   The researchers did not track use of alcohol 无关by the teenagers.

 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-16 20:52:24 | 只看该作者
9. Severalindustries have recently switched at least partly from older technologies powered by fossil fuels to new technologies poweredby electricity烧燃料吗?. It is thus结论 evident that less fossil fuel is being usedas a result of the operations of these industries than would have been 虚拟used if these industries had retained theirolder technologies.
Which ofthe following, if true, most strengthens the argument above?
AMany ofthe industries that have switched at least partly to the new technologies have increased their output.  
BXLessfossil fuel was used to manufacture the machinery 制造机器employed in the new technologies than wasoriginally used to manufacture the machinery employed in the oldertechnologies. 生产新旧技术所制造机器的油耗跟,新旧技术应用的油耗有毛关系;
CMoreelectricity is used by those industries that have switched at least partly tothe new technologies than by those industries that have not switched.  
DSome ofthe industries that have switched at least partly to the new technologies stilluse primarily technologies that are powered by fossil fuels.  分析D选项:无关
EThe amount of fossil fuel used to generate the electricity needed topower the new technologies is less than the amount that would have been used topower the older technologies.
6001. Near Chicago a newly builthydroponic spinach "factory," a completely controlled environment forgrowing spinach, produces on 1 acre of f分 loor space sth thing that= what it takes 100 acres of fields to produce. Expenses,especially for electricity, are high, however, and the spinach produced costsabout four times as much as washed California field spinach, the spinachcommonly sold throughout the United States.
成本 4却有利润 gap 在收入。
Whichof the following, if true, best supports a projection that the spinach-growingfacility near Chicago will be profitable?
AOncethe operators of the facility are experiencedtheywill be able to cut operating expenses by about 25 percent.  依然3==
BThereis virtually no scope for any further reduction in the cost per poundfor California field spinach.  
CUnlike washed field spinach, thehydroponically grown spinach is untainted by any pesticides or herbicides andthus will sell at exceptionally high prices to such customers as health foodrestaurants.   但我超时了
DSincespinach is a crop that ships relatively well, the market for the hydroponicallygrown spinach is no more limited to the Chicago area than the market forCalifornia field spinach is to California. 运输无障碍也带来不了利润啊 无关
EAsecond hydroponic facility is being built in Canada无关文章的芝加哥, taking advantage of inexpensive electricityand high vegetable prices.

8. Inparts of South America, vitamin-A deficiency is a serious health problem,especially among children. In one region, agriculturists are attempting to improvenutrition by encouraging farmers to planta new variety of sweet potato called SPK004 that is rich in beta-carotene, whichthe body converts into vitamin A. The plan has good chancesof success, since sweet potato is a staple of the region's diet andagriculture, and the varieties currently grown contain little beta-carotene.
3分半==plant SPK004—improvenutrition   vitamin A和营养~还有其他丫||会种然后能长人会吃能改善营养improvenutrition
Which ofthe following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that the planwill succeed?
AThegrowing conditions required by the varieties of sweet potato currentlycultivated in the region are conditions in which SPK004 can flourish.  
BThe fleshof SPK004 differs from that of the currently cultivated sweet potatoes in colorand texture, so traditional foods would look somewhat different when preparedfrom SPK004.  
CX There are no other varieties of sweet potatothat are significantly richer in beta-carotene than SPK004 is. 能不能达到目的,而这里是其他的方案。开车上班能不迟到VS坐地铁会更快。关心的是上班能不迟到- - 无关 不管谁更好更坏or 没有其他的XX\方案了 这些都是无关选项
DThevarieties of sweet potato currently cultivated in the region contain someimportant nutrients that are lacking in SPK004.
EThere areother vegetables currently grown in the region that containmore beta-carotene than the currently cultivated varieties of sweet potatodo.  
分析E选项 无关,vegetables 不替代主食丫,即使有菜还需要补充VA阿。 无关
AThere areother vegetables无关 currentlygrown in the region that contain more beta-carotene than the currentlycultivated varieties of sweet potato do.
BThe fleshof SPK004 differs from that of the currently cultivated sweet potatoes in colorand texture, so traditional foods would look somewhat different无关when prepared from SPK004.  
CForsuccessful cultivation of SPK004, a soil significantly richer in nitrogen isneeded than is needed for the varieties of sweet potato currently cultivated inthe region.  削弱 种不成了
DThere areno other varieties of sweet potato that are significantly richer inbeta-carotene than SPK004 is.  其他方案不管好不好都无关。
EThe currently cultivated varieties of sweetpotato contain no important nutrients that SPK004 lacks.  

10. In thepast year Harborville has had an unusually high rate of new cases of a certaindisease. An investigation revealed that over the past five years Harborville'spublic water supply has had a high level of pollutants. Medical researchershave hypothesized that Harborville's water is responsible for the high rate ofnew cases of the disease. 原因加强 A排除C,  A-->B 同因同果, 无因无果. (PS: 削弱: 反因同果,因果倒置哈哈)
3分 有因有果 当唯一原因存在的时候必然结果也存在 (E:A考了770其他人也考了770)
  F无因无果 是当唯一原因不存在的时候必然结果也不存在 (E:  CDE没来这考了500)
Each ofthe following, if true, provides additional support for the researchers'hypothesis EXCEPT: 削弱 Or无关
AMost ofthe people afflicted with new cases of the disease had regularly drunk largerquantities of Harborville's water than had other Harborville residents.  
分析A选项: 加强同因同果:得病人喝水多,反因反果:不得病的人喝水少  
BThe sametype of pollutants that were found in Harborville's water have independentlybeen linked to occurrences in other towns of high rates of the disease.  
CSome ofthe people with newly diagnosed cases of the disease began to develop thedisease before Harborville's water became polluted.  
分析C选项: 反因同果,没这个水也得病了,削弱项
DThe rateof new cases of the disease among residents of Harborville who get their waterfrom private sources is not unusually high.
分析D选项:  无因无果加强 没有喝这个水的原因就没有这个结果.
ETownswith geographic and demographic characteristics similar to those of Harborvillebut without polluted water do not have as high a rate of the disease as doesHarborville. 无因无果加强
有因有果 当唯一原因存在的时候必然结果也存在 (E:A考了770其他人也考了770)
  F无因无果 是当唯一原因不存在的时候必然结果也不存在 (E:  CDE没来这考了500)

 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-28 13:03:49 | 只看该作者
阅读速度慢: 词汇语法 句式构架!//读的内容太多了:解题方法不熟
N2 选项的出法~
Content A是 论证部分-事实陈述
81 129 BF:判断他是事实还是观点陈述。
Historian: In the Drindian Empire, censuses were conducted annually to determine thepopulation of each village.  Village census records for the last half ofthe 1600’s are remarkably complete.  (客观事实)This very completeness makes onepoint stand out; in five different years, villages overwhelmingly reportedsignificant population declines.  Tellingly, each of those five yearsimmediately followed an increase in a certain Drindian tax.  This tax,which was assessed on villages, was computed by the central government usingthe annual census figures.  Obviously, whenever the tax went up, villageshad an especially powerful economic incentive to minimize the number of peoplethey recorded; and concealing the size of a village’s population fromgovernment census takers would have been easy. (观点:) Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the reported declines did not happen.
记忆一般=理解读不懂文章:记有效笔记BF1:A事实  BF2:B观点。
solution: 学会句式表达就能读懂了(考试是塑料板)
In the historian’s argument, the two portions in boldface play whichof the following roles?
A The firstsupplies a context文字性质~A(前半段:context=上下文背景,属于事实陈述属于A属于论证部分内容;)/ for为了(context 是去支持历史学家论证) the historian’s argument(说明和历史学家论证方向一致)(BF1文字性质+论证方向)//;the second acknowledges aconsideration/ that has been used to argue against(反向了,反对史学家观点不一致 the position the historianseeks to establish.(前半段: 承认consideration 因素代表原因的,原因是放在A的文字性质;后半段是..(依然符合套路:BF1文字性质+论证方向) 考点是两句话的文字性质和论证方向 不一定要把全文都读懂!目的性要强:读完整两个BF所在句子。
B The firstpresents evidence论证,对 to support the position that the historian seeks toestablish; the second acknowledges a consideration(错误) that has been used to argue against(错误) that position.
C The first provides a context for certain evidence that supports the position that the historian seeks to establish相同方向; the second is that position.  (代词只能就近指代不会跳到文章里,这里一定是本句话里的第一个 supports 的the position:历史学家证明的观点,方向性质都对的
D The first is a position (观点,性质错了)for which the historian argues; the second is an assumption(假设假定是既可以做观点也可以做论证,没有错的情况但不是一定对) thatserves as the basis of that argument.
E The first is an assumption that the historian explicitly makes in arguing for a certainposition对; the second acknowledges a consideration(原因,错) that calls that assumptioninto question.
1.考点 文字性质+论证方向(反对or一致)
2 解题流程:怎么研究解题方法?先读问题

  •   问题 关注:1题型(问题中体现)bold face

                  2 问题开头=选项作者观点的表述词       
EX:The first suppliesa context for the historian’s argument??(事实论证为了支持作者观点的方向一致); the second acknowledges a consideration that has beenused to argue against (反对错误)the position the historian seeks to establish. (BF2承认了一个因素:就是写一个因素/围绕一个因素写的啊掌握选项意思:论证因素consideration“考虑到的”不要受中文意译影响比如argue that 后面是支持,argue是支持的意思诶:因素这里错了表示原因,而BF2是观点,B,错误)
问题 In the historian’s argument,   说明历史学家写的-文章作者啊!


  • 文章 完整两个BF所在句(然后结合文字性质和论证方向的考点)                                                                                           前提A:事实客观陈述
                判断BF文字性质和论证方向(干脆点)                                                                                                                             结论B:主观态度表达          论证:if, for example
BF1 Village census records for the last half of the 1600’s are remarkably complete.A                                                                          观点3个标志词一定要记住!后面也用                       
BF2  Therefore观点 , it is reasonable好坏对错 to think that认为 the reported declines did not happen不想读意思就用3个标志
             判断文字性质:                                                                                                                                                                                         2正常人 结论/观点/认为标志词
             论证方向:转折词   (为啥用转折词因为作者观点在转折后)                                                                                                       1 结论词+that:  think, claim,suggest however, but, yet,nevertheless, nonetheless (even though, although不是还是回到原观)                                                                         ,conclude;can be made that +观点,
            BF// BF前面不一致,后面一致;                                                                                                                                                       it is likely that +观点;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2 therefore,  hence, thus,
   3.容易出错(选项)                                                                                                                                                                                   consequently,clearly,obviously
  留下文字性质(事实or观点)和论证方向没有错的选项                                                                                                                             3 好坏对错果关系 (认为对的错的;
  (论证方向去支持别人,无性质N若被论证支持就是观点)没有错的选项                                                                                                     因果关系的建立是观点)(单纯的原因是客观)                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (我出现B出现客观,我出现是B出现的原因)


  Hunter: Hunters alone are blamed for the decline in Greenrock National Forest’s deer population over the past ten years. Yet(转折//Bclearly观点, tigers have also played an important(重要:好坏对错观判断) role in this decline. 从意思上play an role in老虎决定了下降是因果关系表达 In the past ten years, the forest’s protected black bear population has risen sharply, and examination of black bears found dead in the forest during the deer hunting season showed that a number of them had recently fed on deer.

  In the hunter’s argument, the boldface portion plays which of the following roles?

  • 注意:容易在选项判断上错 是表示观点还是论证??

  A. It is the main conclusion of the argument.(这个文章主结论:结论是表示观点的1性质;方向是argument也是表示作者观点2和作者方向一致)bingo~

  B. It is an objection that has been raised against the main conclusion of the argument.(objection反对的意见和观点,性质是对的因为是观点;但是他和作者观点相反错误yet//B)

  C. It is a judgment that the argument opposes.(观点性质对;oppoes错了,应该要和作者方向一致)

  D. It is a finding that the argument seeks to explain.(发现 finding是事实)

  E. It provides evidence in support of the main conclusion of the argument.(“提供论证evidence”错误!)

1% 2个转折:有个是论证上面的转折(EX:那天不但下着语还刮着风)不属于文章观点转折要看清哦!把两个转折都看下,哪个是观点,哪个是论证
126题2转折 第一个BF坑定在转折后面,第二个BF也坑定是转折后,不用去读这两个BF了不管谁是论证转折谁是观点转折反正他们都在转折后面【老师教的精华:判断BF在观点转折前还是后!】
1% 出现两个选项性质和方向都没有问题,这时要通过选项之间的不同点去看哪个选项更符合文章的说法。

 Paleontologist: About 2.8 million years ago,many species that lived near the ocean floor suffered substantial populationdeclines. These declines coincided with the onset of an ice age. The notionthat cold killed those bottom-dwelling creatures outright is misguided,however; temperatures near the ocean floor would have changed very little.Nevertheless/However,A 后面是主要结论通过意思判断,阅读理解能力:the cold probably did cause (观点)the population declines, thoughindirectly. Many bottom-dwellers depended for food on plankton, small organismsthat lived close to the surface and sank to the bottom when they died. Mostprobably, the plankton suffered a severe population decline as a result of (观点,因果关系)sharply lower temperatures at the surface, depriving many bottom-dwellers offood.
  In thepaleontologist's reasoning, the two portions in boldface play which of thefollowing roles?
  (A) The firstintroduces the hypothesis(观点) proposed by the paleontologist(方向对); the second is ajudgment (主观判断,观点对)offered in spelling out推理出得出 that hypothesis.(得出上面的BF方向对)
  (B) The firstintroduces the hypothesis proposed by the paleontologist对; the second is aposition观点 that the paleontologist opposes(错.因为转折后面一定是作者的方向)
  (C) The first is anexplanation(人的观点) challenged (错误,应该是支持)by the paleontologist; the second is an explanationproposed by the paleontologist.
  (D) The first is ajudgment观点是被提出来去支持作者结论,被P得到的结论(间接性的结论有明确的名词judgment表达它的性质) advanced in support of a conclusion reached by the paleontologist方向对的; thesecond is that conclusion也对.
  (E) The first is ageneralization put forward by the paleontologist; the second presents certainexceptional cases in which that generalization does not hold.
看两个选项不同点,回原文找对应。到底谁是间接结论哪个是主要结论?!读!however后面是主要结论通过意思判断 ∴A
SC: 穿衣服的人就能进去,如果不去研究原理 ,只是总结表象是错误!考点                                                                              
  • an assumption(假设假定是既可以做观点也可以做论证,没有错的情况但不是一定对)
  • BF:判断他是事实还是观点陈述。
  • 1% :2个转折:有个是论证上面的转折(EX:那天不但下着语还刮着风)不属于文章观点转折要看清哦
  • 精华:判断BF在观点转折前还是后!
  • 1分钟是优势时间
 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-29 01:08:17 | 只看该作者
削弱。 (比加强多了1个) 
1. Tiger sharks are common in the waters surrounding Tenare Island.  Usually tiger sharks feed on smaller sharks, but sometimes they have attacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare's beaches.  This has hurt Tenare's tourism industry, which is second only to its fishing industry in annual revenues.  In order to help the economy, therefore, the mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly calls into question the likelihood that implementation of the mayor's proposal will have the desired consequence?

(A) Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists.
(B) Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program.
(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.
(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island‘s fisheries.
(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing.
1. Tiger sharks are common in the waters surrounding Tenare Island.  Usually tiger sharks feed on smaller sharks, but sometimes they have attacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare's beaches.  This has hurt Tenare's tourism industry, which is second only to its fishing industry in annual revenues. In order to help the economy, therefore, the mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly calls into question the likelihood that implementation of the mayor's proposal will have the desired consequence?
(A) Even if not all Xthe tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, 前提错了但后面的是加强俄ithe existence of the program would reassure tourists.
(B) Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program.
(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.
(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island‘s fisheries.
(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing.看清楚阿,它不是逻辑链阿。
2. To prevent a newly built dam on the Chiff River from blocking the route of fish migrating to breeding grounds upstream, the dam includes a fish pass, a mechanism designed to allow fish through the dam. Before the construction of the dam and fish pass, several thousand fish a day swam upriver during spawning season. But in the first season after the project’s completion, only 300 per day made the journey. Clearly, the fish pass is defective.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A)  Fish that have migrated to the upstream breeding grounds do not return down无关 the Chiff River again. 
(B)  On other rivers in the region, the construction of dams with fish passes has led to only small decreases in the number of fish migrating upstream. 没有 compare similar的
(C)  The construction of the dam stirred up potentially toxic river sediments that were carried downstream.
(D)  Populations of migratory fish in the Chiff River have been declining slightly over the last 20 years.
(E)  During spawning season, the dam releases sufficient water for migratory fish below the dam to swim upstream. 加强(这道题需要解释的是为什么从下游到上游的鱼的数量会减少。题目给出的结论是这个dam自身问题导致了前面那个现象。你所能做的是找出其他原因说明不是dam导致的。E选项:dam放水使得下游的鱼更容易游向上游。那这么说的话鱼应该增多啊,为什么结果鱼还是减少了呢?不能用dam的优点来weaken这个dam存在defective,你需要weaken的是作者由P推出C的这个逻辑关系,而不光是这个结果。你光说它好是没用的。) 
前提(果):in the first season after the project’s completion, only 300 per day made the journey.
结论(因):the fish pass is defective.
D就是一个“他因”:之所以只有300条鱼通过,不是因为fish pass不好,是因为其他的鱼都被毒死了。

3. Unlike the wholesale price of raw wool, the wholesale price of raw cotton has fallen considerably in the last year. Thus, although the retail price of cotton clothing at retail clothing stores has not yet fallen, it will inevitably fall.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
(A)  The cost of processing raw cotton for cloth has increased during the last year.指出其他方面价格上升
(B)  The wholesale price of raw wool×is typically higher than that of the same volume of raw cotton×.
(C)  The operating costs of the average retail clothing store have remained constant during the last year.
(D)  Changes in retail prices always lag behind changes in wholesale prices.

(E)  The cost of harvesting× raw cotton has increased in the last year.  harvest|| 销售  前提之前&结论之后和前提结论有点关系 这时要扣住它的推理过程来看。×  |   |  ×|   

2. To prevent a newly built dam on the Chiff River from blocking the route of fish migrating to breeding grounds upstream, the dam includes a fish pass, a mechanism designed to allow fish through the dam. Before the construction of the dam and fish pass, several thousand fish a day swam upriver during spawning season. But in the first season after the project’s completion, only 300 per day made the journey. Clearly, the fish pass is defective.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A)  Fish that have migrated to the upstream breeding grounds do not return down the Chiff River again.
(B)  On other rivers in the region, the construction of dams with fish passes has led to only small decreases in the number of fish migrating upstream.
(C)  The construction of the dam stirred up potentially toxic river sediments that were carried downstream.
(D)  Populations of migratory fish in the Chiff River have been declining slightly over the last 20 years.
(E)  During spawning season, the dam releases sufficient water for migratory fish below the dam to swim upstream.

3. Unlike the wholesale price of raw wool, the wholesale price of raw cotton has fallen considerably in the last year. Thus, although the retail price of cotton clothing at retail clothing stores has not yet fallen, it will inevitably fall.√

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

(A)  The cost of processing raw cotton for cloth has increased during the last year.
(B)  The wholesale price of raw wool is typically higher than that of the same volume of raw cotton.
(C)  The operating costs of the average retail clothing store have remained constant during the last year.
(D)  Changes in retail prices always lag behind changes in wholesale prices.
(E)  The cost of harvesting raw cotton has increased in the last year.
4. In the nation of Partoria, large trucks currently account for 6 percent of miles driven on Partoria’s roads but are involved in 12 percent of all highway fatalities.  The very largest trucks—those with three trailers—had less than a third of the accident rate of single- and double-trailer trucks.  Clearly, therefore, one way for Partoria to reduce highway deaths would be to require shippers to increase their use of triple-trailer trucks.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A)   No matter what changes Partoria makes in the regulation of trucking, it will have to keep some smaller roads off-limits to all large trucks.
(B)   So far only the best, most experienced drivers for Partorian trucking companies have been driving triple-trailer trucks.
(C)   Very few fatal collisions involving trucks in Partoria are collisions between two trucks.
(D)   In Partoria, the safety record of the trucking industry as a whole has improved slightly over the past ten years.
(E)   In Partoria, the maximum legal payload of a triple-trailer truck is less than three times the maximum legal payload of the largest of the single-trailer trucks.

发表于 2018-2-7 16:35:46 | 只看该作者
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